Showing posts with label play. Show all posts
Showing posts with label play. Show all posts

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Zoe's Jungle by Bethanie Deeny Murguia

Zoe's Jungle by Bethanie Deeney Murguia. unpged. Arthur A. Levine Books/ Scholastic Inc., May, 2014. 9780545558693. (Finished copy courtesy of publisher for review.)

Oh, the pressures of transitioning! Zoe and her sister, Addie are enjoying their time at the playground when their mother announces that they have five minutes before they need to leave. But wait! Zoe spots a rare spotted Addiebeast (Addie's wearing a polkadot dress) in the foliage and Zoe can't let her get away. The playground becomes a lush jungle when Zoe is caught up in her imagination only to abruptly return to reality when her mother booms the ticking minutes, five, four, three, two, one… But Zoe and Addie don't put up a fuss when it's time to leave because now it's the best time of all - reading time!

The pen and ink and water color illustrations perfectly capture the energy and excitement of imaginary play at its best and most endearing. This would be a fun read-aloud and a charming antidote to video game obsessed kids who are probably suffering from nature deficit disorder.