Showing posts with label suitcase album. Show all posts
Showing posts with label suitcase album. Show all posts

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Cornwall Mini Album

Evening Peeps

I have had a few reminders recently from people who wish to see my lickle suitcase mini album that I used on our recent holiday to Cornwall.  You might want to grab yourself a coffee (or something a little stronger here, as this is pretty photo heavy!!

In case you want a reminder of it here are some pictures of it when I finished making it.......

And here are some pictures of it complete with pictures.....

The printer I used is a Polaroid Pogo, which prints photo 3 x 2" and is portable (about the size of a compact camera).  You can either print photos straight off your camera (via a lead if you remember to take it with you - doh!) or you can send photographs via bluetooth off your mobile phone.  You can guess which option I took (the pixies hid the lead from me!!).

I am not showing all the pages as this would bore you too much, and also there is alot of journalling in there which you don't need to read!!

I hope you like my album and it gives you some ideas for albums of your own.  I can honestly say that I loved making the album and then using it on holiday and I have made a few for other people, including one for my Cousin who is (hopefully) using it in Australia as we speak!  Happy Birthday Tracey!!

I don't mind if you wish to borrow any of my ideas, and if you do, please remember where you saw them!  Let me know so that I can see what you have done!

Don't forget to leave me a comment!

