Showing posts with label peace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label peace. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Flowers that Symbolize Peace

  I was looking for things that symbolize peace, happiness.

    I ran into a book published in the 1920's The Flower Fairies. I wish I would have known about this book when I was a little girl. My Mom never believed in such things so probably why I never saw it at the library. There are several books and recently they have published a lovely book of all the books in one book. I think  I may purchase a copy.  Beautiful paintings and poems

Flowers for Peace  I found a site that lists 10 here

Lavender, Apple blossoms, Violets, Lotus flower, Peace lilies, Cosmo, White poppies, Pincushion, Peony, Chrismas Rose

  I am wondering if there will ever be complete Peace in the world-I am thinking probably not with humans involved.  So we must make Peace within ourselves and then be true to our own selves.