Showing posts with label social reformers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label social reformers. Show all posts

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Picture Book Review: The Only Woman in the Photo: Frances Perkins & her New Deal for America by Kathleen Krull

The Only Woman in the Photo: Frances Perkins & her New Deal for America by Kathleen Krull. Illustrated by Alexandra Bye. unpgd. Atheneum Books for Young Readers/ Simon & Schuster, February, 2020. 9781481491518. (Review of finished copy courtesy of an author giveaway.)

Regular readers of this blog probably know about my sixth grade picture book biography unit (on hiatus this year since I am teaching fifth and sixth grade LA virtually) and know that I'm always on the lookout for more picture book biographies to add to my cart. Some time ago, author Kathleen Krull hosted a giveaway of this book. I admire Ms. Krull's work and have a few of her excellent picture book biographies in my cart, so I entered. I usually forget about these entries because I rarely win.

I won! I was so surprised when this picture book arrived in my mail!

Frances Perkins was a shy child who took her grandmother's advice to heart. "When someone opens a door to you, go forward." She realized that she needed to speak up for those who had no voice. And speak up she did. After working as a social worker and workplace safety investigator, she was appointed to the first female Secretary of Labor by Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Her advocacy for the poor led to many of FDR's New Deal programs. 

The text is informative and accessible and the illustrations are cartoonish and appealing from the embossed cover through to the end-pages. Back matter includes an afterword with more information about Frances Perkins and sources. This will be a fantastic addition to the cart.