Showing posts with label Ink Circles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ink Circles. Show all posts

Thursday 1 May 2014

Ink Circles Winter Mandala

I have done some more progress on this ,I am determined to get it finished! Then I can start on the next UFO

Monday 30 April 2012


Yes, as you can tell from the previous post, I do love the Ink Circles designs. Yes I went through a phase of doing these type designs, but I really need to get them done, would I do them now, hell yes, I still have some waiting to be done.
I am going to be working on Cat Lessons and the Chinese design Hubby brought me back from China. That's the third photo down.
I also want to start the Tiger from Yiotas as well, but I have a couple of exchanges to do first!

Yes Jo I do get bored hence the UFO status LOL
Shebafudge I used to work that way, then I found the internet then it got seriously dangerous for me and my bank card!!

Thank you all for stopping by!!

Hugs Rachael xx

Monday 31 January 2011

Naughty me...

Here's me posting my updates on the other blogs, I hadn't done here.
On Saturday I did some stitching on Treasure Hunt, No pic as yet!

And Sunday I re-started Bramble and the Rose by Ink circles for the Ink Circle stitchers Blog
I am finding it more enjoyable stitching on the lighter fabric over two than I did on black over one, I am not sure what I am doing with the black one yet, I may someday finish it when I get daylight lamp.
The fabric is lighter than this photo shows.

 I also have stitched on Beatrix Potter on Saturday whilst at a friends house, and finished that circular motif at the top right
I have to say that a lovely friend is going to try and finish Isle of Sark for me as it has been a thorn in my side!I wonder if that is why I want to stitch again!

Sunday 2 January 2011

Okay this is a stitching blog,

So here is some stitching
These are what I am hoping to finish this year
Beatrix Potter Quaker Sampler

Bramble and the Rose By Ink Circles

A Quaker Christmas by Bygone Stitches

Cirque Des Triangles by Ink Circles

Winter Mandala by Ink circles


Wednesday 1 December 2010


Bramble and the rose, on black one over one!

See a little stitching!
And of course I have to show you our snow pics!

With it snowing, I want to get out the tree and decorations!!!