Showing posts with label prayer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prayer. Show all posts

Friday, January 16, 2015

Beautiful Moon by Tonya Bolden

Beautiful Moon: a child's prayer by Tonya Bolden. Illustrated by Eric Velasquez. unpgd. Harry N. Abrams Inc., November, 2014. 9781419707926. (Finished copy courtesy of publisher for review)

A young boy awakens suddenly. Was it the light of the gorgeous full moon flooding his room or the remembrance of forgotten prayers. Bathed in the golden yellow light, the boy earnestly prays for the homeless, for those fighting wars overseas, for the hungry and for his own family. 

The illustrations accompanying those wishes are dark and foreboding despite the fullness of the moon. The illustrations are luminous and the text is lyrical making for intimate and cozy bedtime reading, especially for those who end their day in prayer.