Showing posts with label natural dyed clothes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label natural dyed clothes. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Another Long Day in the Craft Room

   We still have cold and rain here at the lake, so another good day to work in my craft room. I put in another full day and got allot accomplished. Happy dance

   The closet area that has steep and very wide steps is perfect for clutter haha.  I have one side that is big pillowcases full of fibers to spin, and on the other side I have big plastic storage containers labeled with wools, my hand dyed fabrics and other fiber related goods.  What had turned this into a mess-was a huge stack of old sheets that needed to be gone through and torn into rags-I did that and so this space is pretty much back to normal again.  Towards the bottom steps I have boxes of essential oils, and melt and pour soap making supplies, along with lots of butters and things to make into salves, creams etc-leftovers from when I was selling in my Etsy shop.  Now I just make things for me and for gifts for slow mail friends.

  When I open up the closet door to the left are wide built in wood shelving-full of quilting batting and fabrics, and also books. Straight ahead looking into the space we bought shelving that just fits-that is loaded with my craft and art books. I also got several books posted now to my shop.

  We both have always collected vintage country farm items-crocks of all sizes, you name we have it haha. So sad there was no room for our crocks here at the lake house-I was able to bring a few small ones over though. Anyways, straightening up the closet I uncovered two vintage bread boxes-perfect for storage. I used one right away for all my acrylic paint supplies which made more room on my desk. 

  I also found my Navajo rug and hung that up right away so I can enjoy it again. I purchased this back in the late '70s when I was living in Denver Colorado and got the job working for the phone company, which ended up being my career. There was a sale on Navajo rugs of all sizes and all cost points. I always admired the Navajo weavers and looked and looked til I found one I could afford. I will always remember that I paid $75.00 back then which was allot of money for me. I have always loved this piece. The yarn is very very fine.

  and you can see the bread box to the left now filled with acrylic paints and brushes.

I also found a little paint easel I guess I would call it. It was super inexpensive when I was first starting to buy painting supplies. I had forgotten about that-set it up to see how it works.  Watching some your tube videos the other night to learn more about watercolor backgrounds-washes-one was showing that she uses these clear clip boards-takes the clip off and tapes her paper to the board and she can move it around for wet on wet backgrounds. Found that I have one-haha  I am thinking why not just use the clip instead of the tape?? I will try this out soon. 

Here is the other bread box and found this empty plastic container so two more storage units.

  A couple years before we decided to look for a lake home, I had the idea of looking for nice blouses at the resale shops and then natural dye them and sell on my Etsy shop. I did a few with annatto which was a long process in the end, but they turned out nice. I uncovered those today too These are pretty small size but I think I will hand wash them and iron and offer them in my shop.

  I have a couple pieces that I had dyed with goldenrod back then, that are big and bulky that I love, that dye usually comes out a bit blotchy so will keep those to wear for myself.  I had done a couple pieces of transfer silk pattern on cloth-over to another piece of silk cloth. That was really fun, and I sold that piece the day I put it in my shop. I would like to play with that again someday.

 Haven't checked the weather for tomorrow yet-probably more rain and cold. Hoping those of you that need rain will get some soon-I am ready to share-smiles

Have a good evening