Showing posts with label Street scenes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Street scenes. Show all posts

Sunday, February 03, 2013

Yarn storming

How "knit" is this?!  A couple of trees at Kiss Balint Street were being adorned with knitted or crocheted yarn.

Considered a type of street art / graffiti, "yarn storming was initially almost exclusively about reclaiming and personalizing sterile or cold public places" ~ Wiki

Monday, January 21, 2013

Internation Free Hug day

Despite the photo being rubbish, I am (re)posting 'cos today is International Free Hug Day.

I posted on the same event before but with a different photo here

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Best wishes

July 24th was their 5th Anniversary! I have no idea why this photo has been sitting in my archive for this long...
Anyway, that was my first sighting of newly weds on carriage ride and I understand that this is a tradition of the Roma people.

Friday, November 30, 2012


A statue that also functions as bird bath!
What I love are the details and almost monotone of this shot :)

You can see the top of the statue in this link :-

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Monday, August 16, 2010

Photo points

We found this stenciled sign on various pavements of the town. You can find all 43 signs spread around tourist spots. They're created to help tourists capture picture perfect photos of the sights they visited. I like this idea a lot!
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Sunday, August 08, 2010

Heart shaped Confetti

what's left behind after a wedding reception at the town conference hall :)
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Sunday, August 02, 2009

All smiles

photo taken 01/08/09

Hare Krishna followers passing while playing some music at the main square and the Bulgarian waterpolo players couldn't resist requesting a photo session. Me.... snapped+happy!
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Sunday, April 01, 2007

Restoration Update #3

Theatre goers gathering outside the town's theatre, making the streets much livelier yesterday afternoon. The crowd grew bigger later..I wonder which play is on?

The last news I heard was this row of structure is due to be renewed (it is slowly falling apart!), except that no developer has shown interests in undertaking the project. Oh, come on! surely someone can think of some bright idea to turn this into a place of interests.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Quiet morning

Someone once commented that he dislike the plastic blades on the balconies..erm, I feel the same. But when the sun shines on it, for short moment, you see why the architect had used the material in that era. Happy weekend everyone!

Continuing on the theme of Architecture at my other blog, you may see more architecture photos of our beautiful capital, Budapest- here.

Ps. Cooking day for me...have to go, read your blogs later :)

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Street scene today 14:14pm

"Hey, in reality everyday is women's day, when is Men's day?" - Mr. B

That was what my better half asked during dinner awhile ago..hahahaha. Whatever it is, its a wonderful day to give extra attention to the women in your life. Okay, I don't deny that men do deserve to be given a day of appreciation as well :) Happy women's day to you!
ps. am late! will read your blog in a bit as the internet is slow as snail !

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The daily question

what to cook today? Asking that question everyday can cause headaches!
The man in the photo found a solution :- get his lunch catered. All he needs to do is pick up his lunch (in food carrier) at the restaurant/caterer. A meal of soup and main dish cost about 2 Euros..convenient and economical.

Alternatively, like our clever neighbour who simply copies the daily menu (displayed outside restaurant) and cook it herself at home ;)

What about you?

Friday, January 26, 2007


I bet you , you didn't know how many traffic lights are there in your city/town! well, me neither, until last night. I was told that the only place that's equiped with the lights is at the cross junction and so I counted them in my head = 8 traffic lights for the whole town!!

The news is, soon the lights might go and replaced with a round-about due to the low traffic flow; however, it is still in proposal stage. Personally, I think the move would be a step backward ...

Thursday, January 18, 2007


We're off the centre of the town, where residential houses are concentrated. Walking along these parts, I could expect horses making "star" appearances :D also, to appreciate the individually-designed houses. You'll never find any identical design. Being me, I nit-pick :p ..well, its pretty obvious , what I dislike most about this area is the conditions of the roads, as seen here they are uneven. Some other parts not even paved! So, roads are dusty, worst when come rainy season, messy & muddy. Perhaps there're plans to fix it, I don't know ; however, I sure hope the improvement happens soon.

Friday, December 29, 2006


The only street vendor at the main road selling party supplies for new year's eve. The essentials to celebrate good time?

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Another day as DP blogger...

I'm reporting from the central part of the town. Fine morning, it was. Wonderful sun shinning. Things are still pretty quiet, as you can see. In this photo this man seems to me is standing in the middle of the street, paused in time...don't you think?
hehe, i think i'm watching too many tv fiction, Heroes .

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Rush hour II

Rush, rush, rush at the bus terminal
Are you travelling home this holiday?
I wish you a safe journey!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Few hours ago...

Hunting, we go
a pair of shoes, he needs
a pair of trousers, I want
with lighter wallet, We went home
listen to this tune, I insist !
- thanks, Maiylah for sharing! -

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Counting down

Was out to buy some parsley and quickly caught this scene for you. Lots of activities on the Kossuth street counting down to christmas. We haven't even put up the tree. Have you?

excuse me, have to clean up the kitchen :)
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