Showing posts with label craft shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label craft shopping. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

My Day in the "Big" City

Good morning everyone,

    Yesterday was just a very fun day for the both of us. Last year I did not need any craft supplies and my friend was not feeling real well so we just got our taxes done, went out to lunch and then ran into Sam's wholesale club real quick.

   This year my friend had a couple gift cards to spend, was in the mood to craft shop, and I hadn't been in a Hobby Lobby or other big craft store for quite some time. Before we left I searched online and got us both coupons for the stores too.

  Believe it or not we always have fun with our tax accountant. He has also been my investment counselor since I retired back in 2003, and since he is also an ex IRS agent he is just a very knowledgeable tax person. My friend has a degree in accounting but she does not do her own taxes. He used to be local but several years ago he moved his office to Springfield, Mo.

  I feel really bad I totally forgot to take a photo of my meal to share with you-especially since I rarely eat our anymore. I did remember to bring my camera but then never used it Oh well haha.       Since I can't safely eat at most restaurants for my gluten free diet we found Cheddar's which has fabulous food I don't know if this is a chain restaurant or local but this spot is so popular. If we want a seat for lunch we need to be there around 11 am. 
     I had the fresh grilled salmon over ginger rice with a side of steamed broccoli. It was so delicious and I know I can eat this with no worries. The plate is so beautiful too. The link shows photos of the restaurant and their food but not my plate.

  We went to Michaels  since my friend had a gift card to use. She is a painter so she needed some stretched canvas pieces.  I found a brayer-something I don't have-and I found some letter beads I have been looking for. They also had their rubber-wood mount stamps on sale-buy one get second half off. I bought two large stamps here.

  Our favorite craft store though is Hobby Lobby  Both stores were very low on the stamps due to their sales. Hobby Lobby had even less of a choice but what they had marked down was very low like a dollar or two for smaller stamps-so I picked up several to use in my fabric art journal. I also picked up buttons, stamp cleaner, needles for sewing with seed beads and another pack of needles that I think will work with my wool threads better. I wanted thinner needles. They also had woven tapes on sale so I picked up a couple for stamping words. 

  After craft shopping we went back to the accountant to pick up our finished papers.

  and then on to Sam's Club-I brought a short list so we did not browse just got what I had on my list and my friend had a short list as well. Then off to home.  Wow when we left the store the weather had changed dramatically 

 We knew this was to be a colder very very windy day and it was. After lunch the winds were at least 45 miles an hour and the temperatures had dropped 10 to 15 degrees since the early morning. and about half way home it looked liked the clouds had dropped to the highway-no it was snow-what?? snow haha  
   It was coming down hard and the winds had it swirling almost a white out if there had been snow on the ground-that was really amazing to be in.
   When we got off the highway we were in the closest town from our woods so my friend stopped at a drive in Chinese place to get her some supper to take home, while waiting for that we could hear lots and lots of sirens. When we got up on to the highway we saw a big car crash with injuries-I am sure was do to the white out and someone not paying attention.  A few minutes later all that was left were the strong winds no snow-very crazy weather for sure.  Hubs said we had the same weather here in the woods too.

Here are the photos of my purchases.

Hobby Lobby sells Staz on but they were out of most of the colors of ink pads otherwise I would have picked up a couple new colors

I had not heard of these candle accessories before. In the back is the stick pin and it comes with that piece also where I can attach it to fabric. I guess these are designed to just stick into the candle. I bought this for my art journal

I am pleased with the stamps I found The deer in the woods is perfect for me (smiles)  and I picked up the spider web for a spring page and will embroidery on a spider

I was looking for buttons to use as flower tops with embroidery, also found the stars and butterflies

My stamp drawer is full so I will need to move some things around in another drawer for more stamps. 

So a very fun day in the city yesterday. I got home too late to feed the deer so I am sure they will be here early today-and it is still very very cold-but no snow sticking.