Saturday, November 20, 2010

if anyone is still out there

If anyone is still paying attention to my blog just want you to know I'm still here - haven't felt much like blogging lately.  Seems like I don't have much to say right now.  Keep checking in with me.  I have been very busy.  I recently retired from my job and now I'm working part-time at the same job.  I really like going to work now because I know I don't have to be there everyday all day.  I was worried that I would be bored when I retired.  So far it hasn't happened.  As Martha would say "it's a good thing".


  1. Congratulations on your retirement! I am sure you will fill your time with the things you love!

  2. Congratulations! What are you dreaming of learning or doing or finally finishing? :) I'd love to hear more.

  3. Thank you for the congrats! Right now I am working on things around my house. Things that never got done while working full-time. Clearing out stuff, painting will be next, exercising, crafty stuff, sewing, watching movies. Just taking it easy right now. When the winter is over I'd like to join a hiking club. Would like to climb one of the Adirondack Mountains.
