Showing posts with label gifts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gifts. Show all posts

Sunday 3 January 2010

Last finish of 2009

I have a finish to share with you, my last finish of 2009, This is what I made Karen for her birthday

Fabric~ COM fabric Jaynes Attic
Thread ~ Caron Wildflowers Havana
Normally I would sort out my lists to do for this new year, but at the moment I don't feel like it, I am not going to set anything in writing ( That may change later) I just feel like stitching on whatever I feel like.
I nearly forgot I got a fabulous RAK from Barbara the other day from my wish list the Garden chair by Cat's Whiskers, I tell you what I was so excited I now have the Peacock chair and the Garden chair and you can probably guess what will be started this year...LOL Just waiting for my fabric I ordered to arrive as I didn't have any 32ct in my stash.
Oh of course there will be the Ink circles sal I will be stitching on every month and the BPQsal I still have to finish.
Remember if you would like to join us please feel free to let me know and I will send an invitation

Monday 28 December 2009

That bit inbetween week!!

I do hope you all had a fabulous Christmas, We did, lots of lovely pressies, and lots of overeating.
I got some gorgeous cards from all over the world Thank you.
Here are some of the lovely pressies I got off my stitchy friends
Thank you so much (You know who you are)

Here are two ornies I made I couldn't show you until after christmas as they were gifts.

We have been into Derby today, as the children wanted to spend their christmas money. So that was fun! Off to the Inlaws for tea( Oh Joy) in a bit so may take my stitching or a book to read.
Have a Happy New Year