"If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere
" Van Gogh
Showing posts with label roses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label roses. Show all posts

Sunday, April 19, 2020

My Garden in April

Pillow Fight rose
Yves Piaget rose
Under my bedroom window, I have Paludosum "chrysanthemum" daisies that re-sow themselves year after year.  

Tuscan Sun rose
Another favorite cut flower in my garden, Sweet Williams.  Seeds were sown in September 2019. 

In this raised bed there are three other Sweet William plants.  It will be a surprise to see what color they will be. Renee's Garden seed company, "Lace Mantle" mix blend.  My favorite raised bed at the moment with pansies and a swiss chard too.
Larkspurs and pincushions  

 A couple more Swiss Chard plants growing in my "alleyway bed".  I just sowed some zinnia, basil and tomato seeds.  I have not direct sown in a long while.  I will do some seed sowing into peat pellets also. Just in case.

Sweet Williams and a single Scentimental rose.  Perfect!

Thank you for visiting my blog.  
Have a wonderful day.