Showing posts with label perfect pearls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label perfect pearls. Show all posts

Monday, 27 July 2015

Rudolph Day - July Already????

Hello there
I am baaaaack!!  Have you missed me?
I have decided it is about time I take a hold of my mojo and give him a stern talking to and when that did not work then a bar or two of chocolate and he decided to return and do his job!! Well, you didn't think I would miss out on Rudolph Day did you?  I cannot believe it is July already!!  I got a flurry of paperclips thrown at me today when I dared to mention that it was only four more pay days until the Big Day!!
So then, onto my Rudolph Day card....
 I was given a bunch of envelopes that are a different size to standard so I bought some card from the local Art shop in order to cut my own.
 I do wish you could see it IRL as it is brimming with Perfect Pearls shimmer.
The main image is Penny Black which stamp I bought in Absolutely Everything last year stamped with Archival Potting Soil.  I mounted this onto a Snippet of gold cardstock and then dark brown cardstock and tied with a piece of ribbon.  I stamped the Tim Holtz text stamp on the main card with Frayed Burlap and then sprinkled Perfect Pearls over before stamping again with the Tim Holtz Christmas stamp.  I mounted the PB image and added a little Poinsettia which I cut using Snippets and edged with gold embossing powder, finishing off with a little glossy accents and gold micro beads.  Another one for my box.
Thanks for calling by.  Off to see what has been going on down at the Snippets Playground. Also off to join Mo with the Rudolph Day of course.
Thanks for calling by.

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Happy Birthday Mandy...Retake on a Card!

Where did last week/weekend go then?  But wasn't it a lovely week weatherwise?  Enjoy it while it is hear as according to the weather app on my phone we are due for some wet stuff at the end of the week!
Today I want to share with you a remake of a card I made some time ago HERE . Good grief that was October 2011!!
This time I used my latest make the background....
I used just two colours both NBUS on watercolour paper.  I sprayed my water with some white Perfect Pearls in the spritzer which gives the Brushos a lovely shimmer.   I meant to cut the top off , but I decided I liked the notepad look!
I stamped the Penny Black stamp with white ink and WOW white embossing powder.  Keeping the previous card in mind I added some faux stitching around the edges and some string and button. 
I stamped the sentiment from Paperartsy over another Snippet piece of watercolour paper which had been Brusho'd as above.
The base card is a Snippet left over from my Christmas Album, which I will be sharing some time soon I promise!
I am going to share this with the Snippets Playground as well as Penny Black who are looking for mentioned in the title...this is Mandy's Birthday card which she loved!!
Thanks for calling by and please leave me a message so I know you have been.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Sealed with a Kiss....Layout

Hello there

I have to apologise to my blog for neglecting it for the last few days.  I have been a little under the weather with the lurgy after someone very kindly coughed and sneezed on me last week.  I came home from my Quilting Group on Saturday feeling dreadful and got generally worse.  I am not going into details ok, but I did not get out of bed much until today.  Though I did have a shock when the person concerned phoned me yesterday to apologise!!! 

Anyway, a few weeks ago I promised to share with you a little layout I had done so here it is...

 This is most probably the last layout of my Wedding Album, but note I only said "probably"!!  I have so many photos left still!

So where do I start?  The background piece is a piece of black cardstock and I took some of my stencils, my old white ink pad and an inkie paddie thing (can't remember what you call them now...made by that Tim chappie!) and swooshed some ink through the stencils, one of which is a NBUS bought from US by Memory Box...the one with butterflies on.

The die cuts are a mixture of some that were kindly sent to me by my Buddy over the water and some from my Tin of Shame.  The TH clock one was originally a wishy washy beige colour when I started.  I smooshed some TH DIs Tea Dye, Gathered Twigs, Brushed Cord, and then rubbed some Treasured gold wax on top.  

The PPs are bits left over from previous layouts so Snippets...yeay!!  The corrugated card is from a package that had arrived a few days before (again inked with some DIs as above.

I put the little birdies on top as a nod to the pair of seagulls we kept seeing on Guernsey where we got engaged.  Now THAT is another story and why there are two seagulls in our bathroom!!
Now the flowers.  The one at the bottom of the clock and the others like it are NBUS and by Prima.  I only used a few as they are soooo nice.  Can you see the little seeds popping out from behind the flower towards my arm?  There are a few of these dotted around and they came out of my Happy Post I received just before Christmas, along with the sparkly heart...Thanks again my Friend.

The other flowers were made up from flowers in my stash, brads in the middle, some of which are years old, sprayed with Glimmer Mists, Perfect Pearls, layered and scrunched up. 
The MS Monarch butterflies came out of the Tin of Shame and there are others that I made using old books and my SU die.  

I wanted a little bit of watch parts in there and I saw a key somewhere when I was gathering things up so thought I would throw that into the mix too along with a NBUS TH card.  I tied the ribbon with a little bit of silver grey ribbon that was actually adorning a present my friend gave me at Christmas.  Waste not and you will want not.  Lace came from Funkie Junkie.  Only a little piece as it is too nice to use all in one go!
The leaves you can see were punched out of Snippet using my MacGill punch and inked up with DIs.

Finally I used my Cricut to die cut the  title which I cut twice to give it a bit of oomph!  Then I smooshed some more wax around and spritzed a little perfect pearls on there. 
Love the layers you can see in these last two photos.  

Hurrah!  You have made it through to the end.  Well done you.  Unless of course you skipped and just looked at the photos!  I don't mind but please leave me a comment to let me know you have been.

I am taking this over to the Playground for a ride on the swings and then cosy in front of the fire.  I am also entering this into Shopping our Stash as they are looking for old brads...mine certainly count as they are ancient!  And I will flutter past the Butterfly Challenge as there are some hexagons on my layout.   Not very often I get to link up with a few challenges!!  Woo hoo!!

Thanks for being patient.  See you all soon.


Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Scrapbook layout...Hurrah!! Tea On Tuesday. Flutterbies!

Hello there!

Brrrr!  My craft room has been shut up all day and with no heating on it sure is cold when I come in!!  What we do for the love of our art ey!

Last night I finished off a layout that I started on Sunday, my first in months!!  So I am sharing it today with my trusty morning cup of Glengettie tea....

 What? You want to see the layout?  Oh! Go on then!!

Not the best shot for some reason as my camera has obviously focused on something.  I cannot take the photo now as it is too dark and the colours will be pants.

Some small close ups for you..

 And now one of  my favourite photos of the day...soooo long ago.  You see I love my headdress.  When I got married tiaras were just coming in and everywhere I went with my Mum to try dresses on the assistants kept insisting I had a tiara but as far as I was concerned, I had lots of those as a girl in my dress up box and so I wanted a grown up headdress.  I got my way, as you can see, even if the stroppy assistant had to order it in specially as the one in the shop had some pearls missing and it was grubby!!  I only planned to have one wedding and so I was having it my way!

I have to say, the upload of this post has taken so long thanks to BT that my tea has now changed to hot chocolate.  Over an hour just to upload the photos.  I hope you like them!

Off to link up with Elizabeth at Tea (or cocoa) on Tuesday as well as Mrs A for the Butterfly Challenge as it is a Valentine theme, and as usual the Snippets Playground as there are Snippets galore in here.  The rub on "You are my everything" is positively ancient and one of the last ones on the sheet so definately some VOS!! I am also joining the Cuttlebug Mania challenge as they are looking for I heart you.  I think this might count!!  I have used lots of die cuts on this layout. If you want to know about anything specific (I lost the will to live and list everything with this internet), ask away!

I shall now be resetting the internet and possibly shoving it somewhere so will be calling by later after that has been done and I have stopped chewing my desk!! 

Thanks for calling by!


Sunday, 20 October 2013

The Funkie Junkie - Christmas Tags - Tag 2

Hello There!  

Another weekend is drawing to a close and it is back to the grindstone in the morning!  I hope it has been a good weekend for you all and that you have managed to do some crafting over the weekend.  I have managed to have a few hours today which I will share with you during the week.  For now I want to share with you my latest Funkie Junkie tag.  Tag 2.  You can see Linda's tag HERE.  

I made a tag with my TH tag die using cardstock, then swooshed some Picket Fence DS on the mat.  I don't have any brown DS so I popped some Gathered Twigs reinker into a mister and topped it with water, shook it and then sprayed some on my mat and swooshed my tag through it.  I forgot to pop some perfect pearls in the mister so once the tag was dried I sprayed the tag with my Heirloom Gold spray.  Then I stamped the Artistic Post Grist Mill stamp with Archival ink and embossing it with clear powder.  
I then took a Sheena Douglass stamp and inked it with black Archival ink.  I took a Snippet of chipboard and cut a reindeer using a TH die, then embossed it with gold embossing powder before stamping it with my TH script, having inked it with embossing ink to prevent it getting too hot.

Then I took some wooden hearts I had recently bought and using my TH pine stamp I stamped both the top of the tag and hearts.  I took some ribbon and stapled it on the top of the tag and adhered the hearts.  Another bit of ribbon through the top of the tag and hey presto my tag was finished.

Why not join in on these 12 Tags of Christmas with the Funkie Junkie?  There is a chance to win some pennies to be spent in the sponsor's shop - The Funkie Junkie Boutique.  See HERE for further details and Tag 1.

See you soon and have a great week.


Monday, 23 September 2013

Scrapbook Tuesday - Ruby Ruby...


Happy Tuesday to y'all!  I am secretly hoping this is going to be a quick week.  For one last week was sooooo long and this week I have a nice weekend lined up.  More on that later!

As is customary on this here blog, I aim to put up a scrapbooking project of somekind on a Tuesday.  I have to say I am pretty chuffed with myself that half way through September I am still managing to keep it going with only a small number of minor not happenings!  I shall try and run it through for the rest of the year.  However, despite my efforts, my photo piles/albums/boxes/tins have not gone down.

Talking about storage for photos, I have a large tin which holds A LOT of photos in, semi in order too.  You may recall that I recently lost my Aunt unexpectedly.  Well blow me, the week after her funeral I decided that whatever photo/s I put my hand on when I dipped it into the tin, I would scrapbook.  They fell on these piccies I am showing you today.  They were taken at my Aunt and Uncle's 40th Wedding Anniversary some 8/9 years ago.  (Need to check on the date for journalling purposes.)

I bought this Prima paper some 4 years ago and knew that it was perfect for a Ruby Wedding type layout and am so glad I hung onto it for just such an occasion.  So a VOS used again!  Layers of ribbon and lace (lace from Funkie Junkie Boutique and used veeeeery sparingly).  The flowers and flourishes were all made from raiding my Snippets box.  

I see some Bo Bunny Snippets in there as well as various pieces of plain cardstock. I also tried out my new punches from McGills so NBUS in here too.
The lettering was cut with my Cricut and then I used my embossing pen and added two different shades of pearls - one Cosmic Shimmer and the other TH.  You can see the tag which is tucked in the side of the larger photo.  The mounts for the photo have been stamped with TH stamp and embossed with gold.
You remember the cupcake sleeves that were on my desk, from my Nephew's wedding?  I painstakingly cut the butterflies out, edged them with TH DI in Aged Mahogany and manipulated them to shape before adding some ruby blings on.  Only used one so I can repeat this idea again, or maybe use it for a stencil?
Some more detail of the paper, flourish and flowers.  I can see I am going to love this punch set! I have also used my trusty SU flower punch too - my other favourite! st BTW the "cake" is a pyramid of profiteroles!!  Yummy!!

I am taking this over to the Playground as there are lots and I mean LOTS of Snippets included.
I am also taking this over to Mema's Crafts September Challenge which is Ribon/lace and/or flowers I got the lot in this layout!

Thanks for calling by.


Monday, 5 August 2013

Scrapbook Tuesday - Grown Up Haircut

Hello Peeps

Gosh I don't know about where you live but we have had a "shower" for the last two days!!  Which means that my windows cannot be painted, nor can the borders be weeded so......crafting time!!  Once the dreaded H word had been done!

So as it is Tuesday (well, near enuff) I thought I would share this week's layout with you......

Yes!  It is yours truly having had her hair cut short for the first time at a hairdressers!  When I went to the said hairdressers, my hair was long enough for me to sit on and had never been cut more than an inch to cut off the dead ends.  But at the time I had this haircut, pageboy styles were the "in" thing and I was now a big girl at comprehensive school so my mother finally  relented and let me have it cut.
I used a plethora of papers all of which were VOS, Bo Bunny, Kaisercraft and I cannot remember the dark brown one as I have binned the tab - Oops!  The flowers were on the reverse of the turquoise paper which I fussy cut and shaped using my new McGill ball tools.  The Prima pearl flourish I bought in Cornwall on a retreat some four years ago and I was just waiting for a suitable project to use them on.
The brads are VOS and I blinged them with schtickles. The flower ribbon was sent to me by my WOYWW PIFer Deeyll - thanks again.
There is a Snippet of waxed cord being woven through the punched edge here.  I had used this on Saturday during an online workshop whereby I made a handstitched book.  That is another blog posting and was hilarious!!  Photos on a layout soon!
These lovely birdies were sent to me by a Playground Buddy.  Aren't they adorable?  A little stamping there on the background with some perfect pearls. The letters were cut on my Cricut. (Note to self....look out for some more fonts!)

The Bo Bunny cream card needed some szchoozing so I used a stencil with some Peacock and Rusty Hinge DIs.   A tab pulled out of the Snippet box, left over from the friend books I made recently.  The funny thing about this layout is that I had company in my craft room whilst creating it through the wonders of technology!  My friend Belinda was in South Africa and we had such a giggle crafting together!  Thanks Belinda.

Before I go I just wanted to share this photo with you.  As I mentioned it has been raining heavily here for two days and imagine my surprise when I peeped over the railing to find this flower blooming!  We have tried for many years to get a Passion Flower to take off here and this year we finally have three buds.  One has already flowered and now this one, though the label was purple so not sure why these are white!

Off over to the Playground to share this layout (Snippets) as well as Our Creative Corner as there are words on my layout too!  Sorry this post is a little long but....well, I wasn't called Miss Chatterbox by Mrs Margerison for nothing!!  

Thanks for calling by.



Tuesday, 9 July 2013

My love for mini albums...

Hello Friends

I am supposed to sharing my Tuesday Layout today, it being Tuesday an'all however, it would appear that the piggin' t'internet problems last night lost it!  Unfortunately I am now typing this in my lunch break in work so cannot reload the pics! Grrr!  

Never mind.  I will share the other piccies I loaded up last night which could become scrapbooks if the recipients so wish. 

I recently needed to make a Thank You gift and Birthday gift for two special people and so decided to make them similar and at the same time.  As most of you will be aware I do like making mini books so that is what I did.

Here is number one.....
Chipboard covers covered in hessian (or Burlap if you are from over the water) and Bo Bunny paper from a 6x6 pad I bought a while ago.
All bound with my BIA and then decorated with ribbons, some from my Snippets tin.  I personalised the charms that went on them.
The flowers were a mix of paper and fabric which were all dipped in my cauldron err melting pot, which had wax in there.  It was surprising how much wax they all took.  Especially as I got a little carried away and made enough for four!  I brushed all the flowers over with two shades of Perfect Pearls, Kiwi and Rust.
I used my Seeds of Friendship Artistic Outpost stamp on the front with Spiced Marmalade DI and embossed it before distressing the edges.  Those blue flowers I have had forever!  
Here are the dividers I made, each stamped with a background and a sentiment added.

And some music as one recipient is a musical gal!

So here is number one....
Number two...
Number three.....
Number four....!  Err, You know I said I got carried away with the flowers!  Well I made two more books too.  One for the Raffle prize for our Annual Summer Lunch at Quilters and I actually made one for myself.  This orange flower was the last of the set my friend brought me back from France!  Love orange.
I used acid free watercolour paper inside so that they can be used for a variety of purposes.  The two original recipients are both artistic and so may wish to sketch in them.  Mine might end up with photos in.  

I shall pop these down the Playground later as they contain Snippets.  Why not join us?  I must also find out how the Aussie parrot is doing!

