Showing posts with label hexie quilt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hexie quilt. Show all posts

Monday 23 January 2012

1st IHSW

Well my first weekend of IHSW didn't quite go as planned , as I got my first foster cat on Saturday,so was busy settling him in. Sunday I went to spend the day with some friends at the Scout Hut, but not that much was done by me, for some reason I just couldn't settle to one thing for long!
But anyway here is what I did manage!

This is out of JCS Ornament preview 2010, by Deborah Thorpe of Midsummer Nights designs
Called I love Reindeer......?? yes it is called that, he he!
 I just decided I liked it better without the reindeer on it!



This one is another Brittercup design, well the start of it!
Called Christmas Centrepiece! It is in JCS 2008 christmas Ornaments
I also did some crochet

and I also did some of the hexie quilt, well one flower!

But I had a great day yesterday, as I really needed it!! Roll on next month!!
You can see some pics HERE

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Look I have received a parcel from Michelle in New Zealand, some more lovely fabric and some Postcards. Thank you Michelle!!!

I also received a Postcard from Cathey the other day!
Cathey took the photo herself!
Ooo I do love postcards!!
I think next time I make some postcards I am going to some with the pics of some finsihed stitching of mine.

I have been plodding on with the hexie quilt, it may seem like I have gone quiet on it, but I am still hand piecing them at the moment. Will share an update photo soon.

I have been stitching!!! SHOCK I know!! lol

But I saw Maddison stitching on her tribal butterfly at the Crop the other weekend, and Colly has bought the chart and started hers, I did get mine out but I remember why I haven't finished it, I had run out of the colour I was using, So I looked in my stash and I am restarting it.
So the top butterfly is my restart, and the one below is the original one.

I have been itching to do some stitching on one of my others but with the bit of heat we are having at the moment has put paid to that!!

Thank you for stopping by, I am hoping to catch up with blogs soon!

Monday 18 July 2011

Monday morning

Look!!, some more gorgeous fabric, this lot is from a Lady at a Stitch group I attend, this fabric is as old as me, if you look it has it's date on it and it's all Laura Ashley Fabric(Except the red at the end)

And some beautiful fabric from Lyndsay has arrived this morning!!
Thank you so much Lyndsay it's gorgeous

Here are the hexies that I have managed to stitch into flowers so far, I have lots more that I am tacking and stitching together. If you can't see your fabric then it is waiting to be stitched together!

Sunday I went to a Crop day in Melton Mowbray, which is Hosted by the lovely Lorna, who is also doing two hexagon quilts!
You can see Maddison stitching away in the picture

Lots of stitching/crafting and laughing going on!!
Well for some of us!!

And we went for a meal afterwards

Thank you for stopping by xxxx

Thursday 7 July 2011

Here is the yummy fabric from Moll in Norway.
Thanks Moll

If you have sent me some fabric and I have not put a pic up, will you please let me know, my memory is going and I may of taken a pic but not uploaded it, and I am uploading pics so I have a visual reminder who sent what, as there are lots now.
Thank you all my friends!!

Wednesday 6 July 2011


This is my Speciality stitch RR, that I have received back today, I took part in this RR with some friends on the Crafty Natter forum.
It's an RR with a difference instead of the usual cross stitch, we did a Band sampler and we all stitched 3 bands each and at least one band had to be cutwork.
We were supposed to do the first three bands, I have still yet to finish my top band, and I will add two more at the bottom.

I chose to use a linen called Copper, sorry can't remember any other details about the fabric, and some basic colours which I would like.
I have to say I am really pleased with the result.

An update on my hexie quilt, I have over fifty hexie flowers now and still going on with the fabric, just received some from Norway today.

I am loving doing these!!

Thank you for stopping by
Hugs Rachael xx

Friday 24 June 2011


It has been over a week, I should update you with what I have been up to!
My priority should be a charity quilt square that I am doing for the Cats Protection quilt that we are making over on A Crafty Natter
Here is how far I have got
I had started on the one on the left, but then I couldn't find it, so I dyed some fabric yellow and started again, but this is how far I have got, so I really need to crack on and get at least one of them done!

And of course I have been crocheting again!!
Here is the wavy blanket, it needs more purple/lilac in it as it will be for my Mum  (if I can part with it lol)

This is for my FIL although my daughter has asked for one in these colours, as she wanted this one but was disappointed when I said it wasn't for her LOL

This one is just one that I fell in love with the colours, I know a lot will say That's bright  (politely) lol I may add some cream to calm it down or I may just go with the flow !!

Yesterday Wendy (no blog) and myself took a trip down south to visit Polly, we had a great day,it went too fast. But she gave me some more fabric for my hexie friendship quilt
Just look at this haul of fabric

27 yes 27 different fabrics, now please bear in mind these are scraps of fabric not FQ's well there are five that are  FQ's, as Polly saves her bits and bobs which is good practice

So I have lots of hexagons to cut out and tack on to fabric!! LOL

Monday 6 June 2011

Thank you to Karan for this lot of fabric for my friendship quilt!

and for this Birthday present

Thank you Karan xxx

Last week the kids were off school and we went to Sudbury Hall

We had a great day, Luckily the kids love going to these places

Next is some of my Rak's I have received in the RAK exchange I am part of in the Needlecraft Haven forum
From Ursh 

From Angi

Thank you ladies!

Sunday 29 May 2011

Hello Kitty, a finish and fabric!

Here is Lucy's birthday cake before it was devoured.

Taa Daa my Granny Square Blanket finished today.

Here is some lovely fabric from Jan

and some more fabric from Colly
Thank you Ladies!!

Here is the last fabric from Julie it had different motifs on the fabric so I fussy cut the centres of the Motifs

A quick Congratulations to Julie and her DD Amy who has had a little girl!!!
These are from the fabric Lisa sent me

Thank you Lisa
In fact a huge thank you to everyone who has generously gave me some fabric for my quilt
Sending you lots of virtual HUGS!!!!

Saturday 28 May 2011

Well what a pain!

I have been one of those who for some reason could not sign in to blogger, It seems okay now. I have some pics to show you but will do it over two days.

So firstly some fabric from Lisa, Thank you Lisa it is so pretty!!

This is the fabric from Michelle in New Zealand

This fabric is from Ann, who was using this fabric to make her two granddaughters dresses

And here are some fabrics I used from my stash, some are from leftovers from the quilt exchanges I have taken part in.

The blues are from my stash that I got from a friend

My Daughter is 11 years old today.
Happy Birthday Lucy!!

Will do the draw for my blogoversary tomorrow.

Sunday 22 May 2011

Some more fabie for the FHQ (Friendship Hexie quilt)

Here is some lovely fabric from Christine,
I was so eager when I received these, I quickly made them into hexies, so I forgot to take a before pic.
Love these Yellows and Blues.Thank you Christine

 This fabbie is from Maddison, isn't it perfect! Thank you Maddison

I went to Lorna's crop today and I laid all the ones I had done on the table.

I have done some more, as I was given some more fabric from the ladies at the crop.
Here is my Granny square blanket laid out as well, I have just one more square to do to make a decent size blanket.

Friday 20 May 2011

Post two ~ Fabric and theatre

I bought these two fabbies from ebay

But I received some more great fabric from Christine,
Lovely yellows and blues

Thank you so much Christine!

And look at this fabric all the way from New Zealand from Michelle, It's just fab
Thank you so much Michelle

These two hexies circles are fabric from my stash

Thursday I travelled down to London with my sister and her friend to see David Tennant and Catherine Tate in Much ado about nothing. It was absolutely fabulous, so funny with them two in it.

If you are down that way I do recommended going to see it.

Thursday 19 May 2011

Hexie madness

Here are the hexies from the fabric from Barbara
 Aren't they just fab!

And the ones from Julie,
 Julie in case you notice there is one fabric missing, I haven't decided which bits of the fabric I want in the hexagon, cause the boxes are quite a bit bigger, but they will be effective, when I do!

Here is a close up of the puddy cats

Thank you again ladies, I do have enough to do some extra ones!

I haven't put centres in yet, as I want them to be all the same and I haven't found what I want to use yet!