Showing posts with label faces. Show all posts
Showing posts with label faces. Show all posts

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Faces for Nicole

   I have been enjoying viewing the link ups for Nicole's Faces, so I thought I would share one this week. No I am not an artist that has attempted any sort of faces as of yet-but I do have faces in my craft room from others to share. All of these faces are handmade

  I have faces gifted from Barbara

Another lovely face from my friend Debra in New York 

These dolls were  made for me by my Grandma on my father's side-she was a master seamstress. These dolls are at least 60 years old now

This little handmade black dog always sat in this Grandma's home, when she passed I brought him home with me.
  The china head angel face was my Mom's, so I brought her home with me too-this is vintage, the body looks handmade

  This up coming weekend we will be feeling special. Sunday is our 40th wedding anniversary and Sunday night we have visitors driving down from Wisconsin and also a new friend from Kansas City will be coming down too-but he will be staying at his family's lake house. These three men plan on doing lots of fishing.  I will be doing allot of cooking and baking andddd cleaning house haha that starts today.

  Happy Friday and weekend everyone