Showing posts with label car boot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label car boot. Show all posts

Tuesday 18 May 2010

Car bootie!

On Sunday I did a Car boot, took loads of stuff that was too good to take to the tip. Made quite a bit of profit as well. So just before we had finished I went for a wander at some of the other car boots! and I came across these(Top 3) They were so pretty I couldn't help myself. The bottom one with the scissor in was my Grandma's. I seem to have taken a liking to crystal and cut glass items at the moment.
Maybe it's because my kids are no longer babes and toddlers and not in the breakable stage.
Not much stitching atm except when I can stitch on Hello Kitty, DH gave me an early present as he is away this week, the first four seasons of Angel so I have been watching that.

I hope everyone is well
Take care