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Showing posts with label ABC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ABC. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Last Resort

With the cancellation of Awake there's precious little top-notch genre television on the airwaves now, but I'm very intrigued by Last Resort, in which the crew of a US Navy sub goes renegade and founds their own nation. The concept sounds ridiculous, but the trailer - which you can view here - is quite taut and exciting, and the show comes from Angel writer and The Shield creator Shawn Ryan. Combine his writing chops with a cast that includes the T-1000 and Frank from Homicide: Life on the Streets and you have a potential winner, at least creatively. I doubt it will last longer than a half season, unfortunately; the public seems to have little appetite for high-concept dramas, and this looks like it will be pretty expensive to produce.