Showing posts with label ATG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ATG. Show all posts

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

WOYWW 140 - Wednesday Here Again!

Hello Peeps

Well Happy Hump Day to all of you.  Of course it is Wednesday and that means one of two things.  One it is Hump Day - once today is over it is downhill to the weekend - wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!  Two it is WOYWW Day!  I am sure you know what this means but in case you don't it is where some of us (daft) craft bloggers take part in the biggest Blog Hop in the World (probably) with the lovely Julia!!  Click HERE to join in.

Here is my desk.  A little tidy in an untidyish way.  It is just as I left it after finishing my cards for Di's Snippets Challenge.  Di - I will join in the Playground tomorrow!!

Here is a sideways shot....Oops I have not put my stamps away!!

Oh O!  My sins have found me out.  A wine glass (empty I hasten to add).  Whilst shopping in Waitrose on the way home I fancied some fresh mussels.  So I bought some onions, garlic and of course, wine - Cabernet Sauvignon of course.  Well after pouring some in with the mussels I couldn't throw the rest away now could I?  Does wine count as one of our 5-a-day I wonder?  It is grape juice after all.  

The sharp eyed of you may spot I now have two ATG guns.  There is a valid reason for this.  Back at Christmas I used my gun to adhere wrapping paper when wrapping pressies and then wished I had the non acid free refills in there as it was fab - no fighting to cut sellotape, no twisting tape......  Then I happened upon Lyn Elbourne's blog and she was raving about the ATG and gave a link to the 3m site which had an offer on the ATG.  Click HERE if you are interested in buying one.  The ATG guns are on offer at £9.99!!! I paid about £25 for mine!!  So there was my answer.  Buy a new one for me and one for my Buddy for her birthday.  So now I have one for Scrapbooking and the other for Card Making (don't need acid free for cards really).  
Since I made the cards I have been desperately trying to finish this.  It is a short sleeved cardigan which I want to take with me on my holiday which is coming up.  It is knitted in one piece (fronts and back together as one piece) and I am just about to start shaping the neck and armholes.  Wish me luck ey!!  I will show you if and when I finish it!

If you want to see my Chookie Album that I showed on last week's post click HERE to see the post.

Off to work, dancing and then I will join you for the Blog Hop later today.

Happy WOYWW Day!

