Showing posts with label Mandy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mandy. Show all posts

Monday, November 02, 2009

For Mandy

The collaborations between your words and my photos have always been extra special in my heart. Thank you Mandy for enhancing my experience in this blogosphere :)
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Monday, December 31, 2007

Old creation given new life

You can't tell but the scene WAS taken one crazy morning in Szentes many moons ago . The apple(s) of course was added later by yours truly.

Story behind this post...
When Mandy requested from a bunch of us for a photo of apple, I remembered this and dug it out from my archive . Then she come up with this haiga which I simply love!

Mandy submited it to an interesting astropoetry project - Newton and the Striking Apple coordinated by Andrei Dorian Gheorghe . This morning, I got news that our work (mainly Mandy's) have been published . Do visit the site, it's an eye opener (for me)

Many thanks to Mandy and Andrei for this opportunity!

Oh, here's wishing all a blessed new year !

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Monday, December 18, 2006

still on 2 weeks ago....

cold water
ripples past reeds -
the lights are on
words by : Mandy
..many thanks, Mandy! simply love the words you provided.
sorry guys, have been neglecting my blog and yours. Another translation dateline due tomorrow, on top of that still need to finish off my christmas shopping. yikes!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Haiga ~ Stiff

cold morning
even the limbs of trees
feel stiff
Not much action at the football field (behind the trees), so I compensate with this reflection shot. While the haiga is another collaboration with Mandy . Thanks so much , Mandy!:)

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Dry is going..

yesterday's sweat
blown all away
by today's sun
Laundry service is almost non-existent here since nearly every household owns a washing machine. Before the wet weather takes over, I'm using every bit of the sun shine to clear the laundry :) Happy Sunday!
Word of appreciation :-
*Mandy has been so kind to write me this haiku on short notice. I think she did a great job describing the photo, don't you think?
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