Showing posts with label Dottir Press. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dottir Press. Show all posts

Saturday, November 9, 2019

November is Picture Book Month! Review of Not My Idea: a book about whiteness by Anastasia Higginbotham

Image: Dottir Press
Not My Idea: a book about whiteness written and illustrated by Anastasia Higginbotham. 64p. Ordinary Terrible Things series. Dottir Press, September, 2018. 9781948340007. (Review of purchased finished copy.)

I have been struggling with how to be an ally for most of my life. I have good intentions but often fail. Attending SLJ's Diversity Bootcamp a couple of summers ago helped. It was just the tip of the iceberg and would've registered for the bootcamp again this past summer were it not my husband's 70th birthday and all the celebration I needed to plan. 

I do believe that whites need to confront their own white privilege and acknowledge their implicit bias. It also needs to be discussed openly in schools. This book would go a long way in helping parents and teachers grapple first with their own biases and then help them help students understand white privilege. 

I will be honest. I needed to read this a few times before truly understanding its message. The collages are quite arresting. The dialogue requires a bit of attention. Get comfortable with this before sharing it with your children. It is an important conversation starter and one that will most likely trigger a bit of resistance and denial. 

If you are looking for a resource to open conversations about race, look no further than this extraordinary book.