I started to get serious about Photography again. I would like to have monthly photo sessions with shooters.
I attended the NRA Convention in Indy. I became a Lifetime member while I was there.
The Elite Shooting Sports range opened 4 miles from me. It has 42 shooting lanes including ten that are 100 yards in doors.
I started Weekly Comic Wednesdays! My new weekly comic called Brothers and Other Debacles is turning out to be my most high traffic day!
I built two AR15's. One is an SBR. One is an awesome shooter. The other is still having issues.
This year I got to shoot a .50 BMG, a full auto UZI, and a belt fed full auto M-60!
I took another half a dozen new shooters to the range.
I bought a new Remington 700 in .308 with a suppressor and a very sweey scope.
I was able to attend two live tapings of Gun Gurus!
This year I believe Police militarization has peeked. Hopefully the pendulum will swing back to Andy Griffith.
I went to 4 gun shows, but I still have not found .22LR in quantity at a good price.
My Son graduated high school, turned 18 and started college! Two Kids in college!
My wife had her gall bladder out. She is doing well now. She goes to the new range often now!
I bought two suppressors and I am still waiting for the paperwork from the ATF.
The Church I had attended for over 20 years became a gun free zone. I resigned my membership.
I am at this day about 40 pounds lighter than this time last year. My health is better and my injuries all repaired.
--2015 is looking pretty good!