Showing posts with label Night scenes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Night scenes. Show all posts

Saturday, November 04, 2006

random thought

*kris was here 3/11/06 17:15pm*

After seeing the many wonderful photos of snow in Joensuu DP , I can say I'm anticipating the first snow very much (its still exciting each year!) , also to be able to share them here. Then, I thought of no more long stroll in the evenings, gaining the additional weight in the process, the whole complaining about the cold and being coup indoors cycle will begin. Ah...the snow can wait but make sure it arrives by christmas day ;)
Enjoy your weekend everyone, I know I will!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

She works hard for the money

Many road side florists were working overtime to meet the demand on all saints' day. It's not easy especially in this cold. Seeing that it is seasonal opportunity, I am sure these women are happy with their choice as it means additional income for themselves and the continue from the song, She works hard for the money , so you better treat her right!

Have I lost it? I kind of think this photo is quite nice, erm..a water colour ? I was playing with aperture settings that didnt turn out QUITE right.

ps. new translation to work on. read your posts later :)

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Rush hour

Lucky for us, we never have adrenalin pumping rush hour. So, no excuse for being late to work! ;D To fake the rush, I exaggerated the traffic scene with photography technique, obviously a technique which I have yet to acquire ;)
I wish you a rush-free weekend!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Autumn confetti

- at the town's square -
I believe many of us fell in love with the autumn colours and crunchy leaves everywhere, giving us many photo opportunities. One question popped to my mind though when i took this - how'd the road/street sweepers feel? It must be nightmare for them. oh well, my story would be more effective if I have a sweeper in this photo, may be next time ;)

Friday, June 23, 2006

Night lights

On a usual night, you'll probably see one or two souls walking on this part of the town. Instead of showing you the lonely streets, here's much more action caught during a parade. The late neo-baroque style building is the town hall.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


*file photo, at the main street after rain*
Bring out your umbrellas and "wind breakers", let's skip spring/summer and welcome autumn again ?! Yesterday was rainny and windy for us and this is said to last until July! Hope the weatherman is wrong..

Monday, May 01, 2006

Sweet things come in sticks

Okay, we decided to give a miss to the concert at the sports field last night, instead here we are queuing up for cotton candy/floss, since the vendor is here only on special occasions. They're many flavours to choose from - original, vanilla, strawberry, orange, raspberry, cranberry and mint. Each candy costs about Euro 0.80 and four of us shared one candy ..just nice ;)

Today, more programmes for May Day, starting from 6am -wake up call by wind musical band! of course, I didn't hear a thing :D

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Night scene

This shot was taken in panning mode, just to add some excitement into the night scene :) Streets of Szentes are almost deserted in the evening. Something which i have yet to get fully used to.. Of course, you still have a choice of spending the night away (closed by 11-midnight) at some pubs, small casino (which i should do a post on), restaurants, pizza place, etc.
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