"If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere
" Van Gogh
Showing posts with label Spring 2018. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spring 2018. Show all posts

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Gardening in June

Wow, where do I begin?  The garden is finally starting to take off and so far so good.
It is the first time growing bush beans.  I did plant a lot of them and I'm glad I did.  I have grown the long beans before and they did very well in my garden. But I thought I would give the bush bean a try.  I will let you know at the end of the season.  But what I have picked so far have been very tasty.  I hope they will continue to produce.
 These bright beauties are the "come back kid" in my garden.  These are "Cosmo bright lights" that I started from seed a long while ago.  The self sow themselves over and over again and they do well in poor soil.   I have a small area in my yard that has very sand soil and they to do very well.  There are a lot of baby plants right now and I have transferred a few around the bush beans.  Bees love them and the finches love the seeds the flower produces.   Seed packet came from Botanical Interests.
This is one of the babies.  They do grow tall and bush out.

Once again I am growing the cutest and tastiest (in my opinion) cucumber, Lemon.  Seeds from Botanical Interest.

 The weight on this one was 170g
I plan to sow a few more seeds.
 Deadheading the Cosmos I came across a Monarch chrysalis.  It looks heathy. I will keep checking on it.

 It blends in so well amongst the foliages of the cosmos

If all goes well, it will emerge into the world surrounded by beautiful colors. 

Thank you for taking the time to stop by for a quick visit.  Have a great day.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Another Garden Tour End of May

I just wanted to share some photos of the garden.
Here is my boy in front of some container "super bush" tomatoes.

I have more of them planted around the bush beans too.

They have green tomatoes on them but with the May grey weather we have been having, they have seem to stop growing and have not turned red.  We should see some warmer days starting today.

Slowly but surely they are starting to produce some beans.

The roses are looking so pretty.  A few of them are having some issues with the white powdery mildew due to the damp weather.  I have sprayed them with Neem oil and it seems to be working.

Super bush tomatoes and I have 4 more that are not shown.
In the background are 'lemon' cucumbers.

These pansy were transplanted to the rose area and look amazing still.  I bought these last November from the garden center.  First time I have had pansies last this long.  They are in the rose section of the garden.  I think they need to be back in the rose area again this fall.

The garden is filled with color and it brings a simile to my face every time I see it.
Thanks for visiting and have a wonderful day. 

Friday, May 18, 2018

A Spring Walkthrough My Garden

The afternoons here in Zone 10a are amazing and I love the way the garden glows.

 My 'Gina Lollobrigida' rose bush is just beginning to bloom.  She had a rough start too.  Her leaves were covered with rust, due the May grey weather we are having in the morning.  I had to de-foliage the whole bush last month and I was not sure if she would make it back.  But she did.

 'Sweet Surrender' roses are having an amazing spring.

 The first time the 'Sweet William' plant has done well in my garden.  I moved it to the rose area and it is loving it.  I hope to sow some seeds this year for next spring.

 In my vegetable garden I am growing 'lemon' cucumbers, bush beans and 'Super bush' container tomatoes.

Opie is enjoying the weather too.