Now prepare the sauce. Peel and deseed pumpkin. Cut in slices 3-4cm (1.5-2inch) thick, then cut again using a mandoline slicer. Melt butter in a medium size pan, pour in pumpkin and cook at medium heat, stirring often, for about 8-10 minutes and add salt. Set aside. Now bring a large pan with about 3.5 litres of water to simmer, then add coarse salt (2tbs will do). They are ready Prepare the fondue, pouring in a small saucepan grind castelmagno cheese, cream and milk. Cook at very low heat. As you will need few minutes to prepare it, you should cook just as when you will cook the gnocchi. So, drop the gnocchi in the salted boiling water, they are ready when they start to float on the surface. Remove them with a draining spoon and transfer to the pan with pumpkin. Stir and tranfer into plates. Pour in the castelmagno fondue and serve.
18 November 2011
Gnocchi di castagne con zucca e fonduta di castelmagno
Now prepare the sauce. Peel and deseed pumpkin. Cut in slices 3-4cm (1.5-2inch) thick, then cut again using a mandoline slicer. Melt butter in a medium size pan, pour in pumpkin and cook at medium heat, stirring often, for about 8-10 minutes and add salt. Set aside. Now bring a large pan with about 3.5 litres of water to simmer, then add coarse salt (2tbs will do). They are ready Prepare the fondue, pouring in a small saucepan grind castelmagno cheese, cream and milk. Cook at very low heat. As you will need few minutes to prepare it, you should cook just as when you will cook the gnocchi. So, drop the gnocchi in the salted boiling water, they are ready when they start to float on the surface. Remove them with a draining spoon and transfer to the pan with pumpkin. Stir and tranfer into plates. Pour in the castelmagno fondue and serve.
18 July 2011
Fusilli bucati corti con salsiccia e zucchine allo zafferano
25 April 2010
Ricetta Notte folle a Manhattan - primo piatto, ovvero: Calamarata con punte d'asparagi e code di mazzancolle
Serves 2
Ingredients: 160gr (5.6oz) pasta squids - 10-12 prawns - 1 small bunch of asparagus - 3tbs extravirgin olive oil - 4tbs marsala wine - 1 small shallot - salt
31 March 2010
Menu pasquale? Più o meno...
Mini muffin con asparagi e ricotta
Asparagus and ricotta mini-muffin
Ravioli con pere e zenzero
Ravioli with pear and ginger
Nadia's savoury cake
questa ricetta di
For my pastiera I use
this recipe from
Potete anche provare la pastiera di FrancescaV
You can also try the pastiera of FrancescaV
10 March 2010
Linguine con crema di robiola, barbabietole, carote e porri
Linguine with robiola cream, betroot, carrot and leek
I craved for a pasta dish with betroot, something quick and easy to make even during my lunch time. I thought about the gnocchi with betroot, in that occasion I used leeks as a dressing and I liked very much the contrast of flavours. So I put together with it leeks too, and also carrots because well, they fit almost everywhere, and robiola cheese is my jack-of-all-trades ingredient. That's how it popped out of my mind this pasta dish, a tasty but light one, perfect for those who don't have a lot of time for cooking.
12 February 2010
Fagottini con barbabietola e toma piemontese
I like to use betroot to prepare fresh pasta and bread, it's an amazing natural colour. I've already made gnocchi, fettuccine and bread with it, and I was thinking about making some ravioli with a purple filling from a long time now. The sweet betroot taste is softened by the toma piemontese - which is a quite versatile cheese on my opinion - and by parmesan. Instead of making the classic ravioli I preferred to prepare some fagottini (which literally means "small boxes, small bundles") and close them starting from 3 angles instead of 4, just to give them a strange, "alien" shape. Normally when I make ravioli that have an important filling, I dress them with melted butter and parmesan only, to exalt their flavour, but if you like you can prepare a fondue with toma piemontese and 2tbs of milk, placing them in a large, heatproof bowl fitted over a saucepan of barely simmering water, and allow them to melt.
Knead well flour and eggs, then pop the dough into a polythene bag and leave to rest for 30 minutes. In the meantime, prepare the filling, placing in a food processor betroot (peeled off), toma, parmesan and bread crumbs. Reduce them to a puree and set aside. Roll out the pastry with the pasta machine or the rolling pin, then with a pasta cutter or a glass, cut out rounds with a diameter of 8cm. Place a tsp - or a bit more - of the filling in the centre of each round. Press with your fingers three angles and edges to shape and seal the fagottini. To cook them, bring to boil salted water in a pot, then cook the ravioli for 7-8 minutes (depends from the thickness of the pasta), drain them and serve with melted butter and grated parmesan.
22 December 2009
Fagottini dello “spaccaossa” con salsa allo yogurt
Per l’impasto
400gr di farina - 1 uovo - ca. 200ml di acqua - 1 cucchiaino da tè di sale - Farina per la lavorazione
Per il ripieno
150gr di macinato magro di agnello - 1 cipolla - 1 mazzetto di prezzemolo - pepe nero macinato - 1 cucchiaino da tè di paprika dolce - una manciata di cumino stellato - 1 cucchiaino da tè di sale
Per la salsa:
375gr di yogurt greco - 2 spicchi d’aglio senza buccia
80gr di burro - 1 cucchiaino da tè di paprika piccante - Menta fresca per decorare
Sciogliete il burro in pentolino aggiungendovi la polvere di paprika. Servite i fagottini in piatti fondi, versatevi sopra un po’ della salsa allo yogurt, qualche goccia di burro alla paprika e decorate con della menta fresca.
For the dough
400gr (1.75cup - 14oz) flour -1 egg - 200ml (7oz) water - 1tsp salt - more flour as needed
For the filling
For the sauce
375gr (1.7 cup - 13.6oz)greek yogurt - 2 garlic cloves
80gr (0.35cup - 2.8oz) butter - 1tsp spicy paprika - fresh mint to garnish
Sauce: pour yogurt into a bowl. Add squeezed garlic and stir well with a whisk till the yogurt will be very smooth. Cool down the sauce in the fridge.
08 December 2009
Zuppa del maestro dell'agopuntura
(Minestra di rape rosse con gnocchetti di tofu)
90gr di burro -30gr di scalogno -250gr di rape rosse -6dl di brodo chiarificato di pollo o vegetale -1dl di panna - succo di mezzo limone - sale - pepe - noce moscata - zucchero
Per gli gnocchetti
130gr di tofu - 35gr di burro - 45gr di pane bianco grattugiato -3 rossi d’uovo - sale - pepe - limone - erba cipollina fresca per “agopunturizzare” gli gnocchetti
Scaldate in una pentola 50gr di burro per poi soffriggere dolcemente lo scalogno. Aggiungete le rape rosse, fate soffriggere brevemente e stemperate infine versando il brodo nella pentola. Lasciate cuocere per tre minuti. Con le mani impastate dei piccoli gnocchetti di tofu che farete cuocere nell’acqua per 5 minuti. Tagliate l’erba cipollina uniformemente, in “aghi d’agopuntura” delle dimensioni di un fiammifero.Frullate la zuppa, aggiungetevi la panna, lasciate poi riposare vicino al fornello. Una volta cotti gli gnocchetti, “agopunturizzateli” con gli steli d’erba cipollina. Riportate brevemente ad ebollizione la zuppa e, aggiungendo un po’ di burro, rendetela spumosa mescolando. Servite in un piatto tenuto caldo, adagiando con attenzione nella zuppa gli gnocchetti “agopunturizzati”.
Starting from this week, till the beginning of January, I'll dedicate a sort of editorial to the original recipes of Soul Kitchen movie. From January 8th, here in Italy, will be out in theatres Soul Kitchen, a movie that won the Special Jury Prize at the Venice Film Festival and which is going to revolutionize the idea of cooking normally showed by cinema. The movie, through the story of Zinos, Soul Kitchen restaurant owner, tells us how a restaurant can be more than a place where to satisfy one's hunger and how a recipe can talk to the heart and transform simple ingredients into a triumph of taste.
(Red turnip soup with tofu small gnocchi)
Soul- ingredients
For the soup
90gr butter (0.39cup - 3.17oz) - 30gr (0.12cup - 1oz) green onion -250gr (1.1cup - 8.8oz) red turnip -6dl (20oz) chicken or clear broth -1dl (3.4oz) cream - juice of half lemon -salt - pepper - nutmeg -sugar
Now reduce to cream the soup, add cream and set aside. When the gnocchi are done "acupuncture" them with chive stems, bring to boil the soup again, and add some butter. Serve it in hot plates, laying carefully the acupuncterd gnocchi.
21 January 2009
Risotto con Nero d'Avola e taleggio
Per 2 persone
Ingredienti: 170gr di riso carnaroli - ½ bicchiere di Nero d'Avola - ½ scalogno - una noce e mezzo di burro - 80gr di taleggio - 120ml di panna da cucina - brodo di carne q.b.
In una pentola far sciogliere il burro, aggiungere lo scalogno tritato finemente e far colorire a fuoco dolce. Aggiungere il riso, farlo saltare un paio di minuti quindi versarvi il Nero d'Avola. Quando quest'ultimo si sarà ritirato, proseguire la cottura del riso con il brodo, bollente, mescolando spesso. Intanto in un padellino mettere la panna fresca e il taleggio tagliato a dadini. Quando mancano 5 minuti alla fine della cottura del riso, porre sul fuoco bassissimo la panna e il taleggio, facendolo sciogliere dolcemente e mescolando spesso. Impiattare il riso e versarvi la crema di taleggio. Servire subito.
Risotto with Nero d'Avola and taleggio
This is a dish with strong, firm but contrasting flavours, which combines two typical products of two different Italian regions: Sicily and Lombardy, south and north. What can I say except that these flavours go along together so well and they're just perfect to satisfy the appetite of these cold winter days? If you'd like to warm up some more, I suggest to accompany the risotto with the same Nero d'Avola used to prepare it.
Ingredients: 170gr (0.75cup - 6oz) carnaroli rice - ½ glass of Nero d'Avola wine - ½ green onion - 1tbs butter - 80gr (0.35cup - 2.8oz) taleggio cheese - 120ml (4oz) cream - broth as needed.
08 January 2009
Fettuccine di castagne con zucca e pancetta
01 December 2008
Gnocchetti di ricotta in crema di zucca
Ricotta gnocchi with pumpkin cream
Ingredients: 125g (0.6cup - 4.5oz) ricotta - 80gr (0.35cup - 2.8oz) flour- 3tbs parmesan cheese - 1 small egg - 300gr (1.3cup-10.5oz) pumpkin (weight without the skin) - ½tbs almond flour - 1tbs sour cream - salt.
07 May 2008
Tagliatelle di grano saraceno con salsa alle noci
Per 4-5 persone
Per la pasta: 150gr di farina di grano saraceno - 250gr di farina di grano duro - 4 uova
Per la pasta, impastare bene la farina con le uova e lasciar riposare per circa mezz'ora. Stendere la pasta con la sfogliatrice, quindi tagliare la sfoglia con l'accessorio per le tagliatelle. Se non si ha la sfogliatrice, stendere la pasta con il mattarello allo spessore desiderato, arrotolare su sé stessa la sfoglia ben infarinata, quindi tagliare il rotolo con un coltello e ricavare delle tagliatelle. Lasciarle asciugare qualche ora ben distese o appese.
Per la salsa, ammollare la mollica di pane con qualche cucchiaio di latte. Frullare le noci, quindi mescolarvi la mollica, l'aglio spremuto, il restante latte, il sale e il pepe. Trasferire il tutto in una padella e scaldare qualche minuto. Aggiungere la panna ed eventualmente altro latte per ammorbidire la salsa. Nel frattempo far cuocere le tagliatelle in abbondante acqua salata per 5-7 minuti, scolare e condire con la salsa di noci. Se piace, spolverare con del parmigiano grattugiato.
Buckwheat tagliatelle with nuts sauce
Serves 4-5
For the pasta dough: 150gr buckwheat (0.625cup - 5oz) - 250gr (1.125cup - 9oz) hard wheat flour - 4 eggs
Fo the sauce: 180gr (0.8cup - 6.4oz) nuts - crumb of a roll - 1cup milk - 3tbs whipping cream - 1garlic clove - salt -pepper
For the pasta dough, mix well flour and eggs and leave the dough to rest about half an hour. Roll out the dough with the pasta machine then cut it with the tagliatelle accessory. If you don't use the pasta machine, roll out the dough with the rolling pin, then roll the sheet of dough up into a tube, then slice the tube into rounds of 0.7 cm (0.3inch) wide and shake the skeet out with your hands to free the strands; set them to dry on a rack for few hours.
For the dressing, take the breadcrumb and put it in a bowl with few tablespoons of milk. Crush nuts and mix them with bread, garlic, the remaining milk, salt and pepper. Transfer into a sauce pan and heat for few minutes. Pour in cream and eventually some more milk to smooth the sauce. Now cook the pasta in plenty of boiling salted water for 5-7 minutes, drain it in a colander and return it to the saucepan with the sauce, stirring well. Eventually add pepper and grated parmesan cheese.