Showing posts with label borders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label borders. Show all posts

Sunday, 19 July 2015

"You & Me = Selfie" by Gent van Gent

Hello Sizzix Friends!
Today I am sharing another layout which is part of our
Summer Vacation (2014) album. Love that selfie of hubby and I -
it has a special place in our family album :-)

For this layout I combined New & Old dies and of course I used one my 
favourite paper punches by Sizzix - Butterfly, Large!
The colour combination is not the usual Summer colour combo -
it has to do with the country we were on vacation - Egypt :-)
660515 Sizzix Big Shot Plus Starter Kit
NEW 660481 Sizzix Thinlits Die Do What you Love
NEW 660500 Sizzix Thinlits Die Set Intricate Tribal Florals
NEW 660502 Sizzix Thinlits Die Set Tribal Borders
NEW 660159 Sizzix Paper Punch Butterfly, Large
656554 Sizzix Bigz Die Corners, Flourish #2
*         *         *

The flourish I added to decorate the photo were created by
mixing the pretty Sizzix florals and fussy cut paper flowers.

I, once again, used the Do What you Love die and, 
once again, I used it in a separate parts on my project.

I combined one of the Tribal Borders with
the scallop border from the Starter Kit.
Websters Pages - pattern papers
Prima Marketing - pattern papers, sugar dots
*        *       *

Thank you for visiting us today!
Have a creative Sunday!

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Noel candy cane

Back to Christmas card again this week and I've gone with one of my favourite colour combinations for Christmas: Kraft, white, red and gold. Love the way those colours come together and instantly remind me of Christmas. This week's card features the new Thinlits Die Set 9PK - Christmas Phrase Cards as well as the new Thinlits Die Set 9PK - Winter Borders & Rosette.
I kept the card relatively simple and let the card feature a rather large slice of white space.
On the left most side of the white cardstock, I diecut one of the borders from Thinlits Die Set 9PK - Winter Borders & Rosette. Then I used the same border to cut red cardstock to fill in the empty spaces in the white cardstock and thereby achieving the candy cane look. The second border, also from Thinlits Die Set 9PK - Winter Borders & Rosette, was diecut in a gold paper. I made sure to reserve the stars from the border to use as a detail near the sentiment.
To create the sentiment for the card I diecut four (and ended up only using three) "noels" using one of the dies from Thinlits Die Set 9PK - Christmas Phrase Cards. Glueing the three diecuts on top of one another will give your diecut dimension as well as stability.

Once I had mounted three "noels" on top of one another I added the sentiment to my card. I then strung the baker's twine around the card and tied a bow just above the sentiment. To make sure that the ends of the bow remained arranged in a nice way, I put a little glue under each end. The final touch was to add three of the little gold stars above the sentiment.
Supply list:
Sizzix Big Shot Starter Kit (Powder Blue & Teal)
Sizzix Accessory - Magnetic Platform for Wafer-Thin Dies
Thinlits Die Set 9PK - Christmas Phrase Cards
Gold paper
Baker's twine
Jeg er tilbage til julekortene i denne uge, og jeg har arbejdet med en af mine favorit farvekombinationer til julekort: kraft, hvid, rød og guld. Jeg elsker den måde, de farver arbejder sammen og umiddelbart minder en om jul. Denne uges kort er lavet med dies fra Thinlits Die Set 9PK - Christmas Phrase Cards og Thinlits Die Set 9PK - Winter Borders & Rosette.
Kortet er hold enkelt og med et relativt stort white space område.
På den venstre side af det hvide karton udstansede jeg en af strimlerne fra Thinlits Die Set 9PK - Winter Borders & Rosette. Jeg brugte den samme die til at udstanse rødt karton til at fylde i hullerne i det hvide karton, hvorved jeg fik candy cane looket frem. Den anden strimmel, også fra Thinlits Die Set 9PK - Winter Borders & Rosette, udstansede jeg i guldfarvet papir. Jeg sørgede for at gemme de små stjerner, så jeg kunne bruge dem et andet sted på kortet.
For at lave teksten på kortet udstansede jeg fire "noel" (jeg endte med kun at bruge tre af dem) med en die fra Thinlits Die Set 9PK - Christmas Phrase Cards. Når man limer flere udstansede motiver ovenpå hinanden, får man et stabilt og dimensionelt motiv uden at bruge 3d-puder.
Da jeg havde limet de tre "noel" ovenpå hinanden, limede jeg dem på det kortet. Herefter vandt jeg baker's twine om kortet, og bandt sløjfen lige over teksten. For at være sikker på at sløjfens ender blev siddende på en pæn måde, limede jeg dem fast med en lille klat lim. Det sidste touch var at montere tre af guldstjernerne over højre side af hilsnen.
Sizzix Big Shot Starter Kit (Powder Blue & Teal)
Sizzix Accessory - Magnetic Platform for Wafer-Thin Dies
Thinlits Die Set 9PK - Christmas Phrase Cards
Guldfarvet papir
Baker's twine

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Jump! Jump!

I'm trying to get some scrapbooking done since I scrapbook no less than four little ones (none of them mine). This week it is Alma that is the subject for the layout and I've used a variety of fun Sizzix products to put together this page.

The layout is simple (that is the way I roll) which leaves room for me to use a lot of patterns while still keeping things fairly clean.

I wanted to add something above the pictures but I didn't want it to take up too much room neither visually nor in terms of bulk. Therefore I decided to cut out the sentiment from the frame from Thinlits Die Set 6PK - I Heart This and use as a stencil attatching it to the layout using multiple post-it notes making sure I wouldn't accidentally smudge ink on the surrounding layout.

Once I was sure the stencilling was done I could safely remove the post-it notes revealing a subtle detail that doesn't take up too much room but still adds something to the mix.

For the title I used the very versatile Bigz XL Alphabet Die - Block Talk Lowercase to cut out a title that popped into my head while looking at the pictures. Guess it reveals that I was a teen-ager in the 90's...

To make room for the date I die cut a tab from the Thinlits Die Set 8PK - Basics and stamped the date which happened to also be Alma's 3rd birthday hence the "happy birthday". To add a little decoration to the tab I also die cut the star from the Thinlits Die Set 8PK - Basics.
Supply list:
Sizzix Big Shot Starter Kit (Powder Blue & Teal)
Sizzix Accessory - Magnetic Platform for Wafer-Thin Dies
Thinlits Die Set 8PK - Basics
Paper: Scenic Route, Jillibean Soup, Cosmo Cricket, Little Yellow Bicycle
Date and text stamp
Ranger Distress Ink
Mini blending tool
Sewing maching and thread
Jeg forsøger at få lavet nogle scrapsider, da jeg har intet mindre end fire små (ingen af dem mine), som jeg scrapper sider til. I denne uge er det Alma, der er centrum for en side, hvor jeg har mixet forskellige fede Sizzix-produkter.
Siden er - som stort set alle mine projekter - ret enkelt, hvilket giver mig mulighed for at mixe flere forskellige farver og mønstre.
Jeg ville have noget dekoration over billederne, som ikke fyldte for meget, hverken visuelt eller i højden. Derfor besluttede jeg mig for at bruge teksten fra rammen fra Thinlits Die Set 6PK - I Heart This som stencil. Jeg monterede den på layoutet med et antal post-it notes for at sikre, at der ikke kom smuds på det omgivende layout.
Da jeg var sikker på, at det stencillerede motiv var færdigt, fjernede jeg post-it siderne, og nu havde jeg en fin dekoration, som bidrog til sidens hele uden at fylde for meget.
Til titlen brugte jeg det meget alsidige Bigz XL Alphabet Die - Block Talk Lowercase til at udstanse den titel, der poppede op i mit hoved, mens jeg arbejdede med billederne. Tror vist, at den afslører, at jeg var teen-ager i 90'erne...
Datoen fik plads på en tab fra Thinlits Die Set 8PK - Basics, og for at dekorere den lidt udstansede jeg en stjerne fra samme die-sæt og monterede henover tabben. Daoten er stemplet sammen med et lille "happy birthday", fordi billederne faktisk stammer fra Almas tredje fødselsdag.
Sizzix Big Shot Starter Kit (Powder Blue & Teal)
Sizzix Accessory - Magnetic Platform for Wafer-Thin Dies
Thinlits Die Set 8PK - Basics
Papir: Scenic Route, Jillibean Soup, Cosmo Cricket, Little Yellow Bicycle
Dato- og tekststempel
Ranger Distress Ink
Mini blending tool
Symaskine og tråd

Friday, 18 July 2014

Back to basic - circles & butterflies

Hello Sizzix UK fans! It's Karola here with a new inspiration for you today! For my today's post I created a layout with the photo of me and my Ireland sweet friend Marta. This time I decided to do not use patterned papers, just the white cardstock with some mediums, Sizzix dies and embossing folder. I just wanted to back for a while to basic way for creating simple, but fantastic handmade embellishment for our pages or cards. I think it is very easy and you will have a lot of fun while creating with use just scissors, dies and simple material. 

Circles are my one of the most favourite motifs, these are so versatile and useful for any occasion and for every style. For my background I used watercolor paints and stamps, but to create embellies I used Sizzix Framelits Die Set 8pk - Circles2 to cut a few circles in a various sizes and create interesting addition to my page. Each circle was embossed coloured with spray paints and embossed using folder with trellis motif. 

I just cut out also some various butterflies using Sizzix Sizzlits Decorative Strip Die - Butterfly Frenzy, then I coloured each of them and added some white gesso on the top of the circles and butterflies  to create an interesting texture and more delicate and shabby look to my embellies. As you can see, I stuck cirlces using 3D foam tape and created a few layers with them. Butterflies are an amazing motif to make an airy, light, delicate look on any projects, i just love this design and love the possibility that with the Butterfly Frenzy die we can cut lots of tiny butterflies in a few shapes and sizes at the same time! Very, very useful and versatile die!

Sizzix supplies used:
658356 Sizzix Textured Impressions - Rose Vines & Trellis 2pk

Thank you for visit us today! 
Have a wonderful weekend! 
~~ Karola ~~ 


Witajcie fani Sizzixa! Tu Karola i dzis znow moja kolej, aby podrzucic Wam odrobine inspiracji. Tym razem mam do pokazania layout z wykorzystaniem prostych ale bardzo efektownych motywow kolek oraz motyli, bez wzorzystych papierow do scrapbookingu - tylko wykrojniki i foldery Sizzix oraz bialy brystol i odrobina kolorowych mediow.  Po prostu chcialam na chwile wrocic do prostych rzeczy - prostych motywow, nieskomplikowanych, lecz ciekawych dodatkow, o ktorych wygladzie w duzym stopniu decydujemy sami. Mysle, ze nie bedziecie miec zadnych trudnosci z samodzielnym tworzeniem ciekawych dodatkow do prac, korzystajac z produktow Sizzixa.

Kolka to jeden z moich ulubionych motywow, sa niezwykle uniwersalne, ponadczasowe, pasuja na kazda okazje i do kazdego stylu. Moj layout zaczelam od stworzenia tla za pomoca farb akwarelowych oraz stempli. Nastepnie wycielam kilka roznej wielkosci kolek, korzystajac z wykrojnikow Sizzix Framelits Die Set 8pk - Circles2. Kazde z kolek pokolorowalam za pomoca farbek w sprayu i wytloczylam na nich wzory, korzystajac z folderu do embossingu. 

Wycielam rowniez troche roznej wielkosci i ksztaltu malenkich motyli za pomoca wykrojnika Sizzix Sizzlits Decorative Strip Die - Butterfly Frenzy i pokolorowalam je tak samo jak wczesniej wyciete kolka. Na koniec dodalam nieco bialego gesso na wierzch zarowno kolek jak i motyli, aby dodac lekkosci i delikatnosci do moich ozdob. Kolka przykleilam do pracy za pomoca tasmy 3D, tworzac z nich kilka warstw. Motyle takze sa bardzo uniwersalnym motywem, szczegolnie w okresie wiosenno-letnim. Dzieki wykrojnikowi Butterfly Frenzy mozecie wyciac mnostwo niewielkich motyli w kilku roznych ksztaltach i rozmiarach podczas tylko jednego ciecia! To ogromne ulatwienie!

Mam nadzieje, ze udalo mi sie zainspirowac Was do wlasnorecznego stworzenia kilku ciekawych dodatkow do prac, za pomoca wykrojnikow i folderow Sizzix.

Wykorzystane materialy Sizzix:
658356 Sizzix Textured Impressions - Rose Vines & Trellis 2pk

Dziekuje za odwiedziny na naszym blogu i zycze Wam jak zwykle wspanialego i kreatywnego weekendu!


Friday, 6 June 2014

Pure white borders die-cuts

Hello Sizzix fans! Today is my turns to inspire you with brand new Sizzix project! 
For today's post I made a layout about the one amazing day I spent a year ago with lots of my friends. The photos were taken by my talented friend and I love it. This time I reached for the filigree border dies - Thinlits Die Set 4PK - Borders. I just love the design of the all Thinlits dies, as I am lace lover, so they are absolutely in my taste. 

My idea for decorate a layout is using these stunning borders in a pure, white color for the layout background arrangement. Very often we cut out die cuts of colored paper, usually from patterned scrapbook paper. Surprisingly, however, how beautiful small delicate patterns looks in pure white! 

I cut out all 4 borders from the set 2 times and I used them to make lacey composition on woodgrain background. I would recommend the use of white die cuts on a contrasting background, then it is definitely better to highlight their beautiful shapes. 

Borders can successfully substitute cotton fabric lace and other trims. In addition, you can color in any way - using ink mists, paints, chalks and other mediums. I most like the white version, because look great and besides, it's really fast way to design eye-catching decoration.

Sizzix supplies used:

Thank you for visit us today! 
Have a wonderful weekend! 
~~ Karola ~~ 


Witajcie polskojęzyczni fani Sizzix-a! Dziś moja kolej aby zainspirować Was całkiem nowym sizzixowym projektem! Do dzisiejszego posta przygotowałam layout, ze zdjęciami zrobionymi przez moją zdolną koleżankę, podczas jednego ze wspaniałych dni, w ubiegłym roku. Tym razem sięgnęłam po delikatne, koronkowe bordery z zestawu Thinlits Die Set 4PK - Borders. Uwielbiam wszystkie wykrojniki Thinlits, jako, że jestem nieustannie zakochana w koronkach, a te wykrojniki są po prostu idealnie w moim guście. Mój pomysł na ozdobienie scrapa to wykorzystanie delikatnych borderów w czystej, białej postaci, konkretnie do wypełnienia tła. Bardzo często wycinamy wykrojnikami z kolorowego papieru, najczęściej z wzorzystego papieru do scrapbookingu. Jednak zaskakujące jak pięknie wyglądają wszelkiego rodzaju drobne wycinanki w bieli! Ja wycięłam dwukrotnie wszystkie 4 bordery z zestawu, aby stworzyć koronkowe motywy na tle z motywem drewna. Polecam wykorzystanie białych wycinanek na kontrastowym tle, wówczas zdecydowanie lepiej podkreślimy ich piękne kształty. Bordery mogą z powodzeniem zastąpić nam koronki czy inne tasiemki z tkaniny. Dodatkowo, wycięte z papieru bordery, możemy dowolnie kolorować - za pomocą tuszy, mgiełek, kredy czy innych mediów. Moja ulubiona wersja to czysta biel, ponieważ w tej postaci bordery wyglądają przepięknie a jednocześnie jest to naprawdę szybki sposób na stworzenie efektownej dekoracji w projekcie. 

Wykorzystane produkty Sizzix:

Dziękuję za dzisiejsze odwiedziny na naszym blogu i życzę Wam 
wspaniałego, kreatywnego weekendu! 
~~ Karola ~~

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Christmas Card with Snowflake

Hi everyone....hope you all had a great I have a Christmas Card with a beautiful Snowflake to show you. I have used Sizzix Bigz Die - Snowflake Ornament 
on tthe front of this card... the Snowflake is so beaufitul it ♥ 

Supply list:
657900 Sizzix Big Shot Machine Only (Powder Blue & Teal)
658740 Sizzix Bigz Die - Snowflake Ornament 
658734 Sizzix Sizzlits Decorative Strip Die - Bower Birds
658730 Sizzix Bigz Die - Gift Tags
658622Sizzix Framelits Die Set 8PK w/Stamps - Snowflakes #2 

Papers: Pion Design - Wintertime in Swedish Lapland, Bazzill
Inks: Distress ink Pad - Walnut Stain
Stamps: Penny Black
Other: Seam Binding Ribbon, Wild Orchid Crafts - Bead Berry Spray, Cheesecloth, Strukturpaste and Distress Glitter - Clear Rock Candy

How to do:
Die cut the Snowflake in patterned paper. Cut out patterned paper and glue or sew it to the front. 
Glue the Snowflake only in the middle of the card. Glue the panel to the main card.  

Die cut beautiful border in patterned paper.

Sew or glue it to the inside of the card as a pocket. Put journal card insiden.

Glue patterned paper to chipboard and die cut Gift Tags with Sizzix Bigz Die - Gift Tags
Distress the edges with sandpaper.
Stamp some text on the Gift Tag and glue it to the inside of the card. 

At last add some Strukturpaste and Distress Glitter - Clear Rock Candy on the ribbon and Berry Spray. 

Wish you a great day!
Anne Kristine


Hei alle sammen ...håper dere har hatt en fin uke...idag har jeg et julekort med en vakker snøstjerne å vise dere. Denne snøstjernen er bare så vakker ...trenger ikke så mye annet pynt.


657900 Sizzix Big Shot Machine Only (Powder Blue & Teal)
658740 Sizzix Bigz Die - Snowflake Ornament 
658734 Sizzix Sizzlits Decorative Strip Die - Bower Birds
658730 Sizzix Bigz Die - Gift Tags
658622Sizzix Framelits Die Set 8PK w/Stamps - Snowflakes #2 

Papir: Pion Design - Wintertime in Swedish Lapland, Bazzill
Inks: Distress ink Pad - Walnut Stain
Stempler: Penny Black
Annet: Seam Binding bånd, Wild Orchid Crafts - Bead Berry Spray, osteklut, Strukturpaste og Distress Glitter - Clear Rock Candy

Beskrivelse :
Stans ut snøstjernen i mønsterark. Skjær ut et panel med mønsterark og sy eller lim panelet til fremsiden. Lim snøstjernen kun i midten av kortet.
Lim panelet til selve kortet.  
Stans ut den vakre bården og lim eller sy den fast på innsiden av kortet som en lomme til å putte journal kort i .
Lim mønsterark på chipboard og stans ut pakkelapper med  Sizzix Bigz Die - Gift Tags 
Distress kantene med sandpapir. Stemple tekst på pakkelappen og lim den på innsiden av kortet.
Til sist påfør Strukturpaste og Distress Glitter  - Clear Rock Candy på bånd og bær.

Ha en flott dag!
Anne Kristine

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

"Grot" layout

Hi All!

Daria is here.

Today I would like to show you a layout and a process.

Items used:
Big Shot Machine (657900)
Sizzix Sizzlits Decorative Strip Die - Vintage Lace (657481)
Sizzix Sizzlits Decorative Strip Die - Washer Border (657826)

To create background for my layout I used different sprays. I added decorative tapes after sprays dried. Also I cut laces using Vintage Lace die and glued them onto the layout. 
I cut border using Washer Border die. I used this border as stencil (with white Gesso).
I used Sprays and Distress Stains to add color to my layout.
Then I added photo and embelishments. 

Have a nice day!

Всем привет!

Сегодня я хочу показать вам страничку и немного процесса ее создания.

1. Я побрызгала лист разными спреями. Затем приклеила кусочки декоративного скотча. Чтобы разнообразить фактуру, я вырезала кружева используя нож Vintage Lace. Мне нравится этот нож тем, что он разом вырезает три разных бордюра, и они такие классные ( в моем вкусе).
2. Я вырезала бордюр с использованием ножа Washer Border. Я очень люблю этот узор использовать в качестве трафарета. В этот раз я использовала его с Гессо.
3. Чтобы добавить цвет, и сделать фон более похожим на грот, я использовала разные спреи и Distress Stains.
4. Добавила фото и немного украшений. Страничка готова.

Всем хорошего дня!

Thursday, 16 May 2013

A bucolic Layout !


Today let me show you a 100% bucolic layout! Some green, flowers and colours for a very seasonal creation!

Let’s start with the list of supplies and Sizzix dies I used:

Papers: American Crafts Dear Lizzy
Alphabets: American Crafts, Heidi Swapp
Beads: Prima
Masking Tape: Jenni Bowlin
Pin: My Mind's Eye
Inks: Adirondack Clover, Watermelon, Citrus
Ink: Jenni Bowlin Spice Tin
Stamp: Florilèges Design


658699 Sizzix Framelits Die Set 16PK w/stamp-Jar
658508 Sizzix Sizzlits Die Set 3PK-Roses Flower Set
657720 Sizzix Sizzlits Die Set 3PK-Sweet treats for you Set
658002 Sizzix  Sizzlits Decorative Strip Die-Lace & Circles
659108 Sizzix Thinlits Die Set 6PK- For the Record

Start by choosing a spring-themed picture! I had fun shooting my son’s feet, wearing his Chuck Taylors, in the green grass!

I built my page around this beautiful “jar” stamp & die! The jar is stamped with navy blue ink then cut thanks to the matching die. The tag is glued in 3D for more contrast. My pattern is coupled with a “bottle” stamp and another paper one from Dear Lizzy.

The stage is set, now it’s time to add pretty flowers thanks to my dies. I chose to cut them out of white paper so that I can colour them the way I want afterwards! Here come my Adirondack inks: the green one (Clover) and coral-coloured one (Watermelon) with a touch of anise green (Citrus).
The accents are ready. Now I need to add some strass here and there, gluing the smaller ones with 3D adhesive.

Then I added some masking tape on the upper and lower side of my picture. A doily frieze is glued at the top of my creation. It is cut out of yellow patterned paper.

I hope you liked my creation and that you will feel like using these new dies!

Have a nice day!



Aujourd'hui je vous propose une page 100% bucolique ! Du vert, des fleurs et de la couleurs pour une création de saison !

Voici pour commencer la liste du matériel et des dies Sizzix utilisés :

Papiers : American Crafts Dear Lizzy
Alphabets : American Crafts, Heidi Swapp
Perles : Prima
Masking Tape : Jenni Bowlin
Epingle : My Mind's Eye
Encres : Adirondack Clover, Watermelon, Citrus
Encre : Jenni Bowlin Spice Tin
Tampon : Florilèges Design


658699 Sizzix Framelits Die Set 16PK w/stamp-Jar
658508 Sizzix Sizzlits Die Set 3PK-Roses Flower Set
657720 Sizzix Sizzlits Die Set 3PK-Sweet treats for you Set
658002 Sizzix  Sizzlits Decorative Strip Die-Lace & Circles
659108 Sizzix Thinlits Die Set 6PK- For the Record

Pour commencer, chosissez une photo bien printanière ! Je me suis amusée à photographier ici les pieds de mon fils et ses nouvelles Converse dans l'herbe bien verte !

Le joli tampon et sa découpe "bocal" sont à la base de ma construction ! Le bocal est tamponné en bleu marine puis découpé à l'aide de sa matrice. L'étiquette est montée en 3D pour plus de contraste. J'ai assorti mon motif avec un tampon bouteille et une autre Dear Lizzy version papier.

Le décor est planté il ne me reste plus qu'à rajouter de jolies fleurs grâce à mes découpes. J'ai choisi de faire mes découpes dans du papier blanc pour pouvoir les colorer comme je voulais ! J'ai opté pour mes encres Adirondack vertes (Clover ) et corail (Watermelon) avec une pointe de vert anis ( Citrus).
Mes embellissements prêts il ne me reste plus qu'à rajouter des strass ici et là et de monter les plus petits en 3D.

J'ai ensuite rajouté une masking tape en haut et bas de ma photo. Une petite frise dentellée vient compléter le haut de ma création, elle est découpée dans un imprimé jaune.

J'espère que ma création vous aura plu et vous donnera envie d'essayer ces nouvelles découpes !

Bonne journée


Thursday, 9 May 2013

So Girly !


It’s Thursday again! Here is a very girly page with some pink, some glitter and pretty butterflies!

Here is the supplies list:

Papers: American Crafts, Studio Calico, Pink Paislee
Golden paper: American Crafts
Alphabets: Heidi Swapp
Sticker, pin: My Mind's Eyes
Buttons: American Crafts
Die-cut: Elle's Studio
Masks: The Crafter's workshop
Spray inks: Glimmer Mist
Stamp: Craft Origine
Ink: Archival Viridian
Others: tag, ribbon, yellow thread


659108 Sizzix Thinlits Die Set 6PK-For the record
658003 Sizzix Sizzlits Decorative Strip Die -Scallop Eyelet Lace
659110 Sizzix Thinlits Die Set 6PK - For the record 2, Tailored

This is an easy layout to realise, based upon a vast number of embellishments (dies, stamps, buttons, butterflies…) and on volume!

I started by working on my kraft background with masks and spray inks. While the inks dry, I had fun cutting a large Sizzix frieze out of white paper, and then I applied a light spray of Glimmer Mist ink on it.

Then I cut a big butterfly out of golden paper. Tags are cut out of white paper and pattern paper. The white frame is here to enhance and add a finishing touch to the tag.
Some of the dies are glued with 3D adhesives.

Next I added some drops of black Indian ink here and there and some yellow thread around the main component: the pretty golden butterfly!

Have a nice day!

See you next Thursday!



Un nouveau Jeudi avec une page très girly ! Au programme du rose, des paillettes et des jolis papillons !

Voici la liste du matériel utilisé :

Papiers : American Crafts, Studio Calico, Pink Paislee
Papier doré : American Crafts
Alphabets : Heidi Swapp
Autocollant, épingle: My Mind's Eyes
Boutons : American Crafts
Die-cut : Elle's Studio
Pochoirs : The Crafter's workshop
Encres en spray : Glimmer Mist
Tampon : Craft Origine
Encre : Archivan Viridian
Divers : tag, ruban, fil jaune

Dies utilisés :

659108 Sizzix Thinlits Die Set 6PK-For the record
658003 Sizzix Sizzlits Decorative Strip Die -Scallop Eyelet Lace
659110 Sizzix Thinlits Die Set 6PK - For the record 2, Tailored

Voici une page toute simple basée sur une multitude d'embellissements ( dies, tampons, boutons, papillons ) et sur un jeu de volume !

J'ai débuté en retravaillant mon fond kraft avec des pochoirs et des encres en spray. Pendant que l'encre séche je me suis amusée à découper dans du papier blanc une large frise Sizzix que j'ai ensuite vaporisée légèrement de Glimmer Mist.

Un grand papillon est ensuite découpé dans du papier doré. Des étiquettes sont découpées dans du papier blanc et un imprimé. Le cadre blanc viendra réhausser et compléter l'étiquette.
Certaines découpes sont montées en 3D à l'aide d'adhésifs.

J'ai ensuite rajouté quelques gouttes d'encre de chine noire ici et là et du fil jaune autour de mon élément phare : le joli papillon doré !

Je vous souhaite une très belle journée !

A jeudi !
