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Below is user information for tom callaway. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:spot (4875) Paid User View public key spot
Name:tom callaway
Website:we're sorry. the number you have attempted to dial has been disconnected.
Location:Chicago, Illinois, United States
AOL IM:AIM status spotNCSU (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 8347035 (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status spotRH (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.

i am the embodiment of what is corrupt in the universe, tempered with a borrowed soul, and possessed with enough wisdom to be damned by it all.

in high school, i was voted "most likely to embezzle money and get away with it".

i work for Red Hat, an open source software company, with some of the smartest people alive on staff. it is usually a humbling and fullfilling experience.

"they want you to be jesus
they'll go down on one knee
but they'll want their money back
if you're alive at thirty-three"


i occasionally fancy myself a writer, a poet, but it is a childish dream, which i only occasionally indulge myself in.

i am many men at once, to many different people, and that leaves me sometimes wondering who i truly am.

"i died, i died and you just stood there. i died and you watched me. i died and you walked by and said, 'no, i'm dead'."

--eddie vedder

and tomorrow, i may die.

"but it was so much easier when i was cruel."

--elvis costello

questions? comments? email me or just comment on a post in my journal.

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Memories:8 entries
Interests:127: 80s movies, 80s music, achieving the impossible, baby alligators, brak, bt, buffy the vampire slayer, cadbury cream eggs, cake, camping, caroline's spine, cats, cheese, classic computers, collectable computers, comics, complication, computers, concerts, counting crows, creed, crimes against humanity, cryogenics, cryptography, csi, dark chocolate, defiance, deftones, dissidence, emily dickinson, empathy, enlightenment, epiphany prediction, fight club, fiona apple, foo fighters, frogs, futurama, geeks, gin blossoms, hacking, hammocks, hockey, hoona igna chowa neha, hurricanes, information, innuendo, intentional temporal displacement, joe satriani, john cusack, john donne, jolene, kenny wayne shepherd, la femme nikita, law and order, led zeppelin, lies, linux, listening, lizards, marvel comics, matchbox twenty, movies, mp3s, ncssm, neal stephenson, neil gaiman, nine inch nails, nintendo, nirvana, obfuscation, origami, our lady peace, pam, paradox, pearl jam, people watching, pinball, pizza, poetry, popsicles, possibility extrapolation, post-apocalyptic movies, quantum shifts, queen, rage against the machine, realism, red hat, rem, revolution, riding the el train, rock music, rule breaking, satires, science fiction, secrets, sharks, sharx0rs, sifl and olly, simplicity, sluggy freelance, space exploration, sparc, stargazing in hidden places, steganography, stevie nicks, storytelling, sun microsystems, sushi, tears for fears, thought provoking actions, time travel, tivo, toad the wet sprocket, tool, tori amos, transformers, travel, trivia, turquoise, u2, unreal tournament, van halen, william gibson, world conquest, x-files, x-men. [Modify yours]
People172:_benbenben_, adamas, aela, aemilia, aeralla, agrajag, aklikins, alchemist, alisonwndrlnd, apparenthorizon, aquariah, auroralinux, azulskies, babble, babytears81, badger, barlow, belladonna, bibliofile, billemon, bluefish, bluegiant, blyad, boo8026, booradley, box_of_light, browning_alice, calmlikeabomb, cellino, christiana, chuck, decimals, demerzel, destroid, detritus, deusinnomen, deviant_, diabolicaljuice, digitalis, donia, dragonflysong, elliot_, evan, evan_tech, evilgoddess, fae1nuala, faithanne, farventure, fedora64, fezzgig, flavor, fourswords, frijole, froot_bat, gitana, gleblanc, goatgrrl82, grrwoo, hamplassrosie, heinous, hippierage, holgman, hotalinge, ideawerkz, illiterat, immortaleve, jacqui, jadedskye, james_morris, jamesrsmith, jbeimler, jforbes, jkeating, jocellena, jphoenix, jpportz, jspaleta, juhuacha, karenb2, katzj, kiad, kliens, krzy, ladykerri, lajane, lemonmoonarts, leora, livejournalirc, loic, lostrune, mattwagers, mdonaghy, mendel, mia42, midendian, miltan, momdear, moonfl0wer, mouseesuom, mspin, mswilson, muerte, mulix, mw, nabinea, nasrat, necroflux, nolly, noneuclid, notorious_trg, ntang, octal, oilygrrl, ojdorson, oniongirl, packetknife, pam, pbaylies, pheret1, polyfrog, prismfaerie, pyropyga, qoc, rao, rayoflight, reify, relisabeth, revjim, rhiannonstone, robling_t, robont2, robr, roshi, sandypar, saytan, seashellullaby, shogunmouse, shorah, shrinkingwoman, sicarii, silverwind, slack, smithra, snowboom, somebodies, spaceship, strandist, sylvia101, taramea, techstep, theraphim, tjousk, tydel, tykers, tytso, uncsux, usernamenumber, valera, violachic, volsi, voxie, whorylori, wickedmouse, wilee, wolfrising, zahnrad, zaitcev, zebra, zooromancer, zoratu, ztibugey, zztzed
Communities46:advice, buffy_fans, buffy_uncut, buffyfan, buffyphilosophy, buffyponderings, buffytodate, burndisc, certification, chicago_el, chicago_party, chicagochat, chicagomeetup, chicagopoets, chicagoscene, cyberotica, cyberpunk, dailynoise, empaths, fedora_linux, foofighters, hardware, jeremykatz, lightlovers, linux, lj_dev, ljpoets, logjam, musicsluts, news, northcarolina, paidmembers, poetic, raleighkids, rhlinux, sagoons, so_clutch, songwerds, spoiled_rottin, sunnydale, themuse, tori_boots, toriamos, triangleites, whedons_firefly, zoolysianfields
Feeds5:havocpennington, lawrencelessig, rhpeoplefeed, sinfestfeed, willowbend_dtt
Friend of:163: adamas, aemilia, aeralla, agrajag, aklikins, alchemist, almoztfamuz, apparenthorizon, aquariah, auroralinux, azulskies, babble, babytears81, badger, barlow, belladonna, bibliofile, billemon, bluefish, bluegiant, blyad, boo8026, browning_alice, calmlikeabomb, cellino, christiana, chuck, decimals, demerzel, destroid, detritus, deusinnomen, deviant_, diabolicaljuice, digitalis, donia, dragonflysong, elliot_, evilgoddess, fae1nuala, faithanne, farventure, fedora64, fezzgig, flavor, fourswords, frijole, gitana, gleblanc, goatgrrl82, grrwoo, hamplassrosie, heinous, hippierage, holgman, hotalinge, immortaleve, jacqui, jadedskye, james_morris, jamesrsmith, jforbes, jkeating, jocellena, jphoenix, jpportz, juhuacha, karenb2, katzj, kliens, krzy, ladykerri, lajane, leora, lew10, livejournalirc, loic, lostrune, mattwagers, mdonaghy, mendel, mia42, midendian, miltan, momdear, moonfl0wer, mouseesuom, mswilson, muerte, mulix, mw, nabinea, nasrat, necroflux, nolly, noneuclid, notorious_trg, ntang, oilygrrl, ojdorson, packetknife, pam, pbaylies, penguinboy, pheret1, polyfrog, prismfaerie, pyropyga, qoc, rao, rayoflight, reify, relisabeth, revjim, rhiannonstone, robling_t, robont2, robr, roshi, sandypar, saytan, seashellullaby, shogunmouse, shorah, shrinkingwoman, sicarii, silverwind, slack, smithra, snowboom, somebodies, spaceship, spacexghost, strandist, sylvia101, taramea, techstep, teh_beotch, theraphim, tr0n, tydel, tykers, ufdraco, uncsux, usernamenumber, valera, violachic, volsi, voxie, walnut777, ...
Member of:41: advice, buffy_fans, buffyfan, buffyphilosophy, buffyponderings, buffytodate, burndisc, certification, chicago_el, chicago_party, chicagochat, chicagomeetup, chicagopoets, cyberotica, cyberpunk, dailynoise, empaths, fedora_linux, foofighters, jeremykatz, lightlovers, linux, lj_dev, ljpoets, logjam, musicsluts, northcarolina, paidmembers, poetic, raleighkids, rhlinux, sagoons, so_clutch, songwerds, spoiled_rottin, sunnydale, tori_boots, toriamos, triangleites, whedons_firefly, zoolysianfields
Account type:Permanent Account, previously an Early Adopter

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