Showing posts with label Hardanger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hardanger. Show all posts

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Kris Kringle

I wanted to share this fella with you, some of you will recognise him from when I stitched him as a Model stitch for a designer. I have only got him back in November.

(which is lucky as that person has decided to drop me as a friend( No loss there) not long after)

But I had to wait as the Polystyrene cone I bought was not returned so I had to order one from my local Haberdashery. But here it is again. I so want to make him a little hat!! LOL

Saturday 16 October 2010


Well my Mum was taken back into Hospital Thursday, but she is home yet again And they have finally explained her condition to her, and hopefully she will stay out now.

But in between visiting my Mum I have managed to fit in two meet up's! The one last Saturday in Melton Mowbray ( If you are on my facebook you'll see photos)and the one today in Nuneaton. It is lovely to be able to sit and stitch with friends and both meet ups have cheered me up. And I have managed some stitching at both days. I did the rest of the black outline on Winter mandala last week, and started a Margaret Sherry piece. And today I finished the edging on a Hardanger piece for a Friend and did some colour on Winter Mandala. So I am happy. I will upload pics soon I promise just poke me if I don't!
Thanks for visiting (Hugs)

Monday 27 September 2010

I have stitched!!!!

LOL I have had a little stitchy session at Hardanger/Stitchy group yesterday, I am so pleased with myself. I have missed the group as it seems to have been such a long time since the last one.
I managed to do more of the outline of the island.

Here is a snippet of some Hardanger, it's not mine as I am just doing the edging for a friend.

Looky what I have purchased from a friend, she makes gorgeous bags, and I just love the colours in this so just had to have it.( I do have a bag addiction lol)

And here is what I got Andy for our anniversary, he's ate most of it now

I am back at work from Friday,will seem strange to be working again.

Anyway thanks for visiting I really appreciate you stopping by. 

Friday 30 April 2010

Lace Elegance

Woo hoo Thank you to the generousity of two wonderful stitchers I was able to finish this,
I am now looking for another design to use with this colour as I do love it!
The only question now is do I make it into a mat as it's featured on the design or into a cushion? What do you think?

Sunday 3 January 2010

Last finish of 2009

I have a finish to share with you, my last finish of 2009, This is what I made Karen for her birthday

Fabric~ COM fabric Jaynes Attic
Thread ~ Caron Wildflowers Havana
Normally I would sort out my lists to do for this new year, but at the moment I don't feel like it, I am not going to set anything in writing ( That may change later) I just feel like stitching on whatever I feel like.
I nearly forgot I got a fabulous RAK from Barbara the other day from my wish list the Garden chair by Cat's Whiskers, I tell you what I was so excited I now have the Peacock chair and the Garden chair and you can probably guess what will be started this year...LOL Just waiting for my fabric I ordered to arrive as I didn't have any 32ct in my stash.
Oh of course there will be the Ink circles sal I will be stitching on every month and the BPQsal I still have to finish.
Remember if you would like to join us please feel free to let me know and I will send an invitation

Wednesday 23 December 2009

Hardanger Santa

I have finished this Hardanger Santa I was stitching for Col's Creations, he nearly didn't get finished as I was struggling with the doves eyes, and I gave it back to Colly, but I decided to give him another go and he was finished last night.
Colly has said I can show you as she is having trouble find the heads and hands here in the UK, so he may be released next year. So if anyone knows where they can be purchased in bulk I am sure Colly would be most grateful they have to be the porcelain not plastic.
He isn't actually finished properly I just put some pins in to see what he would look like all together, I need to get some pipe cleaners so I can put his hands on,padding and cover the cone in fabric.
Isn't he fabulous. Colly also did him white on white which is stunning, oh what about white thread on red fabric the possibilities are endless, you could even get Angel/Fairy head and hands and make one for your christmas tree. keep a look out next year!

Hardanger Santa
Thanks for looking

Friday 13 November 2009

Tuesday 30 June 2009