Showing posts with label DNF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DNF. Show all posts

March 31, 2011

Chime by Franny Billingsley


OK! It is finally time that I became completely honest with myself! I am REALLY struggling with this book. It has taken me 3 weeks to get to page 99 when I should have read the whole book in 3 to 5 days TOPS!

Don’t get me wrong, the storyline is good! It is the writing style that is putting me to sleep every 10 pages. When reading the last few pages I thought, “Am I reading poetry?” To make it even tougher to read, the main character, Briony, is constantly engaged in an internal self-loathing and self-hatred mind battle with herself!

This was my first ARC, so I felt a little devoted to finishing this book. But it has now caused all my other (I’m sure amazing) books to be pushed to the back burner. Now that I have slowly started to part ways with this book and set it aside, I realized that I am no longer pissed off at my new puppy for chewing on my first ARC!

And, I can now attend to the other books sitting on my nightstand. But I’ll need superpowers to SPEED read them so I can avoid an enormous late charge at the library.

At the moment...I am not going to give this book a rating because I would like to still give it a chance. I still have high hopes for this book.

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