Showing posts with label Events. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Events. Show all posts

Monday, April 18, 2011

Kyokushin 極真 revisited (3)

A few weeks ago, we walked pass the Shinto Gate and was pleasantly surprised to see this new mural bull (?) & martial artist. Unfortunately, I was without camera at the time.
Then I read that the European championship is to be held on last Satuday April, 16 and of course I have to be there to post the updated memorial here.

Previous entries about this memorial : here &


Monday, September 20, 2010

57th Hungary's Independent film festival

Just got the news that this year's festival will be held in Szentes from September 23-26 , 2010 !

We will quickly translate the programmes planned for this festival and insert in here by today. At the moment, all we know that if you are interested to attend, please bring a long your swimming suits ! Meanwhile you can find out more from the official site


{Thursday 23 Sep , 2010}

14:00 Arrival and registration
18:00 Opening film at the town's cinema - The little 10-year journey
20:00 Opening ceremony officiate by MMKA President Zoltán Kőrösi & Town Mayor Imre Szirbik
21:00 Little Traveling Festival - Film by Közönségtalálkozó
22:00 Retro Disco at Thermal water pool

{Friday 24 Sep, 2010}

10:00 - 13:00 Screening of films ...
13:00 GDR Relics' exhibition
13:30 - 19:30 Competition screening
19:30 MAFSZ 80 years of award-winning films
20:30-23:00 Consultation of the day's films
23:00 IVth independent Pálinka Competition , and dabble with music

{Saturday 25 Sep, 2010}

9:00 - 10:00 Screening of film
10:00 - 18:30 Competition
19:00 MAFSZ 80 years of award-winning films
19:00-22:00 Consultation of the day's films
22:00 Election of president and committees

{Sunday 26 Sep,2010}

11:00 Conference on future of MAFSZ - over 80 years and over the next jubilee year, the planned events

12:00 Announcement of winner(s) and handing of prizes. Closing ceremony by the newly elected president of MAFSZ.

16:00 screening of award winning films.

{Side programmes in conjunction with the festival}

The following exhibition(s) will be held at Youth House :-

Three world
, an interactive exhibition by Kornél Szilágyi
The Wreathes, tale filmstrips by Richard Garami
Great Faces, interactive photo exhibition by Gabor Merz

Archive screening
A Little Trip S8mm the original film and record the HMG-graduates 10 years ago - the original recordings casting

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Sunday, August 08, 2010

Heart shaped Confetti

what's left behind after a wedding reception at the town conference hall :)
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Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Thank you

click on thumbnails to enlarge photo

A big Thank You to all performers who entertained us through out the May day celebrations (Apr29-May1)! We had special concert from various musicians/artists including brass band from Katowice, Poland. Our very own brass band gave me goose bumps (the good kind) ..can't explain why? I just feel proud seeing them marching down the main street on lantern night playing wonderful tunes. Not forgetting, I salute my belly dancing mates for enduring the chilly evening weather, performing a wonderful 30mins. routine for all of us :)

Friday, April 27, 2007

Barracks open day

a day when soldiers take orders from children
They were clapping and singing joyfully :)

Sunday, March 25, 2007


invasion of the plastic bottles, run for your life !!
calm down..... these are some of the bottles compressed ready for recycling, found outside the town hall today, collected over the 2-day spring cleaning campaign.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Day after

The fashion must-have for yesterday's national day celebration is the rosette. Those who wore it, wore it so proudly! Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Fly with me

see larger for better quality

Today is "a day to mark the birth of modern parliamentary Hungary and the national festival of the Republic of Hungary". Let's hope we'll commemorate what Sándor Petőfi (and others) did for the country peacefully. Read more from Zsolt here

Monday, March 05, 2007

Season to be married

Spring-summer, let the wedding season begins! To lend a helping hands to brides to-be, the county hall organised a first-ever bridal fair recently. Bridal fashion, accessories, anything wedding related all in one place..It was, of couse, a good chance for the county hall to market itself as a desired wedding location. After all, wedding business can be lucrative ;) I think the future bride may walk away even more confuse with so many choices :p

The couple (isn't that gown gorgeous?) you see above was a real couple getting registered on the day of the fair, witnessed by all visitors of the fair. Me, I had fun playing shadow wedding photographer, even if it was for few seconds..

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Saying good bye to winter 2007

Bonfire and fireworks in the rain? At first I was too lazy to pull myself from the couch to go for the bonfire but am glad I did. The turn out was encouraging as well. Couldnt get a good pic of fireworks, sorry.
That wasn't the end of the karnevál, next was back to the auditorium where rock band Zanzibar is awaiting to perform. Me, of course I'm happy to go back to my couch :)

*reflection effect was done with which i'm addicted!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Saying good bye to winter

The official Karnevál is ongoing since yesterday. It kicks off to a slow start due to the rain. As usual the atmosphere picked up by the end of the programme with free flow of mulled wine. If you'll excuse me, today's activities will start at 9am..I don't wanna miss the "kiddie" train ride!

Enjoy the weekend everyone!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

One item less

Yay! finally "swimming pool" has been struck off from the list of places to photograph (specifically for this blog). I think I probably won't be as interested in the activities going on around me if not for this blog. So, I do get satisfaction out of this.. then again, my "to photograph" list is getting shorter and I havent even reached 300th post! what about you? do you have a format for your DP?

Some info. regarding the pool and water polo
The first open air swimming pool was completed in 1896.
The 50 metre pool was later added by 1932.
Our teams play a significiant role in contributing to the world famous Hungarian water polo.
The women team are several timeas Hungarian champions and European and world champions.
The junior team are also 2 times Hungarian Champions.

Sunday, December 31, 2006


Seeing them reminded me of my own experience as bass player in school wind band & a choir-- donkey years ago! I couldn't even recall how to play the intrument :p
Anyway, the photo was taken last night at pre-new year's eve concert given by our very own Wind Band and Mixed choir. Listening to them, I understand now why they are widely popular locally and abroad. Too bad I have no clips of the concert to share.. but what a delightful treat before the year end ..I hope you're enjoying your weekend , HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!

PS - I know i'm terribly late with my postings. Don't really feel like sitting infront of computer. But see , I'm posting early for Sunday ;) Don't forget to scroll down for saturday's photo, okay ?

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Here's a season to be jolly

Snow seems far away from Szentes but we had a good sunny morning yesterday and continued with clear sky today. At least these kids weren't performing in colder weather then it is. .

You must see the larger version of the photo here. I wonder what that boy in the middle was doing that gave the girl's reaction?..that to me is a kodak moment :) Lucky me, i was unaware of this special programme until this morning. Tomorrow is the last day of the children's performance, hopefully i'll get some more shots.
One of them spoted me :p and waved , he must be the cheeky in class! :D

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Lets take a rest from the christmas talk..quite frankly, I'm bored of my own photos lately, so bare with me. Hope you don't mind that I dug up this one from the archive taken in Sep.
These guys were demonstrating capoeira , a relatively new sports for us, i think. If not for the sumersaults and acrobatic moves, I would be signing up for the class..see a demo. clip here (scroll down), you may be interested ? Psst...that guy with long hair was sleek, really wowed us ;)

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Strictly Ballroom

I never missed BBC's Stricly Ballroom on tv , except that this time I get to see ballroom dancing live at our own back yard (own stadium). Dancers around the country meeting yesterday for Hungarian Standard Dance Championship. We're proud to have organised the event.
See photo gallery

wish you a Happy Sunday!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Headlines delayed (Pt. 2 of 2)

.....continue from part 1

...after taking shots of the flowers, I moved away to my right, not bothering what's going-on on my left side where the 'garbage' truck was. I saw some other interesting subjects, so, I captured some shots in case I might use it for DP. After some minutes, I decided to return to my original waiting place, to my complete surprise .. this was happening

the assumed 'garbage' truck was actually fire engine!!! In fact they were 2 of them!! plus a police car! The whole rescue troop were about 5meters (17ft) away while I was snapping photos of flower?! what's wrong with me?! Thank goodness I'm not a reporter..geez -_-
Apparently the tenant of the flat forgot to switch off the gas. Luckily no one was hurt, thanks to our efficient Fire department.
There you go folks, small town headlines ;)
-the end-

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda

Life is full of "shoulda, coulda, woulda" (should haves...). Dont you think? For instance last Friday, I should have gone to the "Get out and move" Day with someone that speaks local. That way, I could have asked -via the friend- the meaning behind this graffiti from the artist himself, in which case, I would have been able to explain it to everyone here. I promise the next time, ok

BTW, this was the graffiti competition part of the day.

Sunday, September 24, 2006


aw...look at that face, priceless!
When i caught this shot, i thought of holding a competition to give away post cards n' such. Seeing its a Sunday, I thought ...nah! too lazy to go around informing everyone about it. For fun sake, whoever is visiting, can you guess how tall is the thing the boy is climbing? No cheating! think of an answer in your mind...Ok. see another photo here to get the sense of scale.

These inflated thingy are increasingly popular during the town's festival. Is it the same at your town/city?
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