

Ms. Limo: Are you all ready for this?

***** Click "Read more" option
to move forward to the rest. *****

Here is our giveaway details with
your donation to American Red Cross
- Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami
 Relief Fund.

Quilt #1 by Kristine @Arizona
Size: 13" square
"Never Take Beer to an Interview"
You see these are such itty bitty blocks!
I think fabrics are from "Miniatures
by Julie Hendrickson" @Windham Fabrics.
** Please click each picture to enlarge **

 Quilt #2 by Veronique @France
Size: 21cm x 28cm
Vero's original design.
Lovely doll bed quilt is made with
mostly from Kaffe Fassett's line.
** Please click each picture to enlarge **

Quilt #3 by Sylvie @France
Size: 31cm x 33cm
Designed by Cecile.
Hand pieced, quilted and
 embroidered by a cross stitch designer
** Please click each picture to enlarge **

Quilt #4 by merumo @Arizona
Size: 19" x 19"
"Civil War Stars Doll Quilt"
by Kathleen Tracy.
** Please click each picture to enlarge **

*** How to play ***

First of all, anybody is welcome to play.
We will ship our quilts anywhere in the world
for the winners.

1. Donate at American Red Cross.
The donation prior to this post
 won't get counted.
2. Get the tracking number on your receipt.
(i.e: 1555-8047-1-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx)
3. Come back here and leave a comment
with your donation amount,
the tracking number and your contact info.
I just made another donation to get
the latest tracking number!
4. If you make a blog post or tweet about our giveaway,
then I'll give you an additional chance ;)
Let me know with your comment
if you do so.

For every $10 you donate, you get an entry
and one winner can only win one quilt.

I will pick four winners on 3/26/2011
and have the first place winner
to pick his/her choice out of four quilts.
Then the second place winner will
pick his/hers form the rest, and so on.

and come back to play with
our giveaway!

P/S I've learned the foreign issued credit cards
aren't getting accepted at American Red Cross
donation site for your donations.

I made a list of some of
foreign countri's Red Cross sites
for you to try at one of them,
or if you don't see your local
Red Cross on the list,
you can still make your donations
at your local Red Cross websites
and come back to make your entries
for giveaway!!
Thank you for your visit
and good luck with everyone :)))

-- Posted from my iPhone


  1. What a great idea Merumo and may the ARCross get a lot of donations:))

  2. Thanks for doing this, Merumo. My tracking number is
    1555-8047-1-4559849-5042683 I donated $20. I hope your raffle is a success!

  3. Great idea! I donated $50, a small donation for a chance to win one of these fabulous quilts!
    My tracking # is
    Thank you to all four ladies for their generosity!
    I'll post about it, but may I snag one photo?

  4. What a wonderful thing you are doing !

    I just donated $25.00 and my tracking # is:

  5. I just made my donation Merumo! My tracking # is 1555-8047-1-4578547-5062832.

    I'm going to mention this on my blog today!

  6. I have retweeted your original tweet link to your post plus put a link to your giveaway on my blog and retweeted. Last but not least I have just donated $40 and my tracking number is: 1555-8047-1-4580250-5064638. I just hope it all helps.

  7. What a wonderful idea! I've made a donation - the tracking # is 1555-8047-1-4581031-5065474

    I'm going to post about it on my blog right now. What a lovely gesture!

  8. Great idea, Merumo!
    I gave to the Japanese red cross society through Googgle
    and my number is 252300164608584

    Dorothée (Dotty) in France

  9. Thanks for your great idea. My tracking #1555-8047-1-4584877-5069630, and I donated $100. I am also going to post info on my blog.

  10. I sent money through Paypal to a relative in the US who has then made a donation on my behalf = $40.00. The tracking number he sent me is 1555-8047-1-4582461-5067129. I hope this is right as it was the first time he had tried it.
    I will also post this in my sidebar on my blog.
    Thank you for your kind generosity!
    LISA V

  11. Hi Merumo,
    Thank you for this wonderful giveaway, and what a great idea.
    I donated to Japanese Red Cross from your link, though is that OK?
    I donated 5000 Yen, and my payment ID (this wasn't tracking No.) is JRC4d87f51bc7df4.
    I hope it will help Japanese people more!

  12. Well, first ì'm really happy to meet you Merumo!! Second me and my husband will donate. We live in Italy, i don't know if is necesary to leave our telephon number. For us is just a pleasure to help. I will post the link in my blog for share with all my friends. Hope for you great success and for Japan i wish all the blessings. With friendship Varla Lee.

  13. Thank you for this wonderful idea.
    I gave 80 Euros this morning to the French Red Cross, and my tracking number is crf174638.
    Bravo et tous mes voeux pour votre initiative.

  14. Thanks for your wonderful idea.
    I gave 80 euros this morning to the French Red Cross and my tracking number is crf174638.
    All my wishes for your project.

  15. Thank you for doing this. I wish there was more I could do than just donate. I have donated $ 100 (US) to the international red cross. Tracking number is 2044974896.

  16. Hello Merumo
    Here is my transaction number : crf167624 for a donation to Croix Rouge Française for an amount of 100 euros .
    Thanks for doing all this for us

  17. Thank you, Merumo, for this chance to make a donation and win a beautiful quilt! I just made a donation of $100 to the ARC and my tracking number is 1555-8047-1-4617464-5105642. I also did a post.

  18. I am so sorry for the people of Japan and I think this was a great way to get more money to help them! I am not a quilter, butI love any size quilt.
    I was able to give $30 and my tracking no. is 1555-8047-4623122-5111900. I don't have a blog so I couldn't help you there, but you can contact me at diana.h@comcast.net

  19. Thank you my friend for holding this fundraiser. You are a beautiful person, from a beautiful country. What generosity from you and the other girls -- the quilts are fantastic! I made a $50 donation to the American Red Cross through my company's matching program, which we have discussed through email. Lin

  20. This is a wonderful thing you are doing, and these quilts are amazing. I donated $50 and my tracking number is 1555-8047-1-4648597-5139812. Good luck!
    Henry. hbpfood@yahoo.com

  21. Hi, I sent a few dollars for the earthquake fund, $20.00 1555-8047-1-4649862-5141193

    I have a new computer and it is somewhat challenging. Screens appear and disappear! I hope you are able to raise lots of money. Last night my Lions Club sent $500.

    Good Luck, Pauline

  22. Hi Merumo,

    I just could not make it work through the site so I donated through Amazon to the Red Cross. Here is my tracking number

    I will forward the e-mail from Amazon to you so you can verify it.

    This is a wonderful thing you are doing.

  23. Thank you for doing this. I made a donation of $20 and my tracking number is 1555-8047-1-4653198-5145111.

  24. Hello Merumo,

    Thank you for this beautiful idea. I've just donated 40 CHF to the Swiss Red Cross. The number of the transaction (no tracking number) is K6p1EYAS8rrWvAjb2hAlb1n6lSnA


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