Showing posts with label Call. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Call. Show all posts

Thursday, October 18, 2018

CALL: Citizen journalists, journalism students, or freelance journalists at any age (Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia) or from Russia - for Online story competition – Call for works/articles - []

!!! Follow your “Traces Of Togetherness”!!!

Online story competition for citizen journalists, students of journalism and freelance journalists, no age limit [in deutsch:]

Period: September, 27th – October, 27th 2018

Deadline: 27.10.2018

Are you a curious person? Are you interested to look over the edge of your neighborhood? We would like to invite you to join our network of people who like to search for and share their stories about foreign roots in their own environment.

Who can apply?

We’re looking for citizen journalists or a student of journalism or a freelance journalist from one of the South Caucasian Countries (Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia) and from Russia.
In general you should be an open minded person who like to exchange experiences and opinions with others despite of political, ethnical and /or social differences.

What to apply with?

If you are from Azerbaijan, Armenia or Georgia we would like to watch, see and hear your stories about traces of Russian culture, history, architecture, …. of common roots of each other’s culture in your own environment.
Or if you are from Russia tell your stories about traces of Caucasian cultures.

Send us your personal photo- (JPG or TIFF files) video- / text and/or multi-media story.
The language of your story has to be English or Russian.
Please name your story files: your family name_country code_ (and numbers, if necessary).

Please send your story data via (or another data transfer platform) to

What will happen with your works?

The results will be selected and jugged by a jury of media experts. Most of them will be published on our Kulturaktiv-website ( as well as on our fb-site "Traces of Togetherness". The best fifteen articles will be published in a special brochure which will be released at the end of this year.
The three most convincing stories will be awarded with price money of 100 Euro each.
For further information, please contact:

The competition is organized by NGO Kultur Aktiv e.V. ( based in Dresden/Germany and financed by the Foreign Office of Germany.

Friday, June 29, 2018

CALL: Project Description “Traces Of Togetherness” - Stories of common roots of each others culture in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Russia

Ulyanovsk / RU, 22.08.2018 – 01.09.2018

The project ToT brings together citizens of Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia to find and publish stories of common roots of each others culture.

One goal of the project is to enable people who are interested in story telling to improve their media skills as citizens journalists with the help of professional trainers. These "citizen journalists" will be trained in journalistic photography, videography, writing and multimedia/social media. The stories will be published online and as a brochure.

The second goal is to provide people from the participating countries - which partly face difficult political situations - the posibility to share, on a non-political basis their opinions and get to know each other better.

Five people from each of the countries will meet each other for ten days, End of August 2018 in the Russian city of Uljanovsk to present there stories of traces of Russian culture from their home countries and to research and present stories from traces of Caucasian life in Uljanowsk. Project language will be english (and russian).

Each country – group from the Caucasus will be joined by a mentor who chooses the participating "citizen journalists"  and coordinates the activities of the group in their home countries as well as during the workshop periode in Russia. After the workshop he/she promotes and partialy coordinates the following online story competition in their home countries.

It is also important to know, that the project funding is not 100% certain until now.
I hope to get definite commitments until mid of June....

Three "citizen journalists" and one mentor of each of the following countries:
Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Russia will meet in August in Uljanowsk/ RU to develope and/or improve their journalistic/media skills in text, photography, videography, multimedia storytelling and social media. We look for participants who are interested in journalism/storytelling and are NOT professional journalists. If they have experiences in some of the journalistic technics that would be fine. They also should speak - in best case – both English and Russian or at least one of those languages.

Beside the technical aspects the project aims to promote intercultural understanding and communication as well as empowerment of the members of the civil society.

Therefor the topic of the workshop is "traces of togetherness", wich means that the participants will focus on different traces of other/foreign cultures in their own surroundings. That means specifically that each caucasian country team will research and produce between one and three stories (photostory and/or video and/or text and/or multimedia) about Russian traces in there home countries, which will be shown at the beginning of the workshop stay in Uljanowsk.

In Uljanowsk each group together with Russian participants will research and produce stories about caucasian traces in the City of Uljanowsk.The results will be shown at the end of the stay in Uljanowsk as well. All of the stories will be published online as well as some of them in a publication after the workshop week. To give that project a perspective and to invite more people to start a carrier as citizen journalist in this four countries there will be an open (citizen journalistic) competition in September where everyone who is interested can participate ...

The tasks for the mentor of each country team are basically

•to find and select the participants who are open, interested and willing to be part of this project

•to coordinate the production of the first story(s) which will be produced before August in each country

•to coordinate (partly) the preparation of the travel

•to coordinate (partly) the stay of the group in Uljanowsk and

•to help with the preparation of the story competition after the stay in Russia in their own countries

For the participants/mentors all travel/visa cost and costs of living in Uljanowsk as well as the costs for the journalistic trainer will be covert. The mentors receive an allowance of 600 Euro for the whole project.

So generally we are looking for open minded people who enjoy exchanging there experiences with others despite of political, ethnical and /or social differences.

If you are interested or if you have more questions please email or call me
(Whats App, Messenger, Viber )!
My mobile number is +49 (0) 179 5420 175
All the Best, Matthias Schumann

Funding is the Kulture Aktiv e.V., supported by Department of Foreign Affairs in Germany.

Monday, February 19, 2018

CALL FOR APPLICATION: The Marshrutka Project Summer School 2: Eurasian Mobilities in a Global Perspective (

Organisers: Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography (IfL), Leipzig, Germany
Tbilisi State University (TSU), Tbilisi, Georgia
Location: Tbilisi and Kazbegi, Georgia
Dates: June 25-30, 2018

Photo: Nicholas Johnson: Marshrutka from Yerevan / Flickr Gallery:
Summer School Goals
The PhD Summer School is embedded in the research project Fluid mobilities for cities in transformation: spatial dynamics of marshrutkas in Central Asia and the Caucasus (Marshrutka Project). Within the scope of the project, we want to gain insights into transformation processes through the lens of changing mobility practices.

The summer school on Eurasian Mobilities in a Global Perspective invites advanced doctoral students, post-doctoral and early career-researchers from diverse disciplines, such as geography, urban studies, anthropology, social and political sciences, to contribute to two thematic packages:
– Mobilities and socio-spatial change in Eurasian Cities
– Informal transport and ride-sharing the global North and South
The primary goal of the summer school is to initiate collaborative publication projects related to the two thematic packages. We therefore expect a full paper draft to be submitted timely before the start of the summer school, in order to advance the joint publication project in relevant high-profile journals. Building on this, the summer school offers [1] an opportunity to share, discuss, and receive feedback for publication drafts, [2] training sessions on publishing and career planning, [3] thematic keynote talks, and [4] mobility-themed field trips, and last but not least, [5] a few day’s long retreat to the mountainous town Stepantsminda (Kazbegi).

The summer school is designed to encourage transnational interdisciplinary discussions, and provide high-impact feedback and networking opportunities for its participants. Besides offering a unique and understudied thematic focus, we offer a cosy and thorough working environment. The summer school participants will consist of five project-funded PhD students and two post-doctoral researchers, ten external doctoral students and early career researchers (please see information on funding opportunities below), ten senior academic project partners from Kyrgyz, Kazakh, Tajik, Russian, Georgian and German academic institutions, international and local keynote speakers, trainers and stakeholders.

About the Marshrutka Project

Minibuses locally known as marshrutkas are a common sight in urban and rural landscapes of Central Asia and the Caucasus. The Marshrutka project deals with the role of the marshrutka mobility phenomenon in the production of post-Soviet urban spaces, in and beyond Central Asia and the Caucasus. It provides an empirically founded contribution to the larger discussion on post-Soviet transformation, and fosters a still under-represented view on post-Soviet transformation, highlighting – through the lens of the marshrutka phenomenon – the bottom-up and everyday emergence of new orders in the fields of economy, morale, urban development and migration. The project is carried out by means of five complementary PhD projects under supervision of academic project partners; in addition, a post-doc based at the IfL in Leipzig is charged with a cross-cutting research project and ensures the conceptual coherence of the project. The project sees its outcomes in terms of a solid and sustainable transfer of knowledge and methods, from German partners towards the academic institutions in the target regions, and vice versa, strengthened local research capacities and infrastructures, and long-lasting research cooperation. The project has started in late 2015, and will be entering into its final phase in 2018. The summer school is therefore designed in order to build upon the research progress done so far, and transform it into high-profile publications, and, furthermore, to strengthen and expand the marshrutka research networks with follow-up projects in mind.

Thematic Focus

The summer school focuses on two thematic packages: [1] Mobilities and multiple transformations in Eurasian Cities and [2] Informal transport and ride-sharing the global North and South. Each package corresponds to the Marshrutka projects’ contribution to two sets of literature: [1] urban geography, anthropology, and political economy of post-socialist states, and [2] critical mobility and critical urban transport studies.

The thematic package mobilities and socio-spatial change in Eurasian Cities will address how changing urban mobility governance and mobility practices relate to – shape and are shaped by – social, economic and political transformations on urban, national and regional levels. This thematic package will focus on, but not be limited, to cities on Eurasian peripheries, primarily Central Asian and South Caucasus cities.
– Sub-topics of the thematic package may include
– Mobility governance and urban economy
– Urban transport and social inequalities
– Transport, urban citizenship and claiming public space
– Intersections of mobility and migration

Informal transport and ride-sharing in the global North and South thematic package will put the research on informal transport, be it marshrutkas, ride-sharing or private taxi sector in Eurasian cities, in dialogue with the research on informal paratransit and new digitally powered ride-sourcing mobility offers in different global regions. This thematic package explicitly welcomes diversity in geographical coverage, and comparisons across cities, as well as across old and new modes of informal transport and ride-sharing practices. Sub-topics of the thematic package include:
– Theories and methods of studying paratransit/informal transport
– Digitalisation of mobility offers
– Transport workers mobilisations
– New chances and inequalities of new mobility offers

Submission guidelines

The application should include a motivation letter, a short CV and an abstract (not more than 500 words) of the paper you are planning to present at the summer school.

Please submit the application to Henri Schauer ( by the 15th of March, 2018.
Selected applicants will be contacted by the 10th of April, 2018.
The full paper drafts should be submitted by May 30th, 2018.

Travel grants

The participation of the Summer School is free of charge. We offer travel grants of up to 400€ to eight selected applicants.

Call for Papers as Pdf-file: CfA draft_Summer School Final [pdf]

Friday, August 04, 2017

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: “My Image of Georgia” workshop (

( In the frame of Georgia being the Guest of Honour country at the 2018 Frankfurter Buchmesse the association kulturkind eV Berlin is organizing an interdisciplinary workshop named ‘My Image of Georgia’ in 2017, 12-14 September. The workshop will take place in Tbilisi, organized in cooperation with the Georgian National Book Center. Georgian illustrators, book artists and children´s book authors are invited to send a call for application. Deadline: August 21, 2017.

Download here: Call for application

The workshop will help to produce a stronger body of work for the presentation of Georgian illustration art at 2018 Frankfurter Buchmesse. Goal is to develop answers to the question: Which image are Georgia and its culture reflecting and how does this image influence its people? We will find various, maybe unexpected answers of what the culture of Georgia characterizes and what it stands for. We work with different creative methods for idea generation and include elements of design thinking. By iterating our results through the whole workshop process, we validate our ideas along the way to find the best solution in the end.

Illustrators are invited to submit their applications for participating in the workshop. Players from the field of book art and children´s literature in general are welcome to participate in the workshop and submit their application as well. The programme is open to applicants who live and work in Georgia and have an affinity to the Georgian culture. Prerequisite for participation are soft skills like empathy, enthusiasm and openness towards experimental strategies for solutions. The number of participants is limited.

The participation is free of charge. Teaching materials and food are included. Participants are responsible for their own travel and lodging.

Monday, May 08, 2017

TBILISI PHOTO FESTIVAL: Original Masterclass with Yuri Kozyrev / Noor Images & Justyna Mielnikiewicz - in villages Shenako, Tusheti, Georgia

For its 8th edition, Tbilisi Photo Festival partners with AtlasGlobal air company to hold in July its Original Masterclass workshops with Yuri Kozyrev/Noor and Justyna Mielnikiewicz - two internationally-acclaimed photographers! Both of them share keen ability to communicate the profound knowledge of photography and are intimately familiar with Georgia.
© Justyna Mielnikiewicz. Women with a Monkey at a beauty trade show. Tbilisi, 2001.

The masterclasses will be held in the remote village of Shenako, 2000 meters high in the Greater Caucasus mountain range. This awe-inspiring hamlet of shepherds and horsemen was chosen for its breathtaking landscape and its photographic legacy in the name of Shalva Alkhanaidze, whose brilliant mid-20th century images of Tushetian life reveal a world of raw passion and somber frankness.

The Masterclass aims both to help photographers develop a personal photographic language and to discover Georgia by exploring one of its most enchanting regions.

In the frame of partnership with Atlasglobal the participants flying from European cities will get - 30% disscount on air tickets!

-10% discount on masterclass price for participants that register before May 15th!

To register, please check the details here and send an email to: Kozyrev/Noor Mielnikiewicz

More information ask Elina Valaite:
Masterclass coordinator (she speaks English, Russian and Georgian).

We hope to host you in Shenako!

Tbilisi Photo Festival 2017
Opening Week September 14 - 19
Tbilisi Night of Photography on September 16

Elina Valaite
Assistant of Artistic Director

Sunday, April 19, 2015

NEWSPAPER: Kaukasische Post (KaPost) bildet Nachwuchs aus (

( Ohne vernünftig ausgebildeten journalistischen Nachwuchs wird auch die KaPost auf Dauer nicht überleben können. Deshalb haben sich Verlag und Redaktion entschlossen, ab Sommer eine praktische Berufsausbildung in der Redaktion der KaPost anzubieten, ähnlich einem Volontariat an deutschen Tageszeitungen. Sie wird zwei Jahre dauern und alle Bereiche des journalistischen Handwerks umfassen. Gesucht werden ein oder zwei georgische Bewerber/Innen mit ausgezeichneten Deutsch-Kenntnissen und Interesse am Beruf. Ideal als studienbegleitende Ausbildung.

Bewerbungen mit Lebenslauf und Arbeitsproben an:

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

CALL: Europe East Culture Programme Coordinator (

( We announce the job vacancy for the position of Europe East Culture Programme Coordinator (part-time). All the details are provided in the link below. I’d be grateful if you could share the information with your friends, partners and contacts who you think might find the opportunity attractive. Deadline for the applications to be submitted is at noon 14 April.

Thank you in advance for all your help.

Best wishes

Maya Darchia | Arts Projects Manager
British Council | 34 Rustaveli Ave | Tbilisi | 0108 | Georgia
T+ 995 32 2 250407/ext.125 | BCTN 828011251

Friday, November 21, 2014

CALL: Applications to United World Colleges (UWC) for 2015-2017 are now open.

Applications to United World Colleges (UWC) for 2015-2017 are now open. Don’t miss your chance to become a part of the UWC community and continue your education in a truly international environment! In 2015 five different UWC colleges offered 8 places for Georgian students. There are places at UWC Adriatic in Italy, UWC Dilijan in Armenia, UWC Pearson College in Canada, UWC Robert Bosch College in Germany and UWC Maastricht in the Netherlands.

UWC was founded in 1962 with the vision of bringing together young people from all over the world and offering an educational experience based on shared learning, collaboration and understanding. UWC delivers a challenging and transformative educational experience to over 7,500 students each year, inspiring them to work towards a more peaceful and sustainable future. UWC has 15 colleges in Armenia, the USA, Canada, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Great Britain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Costa Rica, Swaziland, India, Singapore, Hong Kong and China. All colleges have distinctive characteristics, yet share the same mission and values. More than 50,000 students from over 181 countries have studied at UWC schools, colleges and programmes.

Students from different countries are selected by the National Committees of their home countries. Currently, there are National Committees and selection contacts in over 140 countries. Admission is on a competitive basis, emphasizing applicants’ individual merit and performance. The UWC National Committee of Georgia, established in 2013, is the organization that selects students from Georgia to attend UWC colleges. In 2014, 4 students from Georgia were nominated to 3 different UWC colleges, and in early September they began their studies in Armenia, Great Britain, Germany. The students shared their first impressions about studies at the new college and you can view their feedback here.

The applications to UWC will be accepted until 18 December 2014. In order to apply for 2015 admission to UWC, candidates must meet the following selection criteria:

citizen of Georgia;
your age upon commencing studies (1 September 2015) – 16-18 years;
strong academic aptitude;
fluent English or the ability to learn it;
combination of leadership and high moral traits and commitment to public service.

We look forward to receiving your applications and wish you success in enrollment!

You can learn more about UWC colleges and selection process at UWC Georgia webpage:



Sunday, February 09, 2014

AUSSCHREIBUNG: Konferenz - "Baku. Metropole an der Peripherie?" - in engl. below

Termin der Konferenz: 6.-7. November 2014

Anlässlich der Einführung der Stadtverordnung in den südkaukasischen Städten vor 140 Jahren plant der Stiftungslehrstuhl „Geschichte Aserbaidschans“ der Humboldt-Universität Berlin eine internationale Tagung zum Thema „Baku. Metropole an der Peripherie?“ und lädt dazu recht herzlich interessierte Wissenschaftler ein.

Während in der Geographie der Begriff „Metropole“ sehr große Städte mit überregionaler Bedeutung vor allem in ökonomischer und politischer Hinsicht bezeichnet, beziehen sich die Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften überwiegend auf die kulturelle und politische Bedeutung von Städten. Die geplante Konferenz folgt einem interdisziplinären Ansatz und möchte der neuzeitlichen Entwicklung der Erdölmetropole Baku aus unterschiedlichsten Blickwinkeln nachgehen.

Dabei sind vergleichende Studien zur Geschichte von Städten an Schnittstellen von Imperien für die Zeit vom ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart ausdrücklich erwünscht.

Mögliche Themenfelder:

- Baku als „Technologielabor“ und internationaler Wirtschaftsstandort
- Räumliche und funktionale Strukturen – architektonische Konzepte
- Soziale Dynamiken – Migrationsprozesse
- Herrschaftszentrum und politische Räume
- Baku in regionalen und internationalen Netzwerken
- Kulturelle und religiöse Vielfalt und Differenz
- Deutsche und/oder andere ethnische Minderheiten im städtischen Leben
- Biodiversität – Umwelt – Lebensqualität
- Hauptstadtinszenierungen und Lebensformen
- Historische Perspektiven – Erinnerung – Wahrnehmungsgeschichte

Für die Anmeldung eines Vortrags werden erbeten:
1) Name des Vortragenden / Name of presenter
2) Akademische Position, Institution / Academic position and institutional affiliation
3) Vortragstitel / Title of paper
4) Abstract (ca. 300 Wörter/ no more than 300 words)
5) Kontaktdaten / Contact information (please include e-mail address and telephone number) 

Bitte per E-mail an:
Termin für die Anmeldung: 1. März 2014
Termin der Konferenz: 6.-7. November 2014


Tender of conference “Baku. Metropolis on the periphery?”

On the occasion of the launch of the city ordinance in the South Caucasus cities 140 years ago the endowed chair for the History of Azerbaijan at the Humboldt University Berlin organizes an international conference on “Baku. Metropolis on the periphery?” and cordially interested scientists are invited.

While in geography the term of “metropolis” describes big cities of supranational importance, especially in economic and political terms, the history and cultural studies relate mainly to the cultural and political importance of cities. The scheduled conference follows an interdisciplinary approach and wants to investigate the modern development of the oil city of Baku from different angles. Comparative studies on the history of cities to interfaces of empires for the period from the late 19th Century to the Present are required.

Possible topics:

- Baku as "technology lab" and international business location
- Arial and functional structures
- Social dynamics - migration processes
- Center of power and political spaces
- Baku in regional and international networks
- Cultural and religious diversity and difference
- German and / or other ethnic minorities in urban life
- Biodiversity - Environment - Quality of Life
- Capital city enactment and ways of life
- Historical Perspectives - Reminder - Perception history

For the registration of a presentation are requested:
1) Name of presenter
2) Academic position and institutional affiliation
3) Title of paper
4) Abstract (not more than 300 words)
5) Contact information (please include e-mail address and telephone number)

E-mail to:

Deadline for registration: 1st March, 2014
Date of the conference: 6th-7th November, 2014 
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Philipp Türmer, stud. Hilfskraft am Lehrstuhl für Geschichte Aserbaidschans an der HU-Berlin

Sunday, January 26, 2014

CALL FOR APPLICATION: noor-nikon masterclass (

(noorimages.comNOORNikon and Genis Aci Project Office (GAPO) invite photographers to submit their portfolios for selection for the 2014 NOOR-Nikon Masterclass in Documentary Photography in Turkey.

NOOR photo agency and foundation  and Nikon Europe  support documentary photographers from emerging markets all over the world through the organization of annual motivational masterclasses.

The 2014 program takes place in Istanbul, Turkey, organized in collaboration with Genis Aci Project Office (GAPO)24 March through to 28 March 2014.

The masterclass will be accessible to young and aspiring documentary photographers and photojournalists from the following countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cyprus, Georgia, Greece, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria and Turkey.

During the five days of the workshop, 15 participants, together with three member photographers of NOOR and NOOR’s managing director will share experiences, work on portfolios, improve editing skills and learn how to pick up and develop stories. Each day consists of intensive communication with the photographers on the subjects of technical features and the peculiarities of the international photo market. It is a unique opportunity to gain new knowledge, contacts, learn to tell stories in a visual language and develop a personal vision.

The workshop is free of charge; travel and accommodation costs will be reimbursed (possession of a passport and travel insurance is required to apply).

For submission you are required to have:
• Basic experience in documentary photography or photojournalism;
• A high level of motivation;
• English language skills (the workshop is in English);
• A good technical understanding of your camera equipment, a working knowledge of the media environment and basic image management skills.
 To apply you need to send a PDF file not exceeding 6 MB including:
• A CV including your contact information and a written text explaining your work and projects. Please clarify your involvement in photography by showing a proven track record, proof of a photographic training or at least 1-year experience of practice;
• Motivation letter in English (1 page);
• A portfolio of max. 30 images with text introductions and captions (please show your story telling skills by presenting at least one picture story of 8 images).

Please send your application to: before midnight C.E.T. Monday 10 February 2014.

If sending a PDF creates a problem, we accept links and word documents or alternative formats. For more information contact NOOR via or tel. +31.20.6164040 or Skype: noorimages (Amsterdam).

In case you are selected for the workshop, you will be asked to perform a short assignment to work on before the workshop starts.

Application deadline: 10 February 2014 (before midnight C.E.T.).

Organized with the generous support of Nikon Europe B.V.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

ART IN RESIDENCE: Open Call for Georgian Artists (

Open Call for Georgian Artists 
( K.A.I.R. – Košice Artist in Residence, in collaboration with GeoAIR residency invites artists from Georgia to apply for K.A.I.R. residency. Selected artist will work in Košice on a project reflecting changing environment and the transformation of the city.

Host organization

Košice 2013 – European Capital of Culture (


By now, Košice and whole Eastern Slovakia is one of the most fascinating regions in Europe. Not for nothing, Košice was the “European Capital of Culture” in 2013. During the last centuries, the whole region was influenced by many different kingdoms, countries and cultural groups and still you can feel this multicultural spirit in the city, also because of the huge Hungarian and Roma minorities and the three universities. During the socialistic time, Košice became a centre of steel industry, the population tripled within 3o years. The influence of the former socialistic times, especially in architecture and working infrastructure, still exists. During the last years, Košice, located at the Schengen border, starts a huge transformation process and will become an important cultural hub between east and west in social, political and artistic terms.

Artist in Residence

In the frame of European Capital of Culture the NGO Košice 2013 is running an international Artist-in-Residence-program for the artists from all over the world and out of all artistic disciplines and expressions. We give our residents the possibility to become a cultural pioneer and work in the inspire environment of Košice`s singular cultural surrounding to realize art projects, collaborate with the agile local art scene and present themselves to the local and national public.

We pursuit three main goals within the residency program:

- Support the creative energy of every invited artist and give her/him the chance to work in a new environment and to find (new) artistic ways of expression
- Stimulate the art scene in Košice, in the region and in whole Slovakia. Support the dialogue as well as the confrontation of the residency artists with local artists and the wide public.
- Create/strengthen a beneficial environment for the development of innovative and international contemporary art projects with international and local participants.

According to our main goals, our team will introduce every artist in the social environment of the city and the region and help them to build up networks and collaborations with local artists. We will organise public events like artist talks, projections, workshops, open studios to give all artists the chance to introduce and present themselves to a wide public. A final project/exhibition will show the working process during the stay of each artist.


What we provide

- Two month residency in Kosice, Eastern Slovakia (June and July 2014)
- Free accommodation and studio in Kasárne/Kulturpark, former military barracks renovated into the multi-genre cultural centre ( two room flats are fully furnished with kitchen. The studio is equipped with basic tools and technical equipment.
- Honorary 500€ per month
- Travelling costs maximum 350€
- Material costs 500€
- Production and PR support

What we demand

- We are searching for visual artists from Georgia, who are open to collaborations with local artists. The artist should work on site specific project reflecting changing environment and the transformation of the city.
Artist should be able to know English on at least working level (hosting residency will support with the translations when needed).
- One presentation during the residency and final project/exhibition at the end
- Compulsory attendance
- Presentation/public event about the residency project upon return to Georgia


The application must consist of three PDF files (all written in English and named as below)

- PDF n°1: Curriculum Vitae – a short CV including your name, address, phone, email, educational and exhibition background
- PDF n°2: Letter of motivation and objectives – briefly describe your motivation to come to Košice and first ideas of projects you would like to realise
- PDF n°3: Portfolio – artist statement and presentation of artworks (texts, photos, links tovideo or audio sharing websites: YouTube, Vimeo, Soundcloud etc.)
- Deadline: 31st of January, 10:00 AM 2014 / please send it only via email (subject line: K.A.I.R./GeoAIR application) to

Contact to host organization

- K.A.I.R. Management: Zuzana Kotiková – / 00421915078489
- Online: (official website), (blog), (facebook), (youtube channel)

Monday, January 13, 2014

VOLONTARIAT: Armenien - März 2013

EVS Volontariat in Armenien
2 TeilnehmerInnen für ein spannendes, vielseitiges EVS-Projekt in Armenien gesucht
(ab März 2014, 9 Monate)

Die “Austrian Helsinki Association – For Human Rights and Int.
Dialogue” (Wien) bietet gemeinsam mit einer der führenden Menschenrechtsorganisationen Armeniens, dem “Helsinki Cititzens’ Assembly – Vanadzor office (HCAV)” (, ein European Volunteer Service Volontariat im Rahmen des European Partnership an.
Wir suchen ab März 2014 zwei aufgeschlossene, neugierige und engagierte Person (bis 30 Jahre, nur Englischkenntnisse erforderlich, in Österreich wohnhaft), mit speziellem Interesse für Menschenrechte und internationale Zusammenarbeit, die das HCAV bei seiner vielfältigen Arbeit (Schwerpunkte: human rights, peace building, civil initiatives) unterstützen möchten.

Das Engagement wird über den gesamten Zeitraum von Wien aus begleitet, in Vanadzor stehen Mentoren Rat und Antwort. Die Volontäre soll je nach Kenntnis und Interesse die Organisation bei der Durchführung von Events (zb. Human Rights Film Festival, Int. Human Rights Day) und
praktischer Menschenrechtsarbeit unterstützen. Eine vielseitige Tätigkeit in einem jungen Team garantiert einen spannenden Austausch mit lokalen AktivistInnen, und es bestehen viele Möglichkeiten der persönlichen Weiterentwicklung und Erfahrungssammlung in einer interessanten Umgebung.

Neben einer umfassenden Vorinformation geben wir Unterstützung bei der Reisevorbereitung und ermöglichen ein Treffen mit ehemaligen EVS Volontären in Vanadzor.

Weiters stellt das Programm bereit:
• Eine kompetente, organisatorische Betreuung
• Unterkunft, Verpflegung
• Sprachtraining (Armenisch/Russisch, keine Vorkenntnisse erforderlich)
• Ausreichend Taschengeld
• Fortbildungsmöglichkeiten vor Ort sowie Seminar Teilnahmen mit
anderen Europäischen Freiwilligen (teilweise verpflichtend, in Österreich sowie Tbilisi, Georgien)

Die aufnehmende Organisation hat bereits Erfahrung mit Volontären und bietet die ideale Infrastruktur für einen Einsatz; es handelt sich hierbei um die 3. Runde des erfolgreichen Projekts. Vanadzor ist die 3. größte Stadt des Landes und befindet sich in unweiter Nähe einiger UNESCO Denkmäler Armeniens und ist gut mit Yerevan und Tbilisi öffentlich verbunden.

Für weitere Informationen -, ... 8001041049,

Deadline: 22.01.2013, Rückmeldungen zur Bewerbung sowie Auswahl bis Ende Jänner 2013.
Ansprechperson: Interessensbekundungen (CV sowie kurzes Motivationsschreiben von max. 1 Seite, beides auf Englisch) an:

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

CALL: Regional Cooperation for Peace and Stability, Georgia (

Deadline: 12 January 2014 Open to: residents of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, or Turkey, aged 23–35, holding university degree Venue: 4–12 February 2014, Tbilisi, Georgia


( The Centre for Cultural Relations — Caucasian House, with the financial support of the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office will be conducting a study and dialogue visit (4–12 February 2014) in Georgia. Project aims to promote the regional cooperation between young professionals (civil activists, researchers, analysts, academics, etc.) of the South Caucasus and Turkey in an effort to contribute to integration process between the respective societies. It is our hope that the project will help to foster peace and stability in the region while making a contribution to the integration of these societies.
The process will consist of two components:
  1. Study component: Participants will have the opportunity to receive information on current domestic and foreign policy issues in Georgia, examine the situation of ethnic and religious minorities in the country as well as look at the issues connected to economic development and security through meetings with senior officials, representatives of nongovernmental organizations, and think tanks working in the field.
  2. Dialogue component: Participants will discuss the important issues in the region and in their respective countries. They will deliver presentations based on drafts submitted beforehand on prominent issues in their societies and discuss the possibilities for regional cooperation while working in the group. The presentations and discussions will form the basis for final articles which will be published on the website HERE. The website was developed under the dialogue projects previously implemented by the Caucasian House and serves as an analytical platform for the dialogue among young professionals from the region.


  • Residents of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, or Turkey;
  • Age 23–35;
  • University degree;
  • At least early stage of professional/academic career;
  • Interest in the region of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkey;
  • Proficiency in English.
Selected participants will be required to prepare a draft article. It will be presented during the dialogue and study visit and will form the basis of the final article.


All costs related to transportation, accommodation, and board will be covered by the project.


The application form, CV or résumé, and the optional writing sample should be sent to no later than 12 January 2014, at midnight (UTC +04:00). Shortlisted applicants will be invited to an interview and notified of the selection results by 24 January.
For more information please visit the official website HERE.

Read more:

Saturday, December 21, 2013

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Professor for Caucasus Studies at the FSU Jena (tenured position, W3) at the earliest possible date. (

( Friedrich Schiller University in Jena is seeking to fill a position as Professor for Caucasus Studies (tenured position, W3) at the earliest possible date.

The University Professor will be required to cover Caucasus Studies from an interdisciplinary perspective both in teaching and research; to continue and develop existing teaching and research collaboration with the chair; to master one or more languages of the Caucasus region and to hold a record of third-party funds acquisition. The candidate is required to develop a teaching concept that will strengthen the position of the University's existing BA- and MA education, and he or she must be able to successfully teach students of other disciplines who choose to take courses in Caucasus Studies.

We are looking for a candidate with an academic background in Philology, History or Ethnology who has conducted in-depth research in the region and who is connected to a regional academic network in the Caucasus. Furthermore, we expect the candidate to have experience in interdisciplinary integrated research projects (Verbundforschung) and he or she must have a proven record of the ability to use innovative research designs in outreach activities and publications.

Friedrich Schiller University is an equal opportunity employer, striving to increase the share of women in the university and we strongly encourage women to apply. In case of equal qualifications, applications from challenged persons are favored.

In case of a first-time professorial appointment, employment will be on tenure-track basis.

Please submit your application with the usual documentation (cover letter, curriculum vitae, documents) electronically to

Applications are accepted in German or English. All applications must entail the application form that can be downloaded at

Should you have any queries regarding the position or the selection procedure, please do not hesitate to contact Managing Director (Geschäftsführer) Dr. des. Matthias Braun

phone: +49.3641.9.44000

Primary Category: Area Studies
Secondary Categories: Anthropology
Asian History / Studies
Contemporary History
Cultural History / Studies
Ethnic History / Studies
Intellectual History
Russian or Soviet History / Studies
Posting Date: 12/19/2013
Closing Date: 01/31/2014