Showing posts with label sexism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sexism. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Teen Tuesday and Audiobook Review: Debating Darcy by Sayantani Dasgupta

Debating Darcy by Sayantani Dasgupta. Unabridged e-audiobook, ~8 hours. Read by Deepa Samuel. Scholastic Audio, April, 2022.  9781338813746. (Review of e-audio borrowed from public library. Own hc.)

Happy Tuesday! It's a dreary, gray, rainy but mild day here in northern NJ. Teen Tuesday features Debating Darcy by Sayantani Dasgupta. This updated and fun retelling of Pride and Prejudice centers around Leela Bose, a star on her public school speech and debate team and Firoze Darcy, a member of the exclusive Netherfield Academy debate team. This hating to dating romance wonderfully captures Jane Austen's themes of classism and sexism and adds issues of racism and homophobia.

The cast of characters is diverse, with Leela being a Bengali American and biracial Darcy being half Pakastani and half white. Leela's teammates are multiethnic and very smart. Dr. Dasgupta brings the world of high stakes high school speech and debate culture to life and cleverly hides easter eggs for fans of the original. Fans of Pride and Prejudice will get a kick out of this clever retelling, but readers unfamiliar with the classic will be able to enjoy it as well. Recommended.