Showing posts with label Rifles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rifles. Show all posts

Another Project is Complete

This is my Remington 700 in .308 with a Leopold VX6, Archangel stock and AAC suppressor.

--Heading to the 100 yard indoor range on Saturday to try it out!

Range Weekend

It's a range weekend!

A crew of friends will be going and shooting .22 rifles.

I will be taking in my Ruger 10/22 with Integral Suppressor. I call her Squirrelsbane.

I will be cutting into my stockpile of ammo for this range run. .22LR is still very thin out there.

I am looking into getting the new BX-Trigger for her. I was hoping to handle one before I order one.

I also have a new bipod I am going to try.

--In all, still cheap shooting!

Scope cover idea

I saw this idea on Pinterest.

They gave credit to but I could not find it there to provide a direct link.

A little ballistic chart on the inside of your rear scope cover could be damn handy.I don't vary my ammo much. I also am really bad at estimating distance.

I usually sight my rifles in at 100 yards at two inches high.

--I got a deer once at 454 yards.


I was wondering the other day if the suppressor I purchased for my .308 Remington 700 would work with me 300 Blackout.

It will fit. It's going to rock!

I even took the Flash Hider off the 300 Blackout and tried the thread protector ring from the .308 and it was a prefect fit.

--This will be fun.


I have a lot of rifles.

When I saw this DIVERSITY poster it made my laugh because ti is totally about me.

My wife asked me once, "How many rifles do you beed?"

I replied, "One of each."

There is a WIDE variety of types and styles. There are several kinds that I have not yet obtained.
  • Lever action style Winchester.
  • Break action single shot.
  • Pistol caliber pump action.
  • Bullpup Scifi rig like a P90.
  • Long range .50 BMG.
  • Flintlock muzzle loader.
I could go on and on. I hope my wife doesn't see this post!

--I should add another safe to that list as well...

Range Trip

Finally got all the parts I wanted for the new Remington 700 .308 and made it to the range yesterday.

I had a couple false starts with the scope rings but finally got it together.

100 Yards
It only took about 15 rounds to dial it in at 100 yards. I only put 20 rounds through it. This target is the last magazine I put though it. The next time I go I will fine tune it to 2 inches high at 100. Then I need to get to a long range.

It wasn't all good. The bolt action needs to be smoothed out. The trigger needs is a bit stiff as well. I have enjoyed some triggers that are like butter. This trigger is good. But I want butter!

--I love the Leupold VX6 Scope. LOVE IT!

New Rifle

I added a new rifle to the collection!

It is a Remington 700 SPS in .308. It also has a suppressor and a Leupold VX6 2-12x scope.

More on each component in separate posts.

--The timer has begun to see how long the paper work will take.

WANT: Winchester model 94

When I was at Clark Brothers this weekend I was checking out the consignment rack.  I noticed a Winchester 94, lever action, .44 magnum, rifle.

I now really want one. I love my S&W .44mag. I would long to get a companion carbine for the revolver. The one I was looking at had a 24 inch barrel and a tube mag that holds 12 rounds of .44mag.

I would just use iron sights on it. It would make a good deer hunting rifle! Add a sling and it would be good.

--Might even be a good gun for the fireplace mantel!

Want: Mossberg MVP Flex

I have been interested in the new class of rifles that are mag fed and compatible with regular AR15 mags. I already have a nice, bolt action, .308 as well as a nice bolt action .22lr, but nothing in between.

Mossberg MVP Flex

Here are the features I really like:
  • It can use a standard 30 round mag. I already have a pile of them.
  • It has an adjustable stock.
  • Several stock options are available.
  • The barrel is threaded and has a standard AR15 flash suppressor.
  • It can use a standard AR15 suppressor.
  • Simple and easy to use. Easy to clean.
  • Picitinny top rail.
My greatest worry about this rig is the cost. Depending on the features you select it can be between $500 and $900 dollars. For the same money you could get a Remington 700 or any of many other excellent bolt action rigs.

--Even so. I really like the look and feel of it.

Suppressor Shopping

I am currently shopping for a suppressor for my .223 SBR.

I have been reading on several forums and Youtube that using a 7.62mm suppressor on a 5.56mm is effective and has the benefit of the ability to use the same suppressor on other rifles.

I am leaning toward trying it with all else being equal.

Suppressing a .223 SBR is an interesting project. I really want a suppressor because that little bastard is damn loud!

I will also have to try a box of Subsonic .223 to see if it will cycle my rig. Here is a brand that says it will.

--Does anyone have experience with this configuration?

Want: AK-47

I have been an AR-15 guy for a long time. This week I saw a friends tricked out AK-47.  The picture below is not the exact one but it's close. He has a compact EOTech on his, verticle front grip, hot green LASER and extra sling points. Magpul and other companies make a ton of extras for these.

Magpul upgrades on the AK
The feature I liked is the folding, adjustable stock. It can be fired easily with the stock closed. It makes it much more compact while slung.

--The modest base price he paid for it new will be hard to find anytime soon.

Next Project in the Queue

Savage Mark II with Suppressor
I already have a Savage Mark II with a fixed 4x scope in the collection. It's a tack driver!

Recently, while I was at the NRA range I was talking to a guy that had this very configuration depicted on the right.

I really liked what he had to say. It was even quieter that my suppressed Ruger 10/22.
  • When you pull the trigger there is no sound of the action working.
  • Subsonic rounds don't need to cycle the action.
  • It is quieter than my .177 pellet gun!
  • It will shoot any kind of .22LR.
  • Light and reliable.
So this weekend I will be researching .22LR screw on Suppressors.The leading contender is currently the GEMTECH Outback IID.

I may also use this opportunity to set up a Trust for my Class 3 gear. Maybe.

--Let me know if you have any recommendations.

TBolts Custom M1A

I went to the range on Fathers Day with TBolt!

I brought the new Gemtech suppressor on my Glock 21. I love it! More on that later.

TBolt brought his M1A with the new mods. Most notable is the new stock. I love it. It's lighter, the cheek and shoulder pads are very adjustable, the mag well has a great throat, and the picitinny rails are great. It also has a nice fore grip bi-pod.

The EOTech scope is excellent.

Even without magnification my very first 100 yard shot was a bulls eye. I could easily keep it on a zombie cranium at 100 yards. I can't wait to try it at 300 or 500 years.

--Great job TBolt!

Ruger Takedown

Of all the reports I have seen from the NRA convention this year, the gun that I find most interesting is the Ruger 10/22 Takedown. I finally got to handle one last weekend.

Ruger 10/22 Takedown Edition
I would like one of these and not add a thing. I'd find the perfect small case for it and it would become my truck gun. Great for casual plinking or a level 4 Zombie outbreak. Add a few 25 round mags and a 1000 rounds of ammo in the right case!

MSRP is $389, $319 street. Here is a link to the spec sheet from Ruger.

--Love it!

Mid-Atlantic Blogshoot I

50, 100 and 250 yard lanes
I want to begin by thanking our hosts from Lagniappe's Lair for an excellent Blog Shoot!

I hope this becomes a regular event because this facility was excellent!

We met at the Peacemaker National Training Center in Inwood West Virginia. This is a new facility that has recently opened this year. It has several ranges for handgun, shotgun and rifle at various distances all the way out to 1000 yards. The staff was very friendly and helpful and were obviously shooting enthusiasts themselves.

The range we were set up on had a handgun range and rifle ranges of 50, 100 and 250 yards. It was a beautiful sunny day but a bit cold. Everything was frosted when we arrived. There was lots of rifle stations for everyone. I ended up sending over 800 rounds down range during the day. Mostly .22LR because I was airing out my new Ruger 25 round mags (more on that later).

We all were enjoying ringing the steel target out at 250. Old NFO brought some more of his sweet gear. His sniper rifle had the best scope and trigger I have ever used. I never missed using it. I also was amazed by the fact that I rang 250 yard steel, 4 out of 4 times, with the iron sights on T-Bolts Sweet M1A.  I even managed to hit it with my Cx4 carbine and my Ruger 10/22 with some help from a spotter. It was big damn fun.

--Several more posts will follow about this Blog Shoot! Next time I will have even more long range fun!!

Kids and Shooting

These kids are my niece and nephew at the range. They are enjoying an afternoon of shooting .22LR rifles.

I harp all the time about getting kids to the range early and often. They need to know the 4 Rules in their bones.

We teach out kids how to swim and how to be safe around swimming pools!

I challenge you to find a kid that you love and teach tem about gun safety. Then take them to the range! You will be amazed at how much fun you will have!

--And then they can be heroes when the Zombies come...

Alice Upgrades

When I first got my DPMS AR-15 I tossed everything on it including the kitchen sink.

Playing to it's strengths, I reduced the hardware I piled on it. I replaced it with a 12x Scope and a bipod.

Configured this way it better exploits the bull barrel. This baby has groups that can be covered with a .25 coin at 100 yards.

--I need to find a longer range.

Ruger BX-25

A sampling of my 10/22 mags
For years I have been looking for a decent capacity magazine for my Ruger 10/22's.  I have several different brands that always seemed to fall sort for one reason or another.

None of them ever have a metal threshold like the factory ten round mags. Until now...

Now Ruger is making them, the Ruger BX-25.  I immediately bought a couple of them to try and they are awesome. No feed issues. They are easy to load. The nose pins and feed rails are durable metal. They are also reasonably priced.

--I need about ten more. Ten to get started.