"If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere
" Van Gogh
Showing posts with label Zinnias. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zinnias. Show all posts

Sunday, October 25, 2020

My Garden In October 2020


My first fall bouquet picked October 10th from my little zinnia batch.
What a beautiful color too.
I added some red yarrow and marjoram.

A nice bright mix of colors in this seed mix.

The weather is changing and I do see white powdery mildew on the leaves, but I will leave them for a little while longer and just trim away those leaves.  I do see a few ladybug larvae on the plans. 

SUNFLOWERS - Florist's Sunny Bouquet mix from Botanical Interests

A little strip of sunflowers put a smile on this girls face.

MESCULUM MIX - Sassy salad from Botanical Interests

This morning I just picked my first harvest of lettuce.  So far so good.  Every morning I do go out to check and pick off any worms or eggs of the leaves.  I love to plant seed mixes.  You get such a beautiful variety of lettuce.  
In between the rows of lettuce and sowed Spinach, cilantro and radishes. So far they look good too.  

The background you see the peas.  They are Dwarf Grey Sugar Pea pods. A beautiful little bed here.  

I hope to continue to sow seeds of lettuce and flowers for spring.  There is just not enough time lately. Lets see what November will bring.  

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Fall Gardening

This bed was prepped with a some raised bed soil, fertilized, compost and topped with worm compost.

These seedling were sown on August 26th.  They are a mesclun mix. Beautiful mix of colors too.  The seed packet called, "sassy salad mix" from Botanical Interest.  21-58 days.

They no longer show this particular mix on their webpage but they do have other blends.  Mesclun Lettuce.     I highly recommend their seeds. 

This past week we had beautiful fall like weather but next week, we will be back up into the high 90's. I will be using a shade cloth to protect them.  


Borage is a plant that you only need to sow once in your garden, it will reseed everywhere.   It is great for attracting bees.

My second round of zinnias. They just started to bloom this week.

I have sunflowers that are starting to open up too.  I will be posted photos of them soon. 

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

My Little Garden in August and Corn

 I can not believe we are in August.

I am very pleased with my mini crop of "Bi-Licious" sweet corn.
Burpee seeds

I did get a few cobs that had some undeveloped kernels.  Need to help out with the pollination on the next bunch.

A batch of corn fritters.  

A nice bunch of basil that was used to make pesto.  A favorite thing to make in summer and it freezes well too.

Heirloom Stupice tomatoes (Renee's Garden seeds), are starting to ripen.  A favorite of ours to grow and they are great to roast in the oven and freeze for later or add the roasted tomatoes to pasta for a quick meal. 

Now, these were supposed to be RomaVF tomatoes according to the seed packet.  They do not look like Roma tomatoes to me and they were a  container variety too, LOL!   I'm not complaining but I cant wait for them to ripen. 


 Dancing Girls zinnias
Burpee seeds

I love the compact growth and so many blooms.  This is one plant too.

Queen Lime Orange zinnia
Burpee seeds
A new favorite 

Thank you for visiting my blog.
I hope to start sowing for fall in a few weeks.


Saturday, July 11, 2020

Corn Update - July 2020

June 27th 
July 7th
I'm amazed on how tall the stalks are and I see at least a dozen ears of corn.  Yay!
Burpee seeds - Sweet corn "Bi-licious Hybrid"
75-80 days to harvest.

I'm looking at mid to late august for some ripe corn.  

I have only two good bushes of the French Mascotte bush beans.
So far, they have been good producers of beans.
I will sow more in late summer.

I added these to a stir fry.  I blanched and gave them a quick shock in ice water prior.  
They have a nice sweet taste. I could have eaten them all.  

What a beautiful zinnia. "Queen Lime Orange"
A bouquet of "Dancing Girls", Queen lime orange" and "Queen red lime" zinnias
Thank you for visiting my blog.  Wishing you a wonderful day.