Showing posts with label photos buck. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photos buck. Show all posts

Sunday, October 29, 2017

T Stands For Tuesday & Autumn Walk in my Woods With Lots of Photos

Happy T Stands for Tuesday Everyone

     Each week we share a drink related post with friends-you are most welcome to join us. Link in my right hand column with our hostess Bleubeard and Elizabeth

  Last week I did get all the steps and landings coated with Thompson's water seal just before the temperatures dropped 40 degrees-which is normal for this area during the changing seasons.
  After a couple days off to catch up on domestic chores and reading new books from some of the authors I follow I got back on the hallway project.
   Phase two section was finished up with coat of the kilnz paint and I have started on the third section. I have removed items in this section-which was allot--I still have no cupboards at all in my house and no closets came with the house-so this ended up being a conglomeration of things and allot of canned foods etc, hunting gear. It is all boxed up and in our huge bedroom for the moment-ugh
   There are two stacks of very heavy ceramic floor tiles that need to be moved-one stack goes in the bathroom and the other stack for the hallway needs to come out from the wall so I can paint and texture the wall. So hoping I can get that done by friends at deer camp-which starts November 8th. 
   I am going to see if I can manage laying the tile for the hallway with hubs instruction-we just can not afford that couple we were using which is a shame-it comes down to the fact they are just soooo slow for what they are asking per hour of wages. 
  The hallway is long but straight so am hoping I can tackle that. Now the bathroom is a whole different thing entirely. Hubs with his severe arthritis  now and other health issues just can't do work like this anymore-won't think about his til after deer camp or after Thanksgiving.

  Late this afternoon (Sunday) it warmed back up to close to 60 with  no wind and lots of sunshine; so I grabbed my camera and took a 45 minute walk on our property.
   We just do not have the lovely fall colors this year do to lack of rain, but there are loads and loads of acorns for the wildlife this year. 

           I kept the photos smaller-just click on them to enlarge fully.

We have allot of this pretty moss here in our woods-I always thought of dyeing with it-have any of you natural dyers tried it??

                         Deer prints amongst the tire tracks

Late yesterday around 5 pm or so---check out our handsome visitor-so cool this is just outside our bay window in living room He stuck around eating corn for about 15 minutes while a doe and her youngster were eating too. After the buck walked back into the woods a whole herd of does and youngster wondered in.

   Last Tuesday was my birthday and the week before was hub's birthday so we treated ourselves to breakfast out. We rarely eat out anymore do to the gluten free for me and really lack of a quality  restaurants close by (we don't do fast food)-and I can put together a much nicer meal too (smiles) We do enjoy going out for breakfast though.

   The place we go for breakfast is called A Taste of Andy's (I looked for a website but they only have a presence on facebook) and they have a special breakfast which is their best value-biscuits and gravy, hash browns, two eggs, and choice of bacon or sausage, toast with any choice of beverage tax included also.
   First photo is hubs plate and for me to keep it as close to gluten free as possible I get two scrambled eggs, bacon, hash browns, and they slice up a fresh tomato instead of the biscuits and gravy and toast 
  hubs had coffee and I had ice water.
   This restaurant also has an extensive lunch menu too perhaps we will check that out one day. I like that their breakfast plate is not greasy

and for my beverage this week I am sharing a new wine I picked up at our Aldi store. This one is from France and is on the dry side which we prefer. They had a note that the limit was 6 bottles so I figured it must me good-It was -I love it and next time I shop at Aldi hope it is still available. a nice to have around for the holidays.

                         and a closer look at the label

Since Tuesday is the official day of Halloween---
                           Happy Halloween to all of you!