"If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere
" Van Gogh
Showing posts with label watercolor painting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label watercolor painting. Show all posts

Sunday, April 5, 2020

A Couple of Spring Bouquets For You

A lot of photos to share with you. I hope you will enjoy them and maybe inspire you to grow a few of them for your next round of sowing.  Maybe your local garden center is open to buy them.  A few garden centers are taking orders by phone or e-mail for curbside pick-ups.  Check first how payments are made.

 I have posted this area before, along the curb that faces north.  My Husband and I have tossed seed mixes over the years and planted Spanish lavender that were grown from seed, many years ago.  Now the lavender has self sown itself and every spring it is the first thing to bloom.

 About a couple of years ago, this pretty white daisy plant popped up and has grown to be a nice sized plant.  I do not remember planting it, but I think it was probably from the seed mix that we had scattered.  This little daisy is called "feverfew" and I love it.  Once the little flowers have gone to seed, I have sprinkled them around the garden and I will save a some too.

 Another flower that reseeds itself here is the Bachelor's button "blue boy".  You will only need to buy one seed packet and your will be set for life.  They are great self sowers and you may need to add a stick to help support them.

 I added some of the larkspurs, pansies and one pink "Sweet Surrender"rose from my rose, herb and cutting garden.

Sweet Surrender rose

 So far, I have been able to pick some beautiful Swiss chard.  The leaves are huge! Love it.
Start from seed in late August, Ruby Red/Rhubarb, seeds from Botanical Interests.

 A pink bouquet of Parisian pink larkspurs, seeds from Renee's Garden and one Brilliant Pink iceberg rose. I did sow a lot of larkspur seeds in the fall, but only a few took.  I sowed them in pellets but next time, I will be dedicating a raised bed to them.  They do so much better direct sowing into the ground.  You just need to keep the birds away.  I use chicken wire and made small domes.

From the seed packet called  "French Alouette" a beautiful purple larkspur.  The color is amazing.

Here is my little cluster of pink larkspurs.  It's small but I'm happy to a least have these.  I have a couple more plants that are starting to bloom.  It will be a surprise to see what colors they will be.

Brilliant Pink iceberg

Bachelor's button "blue boy"



I am so bless to have a little garden.   

My Husbands watercolor painting and he is getting pretty good at painting flowers.  He is more of a landscape painter.

A beautiful Scentinmental rose.  

I do hope you are doing okay.  My family is doing well and hope we will all get back to our routines soon.  Better and stronger. 
