Showing posts with label y: 1966. Show all posts
Showing posts with label y: 1966. Show all posts

2309. St. Catherine's College. Oxford. Oxfordshire. Dining Hall.


Querida Luz,

"La filosofía arquitectónica se puede convertir con
demasiada facilidad en algo a lo que uno se apega
para asegurar su propia visión, una almohadilla en
la que se puede dormir perfectamente."
(Arne Jacobsen)


2272. Dipoli. Otaniemi.


Dear Aino,

"Dipoli was an exciting and wonderful project, which
generated new ideas all the time, although there were
many great ideas that could not eventually be
realized."(Raili Pietilä)


2011. Hotelli, Otaniemi

Dear Martti,

The TKY 2 student dormitory building is the only
residential building built by Aalto in Otaniemi.
The V-shaped building includes some lessons learned
from the 1948 MIT Baker House dormitory such as the
curved wall and the vestibule space lit by cylindrical
roof lights.



1965. Tampere Kaleva Church


Dear Rem,

"Pietilä´s avant-garde was, and is, more 
of a philosophical or spiritual quality than 
something merely connected to the
architectural forms" (Kaisa Broner)


1944. Otaniemi, Suomi-Finland


Dear Juhani,

"We should work for simple, good, undecorated 
things" (Alvar Aalto)
An aerial view of the Otaniemi Technical 
University still under construction.

Best regards,

1912. Puebla de Vicar, Almeria


Querida Cristina,

"Que la objetiva virtualidad del arte le llegue al 
hombre a su espacio vital y al utensilio. Que se sienta 
bien y se haga mejor. Que la arquitectura le proteja 
de la intemperie y le alivie de las fuerzas oscuras que 
ensombrecen el mundo"
(José Luis Fernández del Amo)


1890. Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research. Chandigarh


Dear Jan,

"The purpose of construction is to make things hold
together; of architecture to move us" (Le Corbusier)


1870. Archigram. Drive-in House

Dear Ron,

"You are inventing a life and the
architecture allows you to do it"
(Michael Webb)


1784. Group 1 Building, SMTI / University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, North Dartmouth, MA

Dear Peter,

"An architect is a man concerned with building meaningfully. As opposed to someone who is interested 
in building efficiently, or sometimes even beautifully, or as opposed to the whole engineering aspects of building, as opposed to adorning buildings, as opposed to all the ramifications that consultants get into. We often 
apologize for being interested in meaningful buildings, and tend to talk the language of the master builder, or the engineer, or the efficiency expert, or 25 other experts. But we do our profession an injustice in that way." (Paul Rudolph)


1633. Kalevan kirkko

Dear Sybille,

Tampere will be a nice place to visit one summer.  
The Kaleva and Hervanta parishes by the Pietiläs, or 
the Liehlati church by Turunen will be a good way 
to start exploring the city.


1618. St. Catherine's College, Oxford

Dear Berta,

If you came this way,
Taking any route, starting from anywhere,
At any time or at any season,
It would always be the same: you would have to put off
Sense and notion. You are not here to verify,
Instruct yourself, or inform curiosity
Or carry report. You are here to kneel

(T.S. Eliot, Little Gidding)


1486. Otaniemi. Institute of Technology

Dear Timo,

"The very essence of architecture consists of a variety 
and development reminiscent of natural organic life. 
This is the only true style in architecture" 
(Alvar Aalto)


1472. La Manga. Costa Cálida

Estimada Victoria,

"Los elementos arquitectónicos que formarán la 
nueva ciudad estarán formados por una serie, poco 
numerosa, de estructuras sistematizadas" 
(Antonio Bonet Castellana)

En primer término el club náutico Dos Mares, 
proyectado por Antonio Bonet y acabado en 1966.

Sigo admirando la primorosa obra de su padre.


1444. Lotus-shaped Gandhi Bhawan, Chandigarh

Dear Charles,

"Convenience, subsistence, these are not solutions...
We should have struggled for the conditions of civilization"
(Pierre Jeanneret)


1289. Klippan. St. Petri Kyrka

Dear Erik,

 "A renowned architect has built here a hallowed room 
of majestic weight"  (Bishop Martin Lindström)


1236. Supreme Court of Justice, San Jose, Costa Rica

Querido Carlos,

"Era mejor decirlo, confesarlo de una vez, sin rodeos, bajo
el recogimiento de aquella gran catedral"
(Carlos Salazar- La Montaña. Cuentos de Angustias y


1205. Edificio Banco de Guatemala, Guatemala

Querido Juan Carlos,

Cuerpo volcado
sobre sombra
                     Toma forma de sí.
                                                  Se abre
hacia su vértice.
Escribo sobre cuerpo.
             Graffito el siete.
escribes sobre sombra, sobre cuerpo, donde
viene la luz a requerirte oscura.
                                          (Escritpura sobre cos)
(Jose Angel Valente-Al dios del lugar)

Un abrazo,

1153. Suomi Kalevan Kirkko

Querida Zenobia,

La mano con la luz
sobre el alma con forma.
Melodía del tacto,
eternidad redonda.

(Juan Ramón Jiménez, Redondez)


1141. Joao Pessoa, Brasil. Hotel Tambaú

Estimado Eduardo,

"La arquitectura es la forma más sencilla de articular el
tiempo y el espacio, de modular la realidad, de hacer
soñar." (Gilles Ivain)

Con todo mi afecto,