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Showing posts with label Carmen R.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carmen R.. Show all posts

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Press Gallery Christmas Party

I'm up late blogging tonight because I just returned from the annual Alberta Legislature Press Gallery Christmas Party. As noted a couple of posts ago, each caucus in the legislature, along with the press gallery, prepares a self-mocking video for the crowd's amusement, and I must say this year's batch of videos was uniformly entertaining, at least for this particular crowd: people who actually pay attention to provincial politics.

Here are some of images of my colleagues, past and present, who attended the event:
Alex and Raj
Kyle and Rick
Marcella, Stephanie, Jonathan and Melissa
Brian and John
Teddy and Carmen
Karin, Kyle and John
John's signature gesture
Earl, Brian and John
A good time was had by all! Or so I assume. People laughed at the videos, anyway!