Showing posts with label Scrapbooking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scrapbooking. Show all posts

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

T on Tuesday


How are you doing my lovely friends!!  As you may sense, I am feeling so much better this morning. Still have pain but it is getting a little easier to cope with and I feel a bit more like my usual self.  Yesterday I had a very very VERY long soak in the bath and it seems to have done me the world of good.  

Whilst I was in the bath, my Darling Hubby sneaked in my craft room and put the heaters on and told me to stay in there for an hour to have some "me" time.  I have recently been catching up on some videos that I had saved to watch including one from Leandra of Paperartsy in which she shared how to make backgrounds with paint and brayers.

I don't know about you, but I have a bit of a fear of the old brayer on account of not having much luck with it.  So, I took it by the horns, grabbed some paints and created a background page for a layout.  I don't know whether it was my subconscious or what, but the colours seem to lend itself to adding the photos from the accident, which Hubby took on his mobile phone.  We shall see.  First thing was to let it dry.

So today I have come into my room, plonked my cuppa tea next to it, and thought I would share this page with you and Elizabeth for Tea on Tuesday

Here is a close up of my super cute mug which is pre-marriage and was bought for me by my much older sister.  The tea of choice is Glengettie, which is a Welsh blend of tea...kind of a breakfast tea with a bit more oompf in it!!

Thanks for calling by and reading my ramble.  I especially want to say Thank You to Heather, Maarit and Lesley for becoming my latest followers.  I noticed you have joined me recently, but have been very remiss in not thanking you, so I hope I have made up for this now.

Have a good day everyone!!


Wednesday, 20 May 2015

WOYWW 211 - Didn't We Have a Lovely Time......

Hello there
What?  Wednesday again!!!  How did that week go so fast?  Time to join in the fun and frolics of WOYWW with the Lovely Julia.  If you want to know more about it, click HERE.
If you were here last week, you will know that I was looking forward to the WOYWW crop in Burbage on Saturday.  Well here we all are.....

Fergus came too and spent the day supervising me while I chatted and did a teeny amount of scrapbooking in my album.
Here is Helen in her natural habitat...
Cindy with her box of pwetty flowers...
Some serious chatting between Michaela and Debbie... Well, it has to be done...
And moving along the table.....can you see a theme going on here?
The Birthday Girl with her blue hair talking to Fiona....
And Jan in her natural habitat....behind the counter sorting a superb lunch out...
Morti looking so studious with her cross-stitch....
We really all had a fabulous day.  Short, but fabulous.  Thanks Julia and Jan for hosting this annual event again.  Looking forward to the next one.   Maybe in Autumn?  Hint Hint!!
And here is my desk at the moment.  I have quilting on Saturday and was asked if I would show how I do my double edged binding so I am making up some samples so I can show them how I do it.
I just dug some old snippets out of my basket to use.  The squares will be added to the bunting ready for our next Exhibition in 2017!!  Nowt like starting early ey!
I managed a sneaky hour on Sunday to work on my Album and unpack some of my kit from Saturday. This is how it looks as at 7 am this morning....
And a close up of the previous page which I did on Sunday...
Sorry this has been a loooong post but I wanted to share some WOYWW Crop photos with you all.  The top one I pinched from LLJ's FB page. 
Off to join Julia and the others HERE.  Thanks for staying here so long and please leave me a message so I know you have been.  I will call back to see you later today, once I have finished work!

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

woyww 320 - Preparations for Saturdayy's Crop

Hello there
It is Wednesday, I have no dancing lesson tonight, so I can join in with the Hostess Julia for her weekly nosey round the crafting blog world which is known as What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday!! Yeay!!!  Been a while since I have joined in. 
So I will show you my desk here......
 This is an album I am making of Mr Hettie and my trip to Amsterdam.  Isn't that paper just divine?  It is Graphic 45 that I have been saving to use for some time.  I want to get it to the stage where all the tags are made and I can just fiddle and faddle on Saturday for the Annual Crop.  Are you going?  I have all my ATCs ready for the PIF which is coming up real soon, but don't try and strain your eyes to see them....I made sure they were well out of sight!! 
 Here are some of the offcuts which I have acquired from making the pages and tags.  I will no doubt use most of them throughout the album.
And those stamps you can see leaning up against my twirly-whirly are from Penny Black. I was lucky enough to be picked last month in their monthly challenge.  Aren't they adorable.
Now then.  I have shown you my desk, please leave a comment and I will come and look at yours, and don't forget to stop and call by Miss Julia's desk too. 
Thanks for calling by.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Sealed with a Kiss....Layout

Hello there

I have to apologise to my blog for neglecting it for the last few days.  I have been a little under the weather with the lurgy after someone very kindly coughed and sneezed on me last week.  I came home from my Quilting Group on Saturday feeling dreadful and got generally worse.  I am not going into details ok, but I did not get out of bed much until today.  Though I did have a shock when the person concerned phoned me yesterday to apologise!!! 

Anyway, a few weeks ago I promised to share with you a little layout I had done so here it is...

 This is most probably the last layout of my Wedding Album, but note I only said "probably"!!  I have so many photos left still!

So where do I start?  The background piece is a piece of black cardstock and I took some of my stencils, my old white ink pad and an inkie paddie thing (can't remember what you call them now...made by that Tim chappie!) and swooshed some ink through the stencils, one of which is a NBUS bought from US by Memory Box...the one with butterflies on.

The die cuts are a mixture of some that were kindly sent to me by my Buddy over the water and some from my Tin of Shame.  The TH clock one was originally a wishy washy beige colour when I started.  I smooshed some TH DIs Tea Dye, Gathered Twigs, Brushed Cord, and then rubbed some Treasured gold wax on top.  

The PPs are bits left over from previous layouts so Snippets...yeay!!  The corrugated card is from a package that had arrived a few days before (again inked with some DIs as above.

I put the little birdies on top as a nod to the pair of seagulls we kept seeing on Guernsey where we got engaged.  Now THAT is another story and why there are two seagulls in our bathroom!!
Now the flowers.  The one at the bottom of the clock and the others like it are NBUS and by Prima.  I only used a few as they are soooo nice.  Can you see the little seeds popping out from behind the flower towards my arm?  There are a few of these dotted around and they came out of my Happy Post I received just before Christmas, along with the sparkly heart...Thanks again my Friend.

The other flowers were made up from flowers in my stash, brads in the middle, some of which are years old, sprayed with Glimmer Mists, Perfect Pearls, layered and scrunched up. 
The MS Monarch butterflies came out of the Tin of Shame and there are others that I made using old books and my SU die.  

I wanted a little bit of watch parts in there and I saw a key somewhere when I was gathering things up so thought I would throw that into the mix too along with a NBUS TH card.  I tied the ribbon with a little bit of silver grey ribbon that was actually adorning a present my friend gave me at Christmas.  Waste not and you will want not.  Lace came from Funkie Junkie.  Only a little piece as it is too nice to use all in one go!
The leaves you can see were punched out of Snippet using my MacGill punch and inked up with DIs.

Finally I used my Cricut to die cut the  title which I cut twice to give it a bit of oomph!  Then I smooshed some more wax around and spritzed a little perfect pearls on there. 
Love the layers you can see in these last two photos.  

Hurrah!  You have made it through to the end.  Well done you.  Unless of course you skipped and just looked at the photos!  I don't mind but please leave me a comment to let me know you have been.

I am taking this over to the Playground for a ride on the swings and then cosy in front of the fire.  I am also entering this into Shopping our Stash as they are looking for old brads...mine certainly count as they are ancient!  And I will flutter past the Butterfly Challenge as there are some hexagons on my layout.   Not very often I get to link up with a few challenges!!  Woo hoo!!

Thanks for being patient.  See you all soon.


Wednesday, 18 February 2015

WOYWW 298 - Note to Self....Clean your Desk!!

Hello there

Yes I have been caught out good and proper...I have left my desk in a bit of a mess it being WOYWW Day.   This is how I left it last night after I finished a layout....

It is a little dark as it was late and also the central bulb of three has blown and we did not have a spare!  

Wanna see my sewing desk?...

Yep!  Much the same.  I spread out on there with my Trusty B/S and dies. 

Wanna see a snippet of the layout?  Course you do.....

That is all I am sharing for now.  You will have to come back and see the layout in all its finery later.  

Off to link with Julia - the hostess with the mostest of WOYWW world.  Hopefully I have kept this short as Ms Julia requires.

Thanks for calling by.  Will see you later when I have finished work.  Tarra a bit!


Sunday, 10 August 2014

The Mayflower...Mini Album...

Hello there

Well that weekend went like a flash and ended with a crash bang wallop didn't it?  We had beautiful weather yesterday and Hubby and I were able to do a little more work on my little Trabbi called Hilda before it absolutely tipped it down and has remained so most of today.   Never mind ey!  It gave me chance to have a play in my Craft Room today.

Now some of you know from a previous post that myself, Sandra, Debs and Miss had a meet up in Southampton for lunch.  We all had to be on our best behaviour!  Debs kindly volunteered to pick myself and Sandra up from the train station, however there was an hour between our trains so Debs offered to take me to the Mayflower monument whilst we waited for Sandra's train.  Whilst there we met a gentleman and his wife, and he told us that he was a direct descendant of one of the people named on the monument.  

Of course I had my trusty camera with me and snapped some shots.

Debs had made is all a little W or M (depending what hemisphere you reside in) mini album and I decided I would print my photos out on my Pogo printer (a bit like the old instamatic photos which measure about 2x3") and put them into this album.  The little anchor on the front is my addition.

On the left is the main plaque on the monument which is on the right. Surprisingly there are no signs to let people know this monument is here.

Some close ups of the monument.  The little words are from some VOS K&Co paper which I have cut from a Snippet.
The photo on the left is the view over Southampton from the monument.  I suspect that this looks very much different from that day in 1620 when they embarked on the journey.  The tall ship on the right was passing just as we were walking back to Debs' car.  

This building is where the voyagers would have passed through in order to board the ships.  Yes, there were two....The Mayflower and The Speedwell.  Unfortunately The Speedwell didn't get any further than Plymouth.
The little tags in the album I have used to put factoids on including the date, crew and cargo as well as the firstborn on American soil.
If you are interested about the voyage of The Mayflower there is a book available on Kindle HERE which I very much enjoyed. 

Hopefully the next time I share this little album I will have completed an item on my bucket list which has been near the top for a very long time.  I have wanted to see Plymouth Rock and surrounding area since we studied the Mayflower when I were a lass!  

I am off to take this down to the Snippets Playground as I have been using lots of little Snippets in this book.  I hear Debs is poorly so hopefully knowing I have used her little book may cheer her up a little.

Have a great week.  I am hoping that BT will have sorted our t'internet out so I can visit blogs better this week.


Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Scrapbook Tuesday...Tea on Tuesday...T is for Awesome!

Hello there

It is Tuesday and time to share a cuppa with you at Elizabeth and Bleubeard's as well as a scrapbook page which I did on the weekend.

Now just to prove that I do own cups and saucers...

Isn't this cup and saucer just adorable?  It is bone china and quintessentially British in design and make.  It was part of a set which we had for a wedding present from a friend of my FIL's called Fritz.  He was a very gentle and quietly spoken Austrian gentleman.  I only ever met him twice and he bought us this set of cups, saucers, tea plate and cream & sugar bowl!  A few years later, quite by chance, we managed to buy the teapot too in Hereford.  As soon as I saw it I had to have it.  It shocked Hubby yesterday to see me having my morning brew in it!

And on to my layout...

I joined a Facebook Scrapbook group and they had set a sketch.  I still had some pieces of paper out from my Journal, which I have only just finished so yet to share with you, and so I just set too and used those...well it beats putting them away.  Sorry I just realised the flash was on.
I could not get over the sheer size of the Colosseum when we were there.  The films don't do it justice.

I cut the letters and numbers on the trusty Cricut.  The little "spot" (NBUS - technique) is actually a disc from my medication that I covered in card then sanded down the edges before placing a Cavallini sticker on.  The main paper is MME.

An arrow from the Tin of Shame over some Tim Holtz filmstrip held down by some VOS brads.

Here it is again without the flash.  The papers are a mix of Tim Holtz, Papermania and K&Co, all pretty old.

The letters and other elements have had a brush (my finger actually) of Treasure Gold in Pewter rubbed over them.  I spent a little while looking for a Romanesque quote to add in, just printed out and then stamped over with TH stamp.
And here is my little journalling card.  I actually made it for my Journal but decided I needed more space on the card so discarded this one and made one with a narrower edging.  However, it is just right for this project.

So off to join some friends having a Tea on Tuesday as well as the Snippets Playground, only the 12x12 piece isn't a Snippet!

Thanks for calling by.  I shall pop along and see you this evening after I finish work.


Monday, 9 June 2014

Scrapbooking Tuesday...T is for Two Hundred and Fifty Years!

Hello There!

Tuesday is here again.  Time to share my Scrapbooking Tuesday post with my friends Bleubeard and Elizabeth at T on Tuesday HERE.  Yes, I have done a Scrapbook Layout - first one in ages! 

So here is my mug filed with Blueberry and Apple Twinings Tea. 

And my Layout...
The photo was taken in August 2010 when the firm I work for was celebrating 250 years in business!  We are the oldest Law firm in Wales.  

The VOS Celebrate card pulls out and I have included the names of all the Peeps for future reference.  I cut the text using my Cricut and the black piece is Papermania which has the corners chomped.  The paperclip is from Ikea and the ticket is Tim Holtz. 

I have a NBUS (Never Before Used Schtuff) on this layout - the corner stencil I bought as a result of seeing another one of Imagination Crafts and when looking at the website I could not resist this one.  I used Sweet Poppy copper embossing paste.
The hand and typewriter were stamped onto Snippets so I can take this down the Snippets Playground.  The typewriter stamp is another NBUS - I have had it ages, but not used it - oops!

If you are still looking for yours truly, here I am under the green Family sign! Appropriate really as at the time I did work in the Family Department!

And here is the typewriter stamp along with the pencils stamp.  Isn't that divine?  My buddy Kim sent me that last year after she had been to a stamp show - another NBUS.  I hadn't realised until I stamped it that there is wording on the pencils. 

So that is my layout for this week.  I am off to Tea on Tuesday, Snippets Playground and the all new, all singing NBUS (Never Before Used Schtuff) Challenge with my mate Darnell!   

Thanks for popping by.  
