My therapist wants me to go to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, and I've really had to think hard about it. It was a difficult decision to make, because although I think that at times I do have problems with alcohol, I don't think that I'm an alcoholic. Of course, isn't that what all alcoholics say? I have been to meetings before when I was in treatment at Renfrew for my eating disorder, and I hated them. I was so anxious, and some of the men made me very uncomfortable. I found an all women's group in my area, so I think that I'm going to go on Saturday. For the most part, when I do drink, I think that I'm more of a binge drinker. Alcohol also tends to increase the likely hood that I will dissociate. I want to stop, because I do believe that it is impeding my recovery. I promised my therapist that I would not drink again, and she said that she would not keep me as a client anymore if I continued to drink. I value our relationship so much, and to lose her as my therapist would be devastating to me. I also want to do this for my husband and children. I know that it dissapoints my husband when I drink, and especially when I drink in secret. I feel so ashamed, but it would be even more shameful of me to continue such a damaging pattern of behavior.
Well, that is the latest news from me. It feels like there is always some hurdle for me to jump over, but I refuse to let alcohol control me anymore. I do like to have my control!