Showing posts with label posters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label posters. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 06, 2015

One Simple Way to Stand Out from the Crowd

Experts tell us that to be successful at anything we need to stand out from the crowd. 

But... how??

The short answer: BE DIFFERENT

Umpteen years ago I taught a class on illustration to high schoolers. On the first day of class I put up a huge poster with just one image smack in the middle of it: an ugly hairy fly! 

At the bottom in tiny print: First rule of advertising: Get their attention!

That's the memory that was triggered as I listened to an interview by Antrese Wood on the  Savvy Painter Podcast. She was talking with Errol Gerson, long time teacher of entrepreneurship, business and leadership skills for artists and designers. (Link to that Podcast Here)

He was sharing ideas on how to succeed by standing out from the crowd. 

One topic I found riveting was his ideas on how to answer the question: And what do YOU do? 

Mr Gerson tells the story of once meeting a lady and asking her "And what do you do?".

She replied: "I'm a Photographer."

He yawned in her face.

She was insulted and became very angry!

He explained to her his ideas about getting peoples attention. She calmed down, and he went on to teach her how to capture imagination and interest with a more intriguing answer, one that would help her stand out from the crowd.

He teaches that we each need our own unique answer to "What do you do?".

Such as:

I reveal the invisible.
I capture the invisible in paint.
I use color to transform people.
I create smiles.
I write dreams.
I spin straw into gold.
I point to mysteries.
I take people to other worlds.
I time travel.

After listening to this fascinating interview with Teacher Gerson, I'll never again just say "I'm a painter", or "I'm an artist."

(Detail from Time Our Companion.
Cards, prints & more HERE)

The Errol Gerson Challenge

1. Imagine you have just met someone and they ask: "What do you do?"

2. This is not an elevator pitch. Think about why you create and what effect it gives your audience. 

3. Use your imagination and power to connect. How can you answer that question in such a way that the person you are talking to wants to know more?

This idea is applicable to ALL expressions of creativity: painters, writers, dancers, photographers, crafters, quilters, singers, etc etc.

My new answer: I reveal the invisible (and hope they want to know more, ha ha).

 So... how would YOU answer that question: What do you do??

Wednesday, September 09, 2015

A New Free Quote Poster for ya!

And here she be, feel free to snag a copy:

(don't forget to click on the pic to get the largest size before saving)

Thanks for visiting today!


Friday, July 17, 2015

How to Create a Product from Nuthin to Sumthin

Once in a while, you create an image your reeeaaallly like. 

"Jaguar Sunset"

A few years ago I painted a 3 foot tall cat statue for a charity auction. It was titled Little Cat's Four Season Fantasy. Each side featured the different seasons of the year.

It was the second one I painted, the previous statue having sold at auction for $1100. So of COURSE they nicely asked me to paint another! I was happy to help, since it was for C.A.T.S., Committed Alliance to Strays.

But since I donated it to charity - and seeing as how I loved some of the images on it - I decided to photograph them for my own collection. This fantasy setting of the jaguar swimming in a cool pool at sunset was one of my favorites. 

To put it into context, here is the completed
 3 ft tall statue from different angles:
(can click on any images to enlarge)

But how do I translate that into a product to offer collectors??

Here's what I did.

It all started with a nekkid statue:

Underpainting  getting started:

Giving him some spots:

Continuing around the jaguar:

All done:

So how does he look when you put his image onto products? I found a site that does "POD"  (print on demand) and I'm very happy with their quality. Here are some of the things they can do with my jaguar. I was so tickled when I saw these for the first time!

And here is how he looks on a throw pillow.

The newest to join the product line is this cute Tote bag

I think the metal prints are cool!

They even have smart phone case covers.

Naturally there are also greeting cards, framed prints, canvas prints,  and posters.

And there you have it. From blank white statue to all kinds of fun stuff to put your image on. 

I hope you found this interesting. I sure had fun seeing my little jaguar on all these items. If you have any questions about Fine Art America (FAA), the folks who do my printing, just give a holler in the comments and I'd be glad to share my experiences. 

Now, imagine something YOU created.  If you have paintings, images of your creative endeavors, or photographs that you'd like to have printed, I can wholeheartedly recommend FAA. You have your original, yes. But by creating "multiples" of your efforts, you can offer your art to more people in many more forms, including gift giving.

If you try FineArtAmerica, I'd love to hear how it went for you. :-)

Thanks for reading,


Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Free Quote Poster Day!

It's Word Wednesday again! Time for another free Quote Poster.

 A favorite author of mine is Ray Bradbury, and I find this quote from him very meaningful:

  (click to open for larger file to save, re-post or print)

Please feel free to save and use this poster if you like it, though I'd appreciate that you leave it in it's original form without alteration, other than sizing. Be sure to download and save it to your computer, not "hot link" to my blog by linking to the url. Thanks ever so much!

I hope you enjoy it! It's my gift to you.

Thanks for visiting today,


Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Free Poster today!

Today I'd like to share with you a favorite photo of Butterfly, my calico kitty.  Below is her baby picture, taken nigh on to 10 years ago! 

I'm starting a fun theme for Wednesdays called Word Wednesday, where I'll try to marry favorite images with favorite quotes.

Without further ado, The Poster. 

(click to open for larger file to save, re-post or print)

Please feel free to save and use this poster if you like it, though I'd appreciate that you leave it in it's original form without alteration, other than sizing. 

Enjoy! It's my gift to you.

Thanks for visiting,


Sunday, September 28, 2014

How to be MORE Productive at... Whatever!

I met author Mary Pax  several years ago on the internet. She made me feel welcome, and I consider her my friend. I've watched her career blossom, and have been amazed at her level of productivity... rain or shine, illness, sick kitties, weather, you name it.

I was listening to a podcast the other day (forget the name of it) about advice for artists. And I was struck with something they mentioned in passing: Leave your STUFF at the studio door.

I always thought my art was intricately tied to how I felt. I was convinced I couldn't work - with joy - if I was upset or having a tough time in my life. Obviously, my production level was insconsistent. Life has too many ups n' downs!

But that suggestion - Leave your Stuff at the studio door - wouldn't go away. 

And I thought back to a waitress Jim and I were impressed with YEARS and years ago. She went to church with us, so we knew her backstory. Her life was NOT a bed of roses. Lots of struggle and pain. Yet she made amazing tips! She took care of her kids very well on what she earned as a waitress. She made her customers feel like they were king or queen for the day, and was cheerful and happy. So one day we asked her what her secret was?? 

She said: she left her troubles at the restaurant door.  


Why didn't I get it back then???!!! The memory of what that amazing waitress told us collided with the advice on that podcast, and a NEW BELIEF was birthed in my heart: that I could do that, too.

Well, I HOPED I could. And I soon had my chance to see if the idea had, indeed, taken root deep enough inside me to actually change me. I signed up to do a post for Mary Pax's new book series, The Rifters.  Not only a post, but I got this idea to make a whole sketchbook based on the imaginary Oregon town of Settler, where her series is based. A huge project, with a looming deadline!! You can see that completed post here; yep, I made my deadline, and the drawing is still open there for a set of FREE e-books! 

No time to wait til I "felt" like it. Time to sketch, NOW.

And lo and behold... it works. It really does.

I leave my "stuff" at the studio door... crank up My music, and enjoy myself.

Who knew?!!

So, if YOU, too, want to increase your productivity: Leave your Stuff at the studio door!

I'd love to hear if you already to this... and if you have any tips for me. Thanks!

Feel free to download a copy of my Cowgirl Up poster if you think it would be a good reminder for you. I have mine hanging in my studio where I can see it every day! :-)
(Be sure to click it open before you download, so you get the full sized file to print).

Happy productivity!


Friday, May 17, 2013

How To "RePurpose" Your Art!

These days we are all learning to reuse, recycle, repurpose stuff. Well, hows about our art?? I don't mean just the usual, like cards, prints, posters, etc; all the fun stuff that online print-on-demand places can create with your image.

I'm talking about ways that I can simply enjoy the image again, in a different format. And since I LOVE quotes, I enjoy making my own little motivational posters.

I think of good quotes as distilled wisdom. Um... notice I said good quotes. ;-)

It's easy to do. If you don't have Photoshop, which is where I play with mine, you can go to free places that do it automatically for you, in a set format, such as This Place.

Here is my latest... please to enjoy.

Happy poster making,


Friday, March 09, 2012

Having Fun With Posters

One of the things I enjoy creating for my other blog are motivational posters, using either my art or Jim's photography. 

Today I thought I'd share just a few of those. But first I'll share the simple process for anyone new to it, and who might like to make one of their own.

The process:

  • Usually I start out with the idea first: what do I want to say?
  • Next, if I don't already have an image in mind, I'll cruise our archives for one that seems to fit.
  • Using a copy (NEVER mess with the original) I run it through Photoshop, cropping as necessary, and then add the text.
  • Most of the time, I will finish the edges some way. Sometimes I create the typical black-edged poster look (in that case, do this first, then add the text). Other times, I'll add a "frame" around it.
  • I save it in the original PSD format then create a separate image that is a web-sized version, with lower resolution. That's one way for an artist/photographer to be able to share their art, yet not make it easy for thieves out there to swipe it. 

Not that there is any guarantee against thieves... if you need a guarantee, then you probably shouldn't be showing your work on the internet, LOL! 

Me? I'm at peace with it... I do what I can, then let it go. 

So here they are, the posters (can click any to enlarge):

Happy poster making,


Sunday, January 01, 2012

A Shiny New Year

It was fun transforming the design that I used for my Christmas card this year, into my "theme" badge for 2012. The original design was done with sharpies and colored pencil. Then in Photoshop I cropped out the card parts, increased the vertical size with more black, and added new text. I like this design a lot, so was tickled to find another use for it. :-D

Happy Painting,


Thursday, December 29, 2011

Digital Doodle Play

I'm slowly learning to use my Wacom Bamboo tablet, and had fun making this poster. I used the cat design made in photoshop, altered the hue in layers, and added some motivational text. I kinda like the results. :-D

(can click to enlarge)

Happy Painting,
