Showing posts with label Book Club. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Book Club. Show all posts

June 24, 2011

Hey Book Bloggers! Wanna join my Book Club?

Magical Urban Fantasy Reviews

For a couple of months now, I have really wanted to start a blogger/reviewer book club.

And my reason is a lot like what Megg Jensen says in her post, Love Me, Love Me Not. What I really want is for people to read the reviews I write and give me feedback, even if it’s critical. If you are a passionate book reviewer like me, then I think you would agree. Personally, I would prefer less followers if I had more people reading my reviews.

So here’s what I am thinking, and please feel free to give me any suggestions. I am hoping to get at least 5 bloggers/reviewers every weekend to participate, but the more the merrier, right? So spread the word! And, a couple times a month I will probably ask one of you awesome bloggers to actually host the Bookluvr’s Book Club on your blog. My plan is to Feature one of my fave bloggers and one of their reviews each month, and I plan to do this even if I am not the host of that weekend’s Bookluvr’s Book Club.

Here are the rules I threw together:

  • Each week that you would like to participate, add your blog Url in the InLinkz located on the hosting blog. Make sure you submit the name of your blog in the name field.
  • Select at least 5 different blogs/reviewers who are participating (assuming at least 5 participate), find a review of a book you have not read, read their review and leave an honest, real comment. Since it would be nice to still get more followers, as a courtesy for joining the Bookluvr’s Book Club it would also be nice to follow the blog you are reviewing!
  • If someone makes a comment on your review, be generous and at least become a follower of their blog. Maybe even consider reading and leaving a comment on one of their reviews.
  • *Optional* In addition, if you come across a book you have already read and you like/dislike the review, it would be fun to chat back and forth about the book! Maybe even on twitter!
  • Since this is a weekend review book club, you may enter as early as the Bookluvr’s Book Club is open and then come back anytime throughout the weekend to pick your 5 reviewers to read their reviews.
  • This is also *Optional*, if you find a fabulous blog and/or review, it would be totally awesome if you would feature their blog as well. And let them know you have featured them on your blog!
Each weekend, the book club will start on Thursday at 7pm EST and entries will be closed on Sunday at 7pm EST. Since I may have other bloggers host the Book Club, feel free to come to my blog and I will list the blog that will be hosting that weekend.

Once again, I am completely open to suggestions on anything that we could change or any other fun ideas!

Dear followers, fans and peeps! Some of the books I review on Magical Urban Fantasy Reads are provided to me for free by either the publisher or author in exchange for my honest review. Please know that I am in NO WAY compensated for my reviews. All opinions are mine and I am not required to give a positive review in exchange for a free book! But some of the purchase links on my blog are monetized through places like Amazon, Book Depository or Barnes & Noble.