Showing posts with label Housing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Housing. Show all posts

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Friday, October 13, 2006

Inspired by Denton & Bob

The other day Denton was showing us a rather fancy a million dollar house, which lead me to dig out this photo in the vault.
For our money, properties start from no less than 6 millions*. That will get you a basic one-room flat, older flats like these. They look a bit worn out, right? just imagine they are the character building of Spain, see and compare with this .. me, going through Bob withdrawal syn.

* 6 mil = affordable 22,538.41 EUR or 28,204.84 USD

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Home sweet home

The most common housing here is the service flat which existed since the 60s. Service flats are originally offered to soldiers in line with their services; that explains the dull design :D . One flat (2 bedrooms) will fetch between Euro 32k and Euro 40k. Of course, there are much fancier apartments available. Strangely, the prices are not much different.

Next, the landed properties (1 floor terrace) - cost just slightly higher approx. from Euro 48k but would require major renovation works. Such type of housing are popular among foreigners looking to retire here.

Finally, we are not free from ghetto areas. These areas are "gated" and hidden from the outside world. Inside , you'll see small shelters built near to each other. I don't know if theres any future plans for such areas. Hopefully, the town will relocate the residents to area with better infrastructures.


The internet speed is darn slow !!! :SSS couple of comments i made keep freezing. Will read your posts later :)

Thursday, March 23, 2006


* Friday Mar,24 2006*
You see, for my photography experiment, I sometimes buy potted plants. After use, i'll try very hard to keep the plants alive. Only a few managed to survive under my care ,thus far (over-caring, perhaps?) :p .
Well when I saw this balcony full of flowers from far, i was envious , thinking "how lovely ..wish i had the same", i walk faster to take a closer peep...only to find out that those are PLASTIC Flowers!! :D
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