Showing posts with label y: 1963. Show all posts
Showing posts with label y: 1963. Show all posts

2339. Miami Marine Stadium, Florida.


Dear George,

The Miami Marine Stadium on Virginia Key was designed 
by 27-years-old Cuban-born architect Hilario Candela. 
His temporary work with Felix Candela, a distant relative 
and architect of the Bacardi warehouse in Mexico, and 
Max Borges Jr.,  architect of the Tropicana Club in 
Havana, influenced his approach to design The Miami 
Marine Stadium.
After Hurricane Andrew in 1992, the structure was 
declared unsafe and since them has been abandoned.
Luckily renovation is in progress and some infrastructure 
repair has already been completed in 2024.


2188. Blumenau. Interior da Igreja Matriz


Dear Paulo,

"Austerity, honesty, and expressing one's  own time
in one's work." (Gottfried Böhm)


2146. Wolfsburg, Rathaus mit Kulturzentrum


Dear Sybi,

"Architecture is not merely national but clearly
has local ties in that it is rooted in the earth."
(Alvar Aalto)


1916. Cine Esplanada (Flamingo), Lobito


Dear Nuno,

The former Esplanada Flamingo outdoor cinema in 
Lobito, Angola is an impressive modern building well 
adapted to the local climate conditions particularly 
the night breeze from the sea. Its expressive roof 
structure, spanning 16 meters, is formed by V-shaped 
reinforced concrete porticoes supported from above 
by single cables under tension.


1894. Casa de Gobierno, Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina


Querido Julio,

"Cuando vos pensás una obra de arquitectura, pensás
en todo, o sea, vos haces una fachada y sabés cómo
es adentro, aunque no lo dibujes" (Clorindo Testa)


1874. Autostrada del Sole (Firenze). La Chiesa.

Dear Bill,

"Architecture helps you to discovering something
of yourself" (Giovanni Michelucci)


1867. Kingsgate Footbridge. Durham

Dear John,

This is the last structure that Ove Arup designed 
and built himself. It was finished in 1963 and 
Arup considered it his finest work.


1670. Edificio de Correos, Santa Rosa, Argentina

Querido Roberto,

Como el resto de la serie de edificios para Correos y
Telecomunicaciones construidos en Argentina entre los años 1947 y 1955, éste en Santa Rosa está claramente inspirado en el edificio Gustavo Capanema inaugurado en Rio de Janeiro en 1945 y proyectado por Costa, Leão, Niemeyer, Reidy, Vasconcellos y Machado, con el asesoramiento de Le Corbusier.


1368. Olympia. View of the village and Motel Xenia

Dear Constantinos,

"Aris Konstantinidis became the legitimate heir to 
the pioneers of the Modern architecture which had disappeared so abruptly before the War" 
(Dimitris Philippides)


1261. Tarragona (España)- Plaza Imperial Tarraco

Querida Cristina,

"No quiero razonar ni comparar: mi negocio es crear"
(Alejandro de la Sota)


1198. Rosen House, Los Angeles, CA

Estimado Alan,

"No volvería a hacer una casa como la de
los Rosen. Fue hecha con el espíritu de la
época. No podría repetirla"
(Craig Ellwood)


1196. Camara de Diputados y Palacio de Gobierno, Campeche

Dear Michael,

Architecture is first and foremost construction, but construction designed with the primary purpose of ordering the space for a particular purpose and aiming certain intentions" (Lucio Costa)


1177. Olympia. A view of the village with Motel Xenia (I)

Querido Manolo,

"Si la naturaleza fuese confortable el género humano no hubiese ideado la arquitectura" (Aris Konstantinidis)

Un abrazo,

PS. En la fotografía de la postal se puede ver en primer término el Motel Xenia (I) construido en Olympia por Aris Konstantinidis.

1038. George Washington Bridge Bus Station

Dear Mario,

"We must perfect and go beyond the scientific, mathematical stage of our knowledge and reach a stage of intuitive knowledge" (Pier Luigi Nervi)


1006. Assembly Hall, Chandigarh

Querida Ines,

"Unas salas no eran mas que rocas, otra eran solo junglas,
en otras se rompian las olas del mar; por otras iban y
venian pavos reales. Del techo de una sala circular pendian
miles de oriflamas." (Las Cosas. Georges Perec)

Pensaba Perec en el Palacio de Asambleas de Chandigarh
cuando escribio este pasaje?


974. Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts

Querida Cristina,

Asi es como Guillermo Jullian de la Fuente conto su
visita a la petit maison de la madre de Le Corbusier:

"Cuando pasabas frente a la casa, el perro de adentro
corría junto contigo, subía la escalera y te ladraba desde
arriba. Entonces todo eso, muro, perro, escalera y
ventana eran parte de un hecho arquitectónico"


958. Blumenau, Igreja Sao Paulo Apostolo

Dear Wolfgang

Pritzker prize winner Gottfried Böhm imbued his
works with his unalienable ethical principles of aus­te­rity,
ho­nesty, and compliance with each individual's Zeitgeist.


925. Dogliani. Biblioteca Civica Luigi Einaudi

Dear Claude,

"The phenomenon of space becomes concrete reality
only in architecture and therefore constitutes its specific
character" (Bruno Zevi, Architecture As Space)


846. Greece. Athens Air-Port

Dear Loja,

"Man had his fears and hopes and aspirations and a sense
of temporariness in life. Architecture must in its form
somehow reflect this also" (Eero Saarinen)

Best wishes.