Showing posts with label hummingbirds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hummingbirds. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Journal Page-Vintage-For AJJ

  Good morning Tuesday,

    My morning plans got changed, frustrated I spent time in my craft room and made a journal page for  Art Journal Journey's theme Vintage

    I still have several Ideals magazines that I have kept since the mid '60s so guessing those are vintage now. I spotted a poem and photos of butter molds so decided that was perfect for my page.

    I grabbed the background paper from my paper stash, cut out the butter molds and the poem and it's title. I printed off photos of the butter churn and someone that reminded me of my Grandma churning butter and added those to my pages.

This early morning's sky

Hummingbird photo taken over the weekend

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Rainy Tuesday & Follow up Weaving Video

   We woke up this morning with winds and a little rain now we have lots of rain coming down.  Good thing the mowers came yesterday to mow and trim our lawn.

   This is a man-made lake designed to make electricity that we live on-Lake in the Ozarks-and for some reason the authorities are allowing ocean boats on this lake-it's all money making I think as they are continuing to build more and more high end Condos here. Sad as this has always been a family fishing lake.  In the end if this continues it will wear down the rocked shorelines.

As I was taking photos, a hummingbird flew in-second photo-We now have a pair that visits every day and this morning the male was defending the feeder from another male.  I would like to be able to put up a second feeder.

This is a very expensive houseboat I guess I would call it, at least this one moves slow and doesn't make huge waves that hurt the docks

  I did a second video just now, to show the threading. This is much more tedious and time consuming to thread, since there are 4 threads per dent (slot in reed) which must stay in order from the cross.  I haven't been weaving steadily for a few years now so my thought process is slow-thinking things through. It is going much smoother now but this will take a bit of time-which is really ok with me-part of setting up the loom to weave.


note: correction in video I had said 4 ends per inch-should have said 4 ends per slot-this is set up as 24 epi (ends per inch)

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

I am Feeling Quite Spoiled

   I was hoping to be able to figure out how to put my bench together myself-I am just not good at figuring out things like this. Larry stepped in today and said let's get your bench put together. (He knows me) There was one part I never would have figured out and he was familiar with it. He said years ago Ikea got a patent for this little barrel piece for putting furniture like this together. This is cleverly designed to raise or lower the height.

  I need to warp up 408 ends and 5 feet long which will make 6 kitchen towels. I can't do this at one sitting any more-but I am down to 80 more.

  From an old Handwoven magazine this is the pattern I will be weaving. I am warping up brown thread and I have two different blues for the weft-that I can mix up so the towels look different. I really like this pattern-from the Vikings era

  The other day Larry was given the perfect hanger for a hummingbird feeder. A friend we met here goes through junk that people give to him that they want to get rid of-and this was in the latest. He cleaned it up, fixed it and we hung it up. 

This is pretty neat-that arm will swing towards the deck, so I can service the feeder. Two houses down from us has several hummingbird feeders so hoping the birds will find this one. Last night Larry saw one visitor, and I saw one just before I took this photo.  This is the perfect spot as there is an ant issue here early spring that we have to be on top of-this way the mess goes down below on some bushes, and hopefully the squirrels will not destroy this. They are quite curious all the time.

    So I am feeling special this week, a new weaving bench, hummingbird feeder in place, and my new Paperwhite Kindle will be here Thursday.

   Would you believe we had temperatures of 85 degrees f yesterday and today?  Felt like summer. A couple friends popped over tonight to sit on the dock and fish-Life is good

   Enjoy your new week

Monday, May 14, 2018

Hummingbirds Video

     Late yesterday afternoon I filmed a few videos of the hummingbirds. Usually just before dark we have many more hummingbirds than this shows that fly in. 
     Hubs has so much stuff in the way to the left-a cabinet filled with fishing equipment for one that I tried to keep out of the film

 Enjoy Click for full screen

You can see the wisteria is quite thick this year and loaded with buds ready to bloom