Yaqui DelGado Wants to Kick Your Ass: the Graphic Novel adapted by Mel Valentine Vargas. Adapted from the novel by Meg Medina. 288 p. Candlewick Press, September, 2023. 9781536224771. (Review of arc courtesy of publisher.)
Moving house is always tough on a kid, but moving in tenth grade and fitting in in a new high school has to be the toughest. While Piddy Sanchez is happy to be out of her old, unsafe apartment, she's not thrilled to be at a new school and is missing her bff, who recently moved to the suburbs. On the first day of school, she learns that Yaqui Delgado wants to kick her ass. Piddy has no idea who Yaqui is or why she's angry at Piddy. Piddy is a good student, but as the threats and bullying escalate, Piddy withdraws and becomes increasingly depressed. Her single mother is at wit's end trying to figure out what is happening to her daughter, but the two constantly clash and Piddy becomes angry about her missing father.
This graphic novel adaptation perfectly depicts Piddy's anguish in a muted palette of blues and grey. It's a painful book to read because it's very realistic. Highly recommend!