Showing posts with label Friday Favorites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Friday Favorites. Show all posts

Friday, May 04, 2012

Friday Favorites: 11 Year Old Artist!

Today for Friday Favorites I'd like to showcase a budding young artist named Chirag Vedullapalli.

Chirag is an 11 year old artist that warms my heart!  I stumbled on his colorful paintings and stopped in my tracks. He's a member of Creative Children for Charity,  and donates his sales to raise money for Seattle Children's Hospital.

Chirag says: 

"I am blessed to be an artist. I am 11 years old and passionate about inspiring kids and my community create art. I always wanted to have a new talent for my family since my parents have been engineers... Art is my passion and that is what I do best." 

(When you visit Chirag's page, you can scroll all the way to the bottom to read the complete message) 

Here is Chirag's Art Gallery on the Meylah website. My FAVORITE is "Pride of the Tribe!" Please go see it... you will not be disappointed! 

We need not worry... the next generation of artists with big hearts is safely on the way. :-)

(Just a tiny snippet of Pride of the Tribe
please click on this LINK to see full image) 

Happy painting... at any age
