Showing posts with label Good news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Good news. Show all posts

Friday, January 11, 2008

Photo of the day

Phototrade, one of the photo hostings sites I'm a member of selected the above as their photo of the day! Here's what they wrote ...

" It’s not every day you get to see intimate and beautiful photos of
a small town in Hungary... "
Thank you :)

ps. The owner of this house is of course a watch repairer!

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Friday, November 02, 2007

#368 - Congratulations to ...

Oct 20, 2007
... László Csaba and Anna Mikes (bronze medal holders for the Dance world cup) dance couple from Szentes made it to 8th place (out of 28) in Tokyo Ten dance world championship. This will enable the dance couple to qualify for the coming European world dance championship. Good luck!

...Also, not forgetting the Szentes' Szilver Dance School for taking 6th position in the recent European Standard dance competition.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

#366 - Getting started...

I was delighted to read an update on the restoration of the former Petőfi Hotel from the on-line portal. While returning to Szentes for a visit last weekend, I took the opportunity to snap this banner. The banner is to signify a new beginning, a co-operation between Pendola (the project company) and Szentes town on the work of restoration!
What can we expect by the end of the restoration ...
1) A 4-star hotel with the usual restaurant & pub.
2) Turkish bath
3) Squash court
4) Gym
5) Childcare centre
6) Casino (sorry, cant say i agree with having this...but i guess it'll create more employments)
Before the works begin in 2008, sadly we'll have to say good bye to the popular Petőfi café & confectionery, which is located at the same building. My partner's father will have to look for another café for his morning coffee and pool gatherings. Also, a furnishing shop will have to be relocated as well.
Cheers, for a fresh beginning!

That's all for now..will keep updating here ;)

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

#365 - I made it!!!

March 2006 I stumbled upon Kuala Lumpur DP and that's when I jumped into the wagon of daily photo blogging. Boy, did I underestimated the commitment required to be a member of this wonderful community.
In the past 15 months, I eat, drink and sleep daily photo..some days better than others. It didn't matter now 'cos I made it! Can even proundly say that I learned so much about Szentes, more than my partner (who was born and bred in this town..ok, he was away for military school and collage). That's not all, I get to read so many interesting documents of different ways of life of your respective cities...oh, not forgetting, I also got to read some nice poetries(haiku) along the way:)
With this, I'm ready to announce that I'll withdraw from daily posting and from the listing. So, today is my last day of posting for CDP. I'll still update this blog but more for my own reference. There are a few topics that I wish to continue to pursue, in relation to restoration works that I've been following.
Thank you Eric! Thank you everyone for making this such a memorable experience!
ps. I have made a flash gallery of some of my favourites below. Scroll down if you wish to see it. Clicking on the photo will lead you to the specific post.

Monday, April 02, 2007

The side walk racer, no more?

I'm completely obsessed with sepia and lomo mood at the moment; so, bear with me :) These boys (some girls) have this little space for their "extreme" sports. Sure its a bit least it is safer than the streets. Good news is, there are plans to build them a proper facility.

The Sidewalk Racer
-- By Lillian Morrison

an asphalt sea
I swerve, I curve, Isway; I speed to
whirring sound an inch above the ground;
I'm the sailor and the sail,
I'm the driver arid the wheel
I'm the one and only
single engine
human auto

Sunday, June 25, 2006

A quarter of mile stone?

Still can't believe I made it to 100th post! Can I say I've reached quarter of mile stone?
ok, to mark the occasion I got all 100 photos framed into one! yeah, copying the idea from Lisi on her 100th post ;) Since this is not a daily photo post, the comment box has been switch off..Cheers! :)

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Graffiti Sunday

what better ways to celebrate the 100th city DP Blog then painting a graffiti to mark the occasion! To do so, I can only paint at a wall specified by the town council for do you like it ?
okay, the writing was added by me using photofilter. You can see the recently repainted wall here in full size.

*read about DP blog at wikipedia (link from Greenville DP)
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