Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lizzie Kate - Strawberry

Another little drawstring bag - but not quite as little as the one in my previous post. This is Strawberry, a Lizzie Kate freebie which can be found in the files of the Lizzie Kate Yahoo Group. I stitched this one back in 2006 and had always planned to finish it as a lined treat bag the same way that I had finished another of Lizzie Kate's designs some years ago - piccie here. I hadn't planned the fabric border along the top though, until I came across this tutorial from The Floss Box. Julie has recently finished a couple of these lined drawstring bags with the border, which I thought looked really lovely, so I thought it was time to give it a go.

Strawberry is stitched on 28ct Star Sapphire Jobelan using the listed Gentle Arts Sampler Threads. Both fabrics for finishing are from Blackbird Designs Garden Party. I've lined it with the same print that I've used for the back. The strawberries tied to the ends of the drawstring ribbon came from Sayila and have been in my stash all this time, waiting for when I would eventually get round to the finishing!

Not a lot of stitching being done at the moment as I'm busy with housework, ironing etc., so that everything is up to date for when Colin gets home on Friday - WOO HOO I'm soooo excited!!

Thanks again for visiting. :o)

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Friday, May 21, 2010

For Mum

Today is Mum's birthday and I like to try to stitch her a little something extra, especially when I'm at a loss to know what to buy for her! I gave her cash this year and thought stitching a little monogrammed drawstring pouch would be perfect to put it in, along with a Kelmscott Strawberry Thread Keep - another little extra which I'm hoping she hasn't already bought for herself!

The alphabet is a Sajou free alphabet, from album no. 107. Stitched 1 over 2 on 40ct Fawn Lakeside Linen with Crescent Colours Vanilla Pudding Belle Soie Silk. The twisted cord was made with DMC 712, Perle Cotton No. 12. What I thought would be a quick little project actually took me a lot longer to put together then I thought! Apart from the two long seams for the lining it was all stitched together by hand - even the opening was too small for me to machine stitch the casing for the cord drawstrings, so that also had to be done by hand! I love the Vanilla Pudding on the Fawn Linen and will be using them both together again for something for!

I hope to be back again soon with another finish I have from my finishing box! It will probably be the last one for a little while as Colin is due home on the 28th. He will have been away for a couple of months so I'm getting very excited and can't wait for him to be home! He will only be home for nine days though, before he's off again for what may be another couple of months! We video Skype most days, which is brilliant - it's free and I get to see him too!

Have a lovely weekend and as always thank you so much for visiting! :o)

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Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Bee Hive Scissor Companion

Another finish which I stitched last year and have been meaning to make up for a while. It feels so good to be getting a few of my pieces finally completed!

This is Bee Hive Scissor Companion by Ewe & Eye & Friends. The fabric I've used is 40ct cream Newcastle linen. I've stitched it one over two with the recommended DMC threads and for the cord trim I used DMC Ecru.

I think it's really sweet, and as you can see from it pictured here with my Elizabeth I miniature scissors by Kelmscott Designs, it's just a little fob too! :o)

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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Another Finish - Laura's Embroideries

I have a little box where I safely keep my finished pieces until I eventually get around to making them up. This one (along with many others) has been waiting in my little box since last summer! As soon as I bought the chart I had to stitch it up immediately - I really don't know why I've left it this long to properly finish!

The design is Laura's Embroideries by Marie Suarez/Coeur de Lin. The fabric and threads are my own choice. The fabric is 40ct Creme Brulee R & R linen, stitched 1 over 2 with DMC 451, 779, 3041 and 3042. I've finished it as a little pillow with tassels - one of my favourite finishes!

Hope to be back again soon with another little something to show from my box of stitching that I MUST get finished! Have a lovely weekend everyone and thanks again for popping by! :o)

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

New Stash

Every now and then I like to pick up either a charm pack or layer cake to add to my stash of fabrics for finishing. I think these layer cakes are absolutely gorgeous and couldn't resist! Both are by designer Kaari Meng - French General for Moda. I've had Rouenneries for quite a while now - Rural Jardin has only recently become available here in the UK. As you can see in the photos I also had to buy a few FQ of some of my favourites of the prints.

Rouenneries - French General for Moda

Rural Jardin- French General for Moda

I have a new finish, so hope to be back again soon once I've taken some photos. Thanks for popping by again! :o)

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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Petit Lapin

I thought this was so sweet with the little bunny that I had to stitch it!

It's a freebie you can download from Windy Willows. I've stitched mine one over two on 40ct Newcastle Raw Linen with the recommended DMC 816 and Blanc. The linen trim was from my stash, which I had bought some time ago from Violarium. I was really pleased with how well it matched.

Hope you are enjoying your weekend, the weather has been absolutely beautiful here in Plymouth.

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Thursday, April 01, 2010

Bless the Baby

It's been a while since I've stitched a Lizzie Kate - I've stitched Bless the Baby once before and have always loved it. As I type this one is in the air with Colin on it's way to Georgia off the Black Sea, for the doctor at the BP Supsa Oil Terminal (where Colin works), and his wife who have recently had their first baby. I've never met them so I do hope that they like it. I've stitched it on 28ct Cashel Flax linen using the listed Gentle Art Sampler Threads.

Colin left to go back overseas for work again this morning and will be away now for at least six weeks. I hope to busy myself passing the time away catching up on some finishing, as I still have pieces from two years ago that I really, really would like to get completed!

Thanks again for passing by and I hope you all have a very Happy Easter! :o)

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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Another Blog Award

Thank you so much Claire for passing on this Sunshine Award to me - I can't believe I've received another award so soon! The rules are to pass this award on to 12 bloggers. It seems that so many of the blogs I love to visit have already received this award, so I hope it's ok if I change the rules a little by passing this one on to all those wonderful bloggers that take the time to visit me. I really do appreciate it and so much enjoy reading all the lovely comments that you leave. :o)

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