Showing posts with label New Art Cafe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Art Cafe. Show all posts

Sunday, June 24, 2012

PRESENTATION: Photo-Project about Belarus. SEVEN different stories by 7 photographers in OAT GALLERY & ART CAFE 144 Stairs.

SEVEN different stories by 7 photographers by

OAT GALLERY & ART CAFE 144 Stairs, Address: silamazis shesaxvevi 14
on FRIDAY, JUNE 29 th, 9 pm. 

The main idea of the project is to show daily life of Belarus, as things seemingly far from politics and Lukashenko’s regime are not usually presented in mainstream media outside the country. A group of seven photographers of different nationalities went to Belarus to find out what is behind the ‘last dictatorship in Europe’ phrase everybody keeps repeating. Getting to know this country turned out to be difficult. As Victor Martinovich writes in his essay, in Belarus you constantly witness endless manifestations of a double system, there are two writers’ unions, from 1996 to 1999 there were even two parliaments ̶ life is hard and at the same time everything is clean and neat in Minsk, when you come for a visit.

Project was supported by the European Cultural Foundation.

Text "A Country of Borders" © Victor Martinovich
Curator: Andrzej Kramarz
Book Concept and Graphic Design: Ania Nałęcka / Tapir Book Design

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

ART: Wear a Pair. 100 years of tango in Europe (

Thursday, May 06, 2010

VORTRAG: Zeitgenössische Kunstszene im heutigen Georgien. Von Rusiko Oat in Wien (

Montag, 17.05.2010, 18:30 Uhr - 20:00 Uhr
Österreichische Orient-Gesellschaft Hammer-Purgstall, Klubsaal

Zeitgenössische Kunstszene im heutigen Georgien
Rusiko Oat, Kunstkuratorin, Kunstkritikerin, Leiterin der New Art Union und des Art Cafe in Tbilisi

zuständiges Referat: Informationszentrum für Zentralasien und Südkaukasien
Abendkarte: € 4 (€ 2)

Im Anschluss an den Vortrag dürfen wir Sie auf ein Gläschen guten georgischen Wein einladen!!

Ich freue mich sehr auf Ihr Kommen!

Ihre Silvia de Carvalho

Österreichische Orient-Gesellschaft Hammer-Purgstall, Dominkanerbastei 6/6,
1010 Wien, Klubsaal

silvia de carvalho
information center for central asia and southern caucasus c/o austrian
association for the middle east
dominikanerbastei 6/6, 1010 vienna, austria
phone: ++43 1 512 89 36 /16

Saturday, December 05, 2009

ART: Show - "Tbilisi 6. Never On Sunday" takes place in Tbilisi (

"Tbilisi 6. Never On Sunday" takes place in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, between December 1st and 7. The show opens each day in different places and includes lectures, performances, concerts, sculptures, publications, presentations, and so on. There is the plan to go to the Caucausian mountains if the weather is good enough (Gudauri and Bakhani). Another project takes in Varketili, in the suburbs of Tbilisi. Most of the activities will be documented on, but you better come and see yourself. Ukranian Airways and Turkish Airways offer affordable flights.

Ei Arakawa, Jensen Barnes, Rachel Berger, Mikael Damstuen Brkic, Alex Chechile, Levan Chogoshvili, Yeju Choi, Cecilia Castro, Jay Chung & Q Takeki Maeda, Bill Dietz, Neil Donnelly, Nikolas Gambaroff, Rezo Glonti and Ani Chorgolashvili, Carla Harryman, Egija Inzule, Ian Jamieson, Hyoun Youl Joe, Thomas Julier, E Roon Kang, Tobias Kaspar, Hilla Katki, Tara Kelton, Emil Michael Klein, Wolasi Konu, Caroline Lavoie, Greg Lindquist, Cecilia Lopez, Tobias Madison, Alexander Moulitsas, Kaspar Müller, Mari Mukai, James Muspratt, New Map of Tbilisi, Lado Oniani, Gela Patashuri, Zak Prekop, Marina Rosenfeld, Emanuel Rossetti, Daniella Spinat, Dan Solbach, Gio Sumbadze, Yasser Suratman, Sergei Tcherepnin, Stefan Tcherepnin, url (urban research lab), Vajiko A.the shark, Mary Voorhees, Ryan Waller

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
16:00 Tbilisi Grishashvili Museum-Library, 1, Algeti Str., presentation by Tea Tabatadze, poetry readings, concert by Sergei Tcherepnin, Ei Arakawa and others. Georgian tea from Mariage Frères.
20:00 New Art Coffee, 31, V. Orbeliani Str.,

Thursday, December 3, 2009
11:00-13:00 „b425“ by Caroline Lavoie, Greg Lindquist, Lado Oniani, New Map of Tbilisi, Gio Sumbadze, "url" (urban research lab), in Varketili District House Varketili-3 IV Microrayon Building 425
14:00 Bath House Dorm Concert, address to be announced
18:30 Subway Station Concert, Rustaveli Ave.
20:00 New Art Cafe, 31, V. Orbeliani Str., Ledentu le Phare, by Zdanevich, reading by Levan Chogoshvili, Luiza Laperadze, Gio Sumbadze, Tea Tabatadze, Marina Vecher and Ia Tavadze / works by Nana Ochiauri / Lux et Veritas, Yale University School of Art Graphic Design Department – 2009 MFA Thesis Show / Concert by Kung Fu Junkie (Tbilisi)
24:00 Inauguration of sculptures by Emil Michael Klein, Tobias Madison/Kaspar Müller, Emanuel Rossetti in a public space, Corner Atoneli Str. / Gogchis Str.

Friday, December 4, 2009
13:30 Tbilisi State Conservatoire Concert, 8 Griboedov Str.
20:00 Vajiko A.the shark, Gallery Academy +, Shardeni Street 19
22:00 Never On Sunday at Cafe PurPur, Gudiashvili Square. Live sets by Dima Dadiani (cumborecords) Margo (datagrama) Gioslavia (netgraphrecords)

Saturday, December 5, 2009
10:00 Performances in Gudauri and Bakhani. Two buses leave at 10:00 from the Freedom Square. We meet at the Pushkin monument in the small park next to Freedom Square.

Sunday, December 6, 2009
13:00 Car Part Market Eliava. Car Part Junk Yard Concert. Mari Mukai presents Eco Film at Car Part Market Eliava.
16:00-19:00 Neri Dari Hostel, Gogoli Street 21, Japanese Hostel Concert & Release party of PROVENCE, issue P, R, with a new tape made by Jay Chung & Q Takeki Maeda for the PROVENCE mix-tape collection. Gogoli Street 21

Monday, December 7, 2009
To be announced

Curated and organized by Ei Arakawa, Daniel Baumann, Ani Chorgolashvili, Nana Kipiani, Gela Patashuri, Gio Sumbadze, Ana Tabatadze, Tea Tabatadze, Sergei Tcherepnin, AIRL and others.

Made possible by
Pro Helvetia, Swiss Arts Council
Kultur Basel-Stadt

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

EXHIBITION: Wolfram Herfurth - Women from Ogadan / Ethiopia / Africa - 23.09.2009 (New Art Cafe -Tbilisi)

Friday, July 17, 2009

EXHIBITION: New Medea art brings artists together (

The second part will start on 26. august until 26. septembre in the "Künstlerhaus Saarbrücken". The title would be there "Tiflis Transfer". Aditional there would are an art-blog with the same title to the art and to the capital of Georgia - Tbilisi. Arround the 22. August you can find more here in this blog.

Print version (
By Anna Chichinadze 10.07.2009

The New Medea Theater Collective launched recently a contemporary art project, whose name alludes to mythology and the reason behind the initiative.
German artist Patricia London Ante Paris, creator and the curator of the project, was disturbed with the distance between artists abroad and in post-Soviet countries. She found it difficult to “reach” Europe for many reasons, with visas topping the list.
Patricia gathered the collective of Georgian artists because she said, “We claim to be democratic countries, but we do not even have the freedom of travel.”
Concerned with this issue, she decided to gather her colleagues to participate in one project.
The first show was held at Tbilisi’s New Art Cafe. The collection will travel to Kuenstlerhaus, Saarbrucken, Germany, in August.
The project is built around the story of the legendary “Golden Fleece.” According to Georgian and Greek legends, Jason and his band of Argonauts arrive to the Kingdom of Colchis — today’s Kolkheti in western Georgia — to find the fleece. Princess Medea helps Jason capture the fleece and later escapes with him. Patricia altered the story as if Jason arrived to the region in search of oil, and Medea promised to help him if he would take the princess and her artist friends abroad.
The exhibition includes all genres of new media, such as video, photography, computer graphics, drawing and mixed techniques.
Sofi Babluani, 22, used a mixed technique to show a woman, Media-Medea Magnate, with a ram in her neck and an oil well in the background. Anthea Nicholson drew two human heads over hills, defining their being as a mix of energy, love and oil. Georgian composer Natia Sartania, also known as “Stia,” provided a rather standard, photographed self-portrait shot in a car mirror, which supposedly reveals the Medea’s feminine nature.
Four videos were also exhibited. In one video, two men in black, motley suits made of paper wave their hands back and forth violently, which expresses confusion over the direction in which oil is flowing.
If one listens with closed eyes Stia’s musical accompaniment creates an ancient atmosphere.
However, the video recalls something more modern and less artistic, perhaps because contemporary art is a tight circle. The collective’s artwork was designed to be small, so it could easily bring the works to Germany, hoping the authors will also follow.
“When the works are exhibited, the artists should be there as well,” painter Nino Chipashvili said. “Otherwise the event will pass without reason. To go further in your work, you need contact, changing ideas and emotions. Offers for future collaborations only come after engaging in personal relations with people in the same space where you show your art.”
“London Ante Paris” is Patricia’s alias which she created for her thesis when graduating from the Munich Arts Academy. She took a new surname, presented as a diploma work, and received an excellent evaluation.
“I like when you cannot read one’s nation, class or race because of a name,” Patricia said, expressing her wish for no boundaries for artists around the world.

Monday, July 13, 2009

PHOTOGRAPHY: Tango Tbilisi in Garikula. By Irma Sharikadze

Irma Sharikadze took photos near the Villa Garikula Her project is calling "Tango Tbilisi in Garikula". But this isn't a fake. Tango is possible in Tbilisi. Nika Lomtadze lived in Berlin and learnt there to dancing Tango. Back in Tbilisi he started Tango Lessons in the New Art Cafe, Orbeliani street. It is an amazing meeting. His german partner Susanne made the couple to a feast for the eyes like the photo by Irma ... When you would like to learning Tango than you can go in the New Art Cafe and ask for Nika!

Three pics from "Tango Tbilisi" >>>

Friday, July 10, 2009

ART: Wato Tsereteli in New Art Cafe. Descriptions: Tbilisi (Almost 15 min video) 2009

New Art Cafe - 12 July 2009 - 20:00 - Orbeliani st 31

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

EXHIBITION: "New Medea theater collectif in a digital-metafisikal state of emergency"

You are cordially invited to the show
"New Medea theater collectif in a digital-metafisikal state of emergency"
in New Art Cafe, 31 Orbeliani st.
on Friday 3rd July at 20:00

New Medea Theater collectif...will be shown in Kuenstlerhaus Saarbruecken (germany) from 26 august to 26 september 2009.

with: Sofia Babluani, Tina Pepperling, Nino Biniashvili, Shalva Calagon, Nino Chiliashvili, Mamuka Japaridze, Patricia London Ante Paris, Anthea Nicholson, Koka Ramishvili, Natia Sartania, Achil Tumanidze, Natia Tzulukidze, Iliko Zautrashvili

Sunday, May 17, 2009

PHOTOBLOG: The photographer Alexander Bagration-Davidoff has got a nice blog with his work (

Some days ago I had a nice time in the NEW ART CAFÉ from Rusiko Oat. I met there my friends Anni Chichinadze from Georgia Today and the young guy Alexander Bagrationi. With Alexander I spoke about the photography in Georgia. Some hours before this meeting he contacted me in facebook and sent it me his Photoblog. His last posted works are from the village is called “sun of suns”, in georgian “Mzetamze”. Another posted series was realized a year ago, somewhere in svanetian mountains, in upper abkhazia, which’s also called Dali’s Gorge. He likes the combination of dangerous, emotionful situations in the metaphor of georgian landscape. Aditional I asked him it is possible to meet Thomas Dvorzak. He said me that he is a good friend of him. But at the time we couldn't meet this photographer from MAGNUM AGENCY. He is at the time in Chechnya for photographing. Here you can see some photos from Alexander Bagrationi on his blog:

Saturday, May 16, 2009

VIDEO ART: Rustavi Extravaganza. Staring Oleg Timchenko. Produced by Hans Heiner Buhr

Last year after the war beetween Russians, Georgians and other people I was together with Hans Heiner Buhr, Oleg Timchenko, Rusiko Oat, Lela Meparishvili, Otari Laliashwili, Murtaz Svelidze, Avto Meskhi and other people in Rustavi. Heiners Idea was to made an artistical short film about a russian soldier. This Russian Soldier was a long time looking for his big enemy. After more than 60 years he hunted out him in the mountains nearby the city Rustavi ... A sneakpreview can you see here. Next time more in the New Art Cafe in Tbilisi.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

TODAY: Tango In Tbilisi

Dear Tangueros y Tangueras,

today, Tuesday, milonga will be in New Art Cafe, Orbelianis st. 31.
8.00 till 9.00, free lesson with basic steps.
from 9.00 free dance for everyone.

Exact description of NewArt cafe in the Attachement.
Looking forward to seeing you

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Some Photos from my last travels in this region. By Ralph Hälbig

Transkaukasien ist ein Land, über das man nicht genügend Worte und Bilder - auch über nichts weiter - verlieren könnte. Die Welt hinter dem unendlichen Theater ist es, die mich interessiert. Nachdem man gestaunt hat und je mehr man dann versucht, alles präzise wahrzunehmen, desto mehr verliert man Zeit, gewinnt Raum und nähert sich einer anderen Wirklichkeit. Es geht darum, der Materie, der Gegenwart ihr Gedächntis zu entreißen, wenn es überhaupt noch von Interesse sein sollte - für mich geht es um eine Expedition in eine phantastische, schöne, aber auch unwirtlichen Umgebung, die manches bereithält aus einer Zwischenwelt, das ich mir schon gar nicht mehr zu träumen wagte.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

ART: New Art Union in Tbilisi

NEW ART UNION (NGO) was established in 1998 (Tbilisi, Georgia) to serve as an advocate for contemporary Art, as a catalyst for the creation of significant art projects.
Such small countries, where economy is on the stage of transformation, are ready to be guided by their cultural traditions for the creation of the basis for economic growth. And, as a result, the organization New Art Union was established in order to help this process in the sphere of art, culture and education and to influence this through our projects. New Art is concerned with promoting skills and vision, necessary to bring the greatest cultural, art and educational benefits to individuals and their societies. The organization is ready to invest its resources (human and financial) to help artists become active participants in the cultural life of their community. The organization also works for eliminating the informational vacuum after Post-communist regime, for renewal of the contacts in the sphere of culture, for integration and popularization of Georgian and South Caucasus contemporary Art, for supporting the young creative potential, that will build tomorrow’s sector of culture.
Artists, art critics, curators, architects, critics, art managers, teachers, programmers, economists and lawyers are united in the organization. In 1999, exhibition hall "TAPI" was established on the basis of organization, and in 2002, the organization created gallery "New Art", where various exhibitions-projects, performances and creative actions are held. From 2000, creative studios-laboratories have been founded on the basis of the Union that develops creative-innovative methods in different spheres of art. In 2004, the organization together with Armenian and Azerbaijan colleagues, is founding international association "Art Caucasus" to assist to the development of art and art business in South Caucasus. In 2005, it established annual youthful literature contest "Alubloba". In 2006, the organization established gallery-café "New Art House".

more (pdf) >>>



Friday, October 17, 2008

EXHIBITION: Hans Heiner Buhr will opening his new shop in the New Art Cafe in Tbilisi

Rusiko Oat is also a member from the Art Club Caucasus. In this evening she will opening the exhibition of my friend Hans Heiner Buhr in her NEW ART CAFE.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

EXHIBITION: Hans Heiner Buhr Conceptual Show at New Art Tbilisi

Dear Art Friends,

Hans Heiner Buhr likes to invite you to his Conceptual Show on Friday, 17th of October at 7pm to New Art Café Tbilisi at Rusiko and Misha!

We will have a nice time.The show goes for 12 days. Limited prints are for sale for GEL 20.Best regards, Hans Heiner Buhr


New Art Café

31, V. Orbeliani Str. (a small street between Kolkhos-Square (Flowers-Bazaar) and Sanapiro-Left Bank)

Tbilisi 0105 Georgia

Tel. 995 32 987544; 995 99 970049; 995 99 720906

See on Google Maps here:

Monday, September 08, 2008

ART: Misha Shengelia "Something about war" etc.

+++ NEW ART CAFE +++ 31, V. Orbeliani str. +++
+++ Tbilisi 0105 Georgia +++ +++

Paintings by Mikhail Shengelia (Album)

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

EXHIBITION: Misha Shengelia "Something About War"

Opening: 05. Septembre 2008 / 08:00pm

31, V. Orbeliani str.
Tbilisi 0105 Georgia

Friday, May 30, 2008

EXHIBITION: Opening the Exhibition from Nino Biniashvili in Tbilisi, 06-01-08

Interesting story for me: Time ago I saw Ninos work in the internet. She is Georgian and living in Israel now. I posted her work on my blog. We wrote each other and had sometimes a chat. Later my friend Nina from Tbilisi asked me for the contact to Nino Biniashvili. And now: I'm very glad that Nino Biniashvili can open her exhibition in Tbilisi. Thanks a lot to all!


31, V. Orbeliani str.
Tbilisi 0105 Georgia
Tel.: 995 32 987544
995 99 720906

Saturday, May 24, 2008